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Posts posted by EAZY-Emuntz

  1. yeah point taken i was wrong i meant with the throw part that you get your shoulders spinning with your head and keep your head moving


    just for the record, Im not a "hucker" I actually do my spins with style. Its just i suck at teaching

  2. yeah dude dunks are sweet.


    and andy what can we expect soon? please put that downrail back in and build all your jumps like the one in the pipe... please?


    Yea man all of the old school/ dunk nikes are sick


    I'm hoping to get that one downrail back out too and I'm also in favor of the Jumps with the kind of mellow lip, but just enough to kick you over a decent size gap. Also can we get a rail combo out.

  3. i disagree from your order of learning spins. its all personal preference. learn both frontside and backside 180's,and depending on what you feel more comfortable with progress into a 3. so for example, you can do both 180s but you feel way more comfortable backside, definetly bs 3 before you fs 3 then. and it hurts way worse when you land 90 degrees facing up the hill because you catch your edge and fall back, ending up with some whiplash/hitting your head.


    so in reality there is no true order for learning spins. try different things, get comfortable with one, and progress from there. progressing from something your comfortable at will translate to more confidence, which is a huge part of snowboarding.



    because what good does your lame ass description do for helping someone out. i bet your spins are UGLY if thats how u do them. care to show me your method at work sometime???


    my bad if thats a lame ass description, but thats literately how i do 'em and I just got that from watchin a shitload of vids and visualizing myself doing it and and then getting comfortable. Also, bend your knees and bring them up, it adds more style if you do it right.


    this might help

  4. I definitely disagree. For a frontside spin, come up the ramp on your heelside edge, just before you leave the lip kind of give it the initiating a turn feel but you are going to leave the ramp basically straight, just turn your shoulders a bit and turn you head around, your body will follow. Pop hard, clear the knuckle, repeat. Give it a lot of tries and you will get it.


    Learn them in the order of Backside 180, Frontside 180, and then Frontside 360. For the backside 1 you are practicing landing switch, but if you get stuck 1/2 way you are going to land ass->shoulders, where as for the frontside 180 if you get stuck halfway you will land on are you arms->face which could hurt you more easily. After you learn the backside 180 you will find out they're real easy, so frontside 180s are a breeze you don't have to worry about landing on your face anymore. Then frontside 360s because when you get to 270, again your ass is down the hill so you fall ass->shoulders instead of hands->face. You will fall, start on a 5-6 foot jump on a soft day, just hike it. I learned front 360s last week, I went from never trying them to landing them in 2 hours. I haven't really stepped them up beyond a 10 foot jump yet though.



    if you just learned how to 360 over 10 foot gaps why would you disagree with my method of carving popping and throwing that has got me to fs/bs 540's over 30-40 ft booters. I go with the carving popping throwing and it has got me the cleanest spins. To tell you the truth the way I learned spins was just by watching a ton and i mean a ton of snowboard videos, watching the pros do it, and then visualizing myself do it and then tryin to make it exactly like that off the jumped and it worked. Just watch videos visualize yourself and you'll be comfortable

  5. I've been thinking of trying one for a while now, but first I want to hear from others for tips on how to do a backflip. The problem is I'm only 14 and still in middle school but I am much better than all of my friends, so obviously I have no help from them. I hear that its pretty much get the balls to do the jump and look back and follow through, but I wouldn't know. So now i just need a few tips from my friends at pasr on what to do and maybe some wristgaurds and I think I'll be set


    Sh*t I somehow posted it multiple times

  6. Actually my science class did a study on this and global warming is at its worst now. The ozone can repair itself as long as we are not hammering it with all the bad sh*t we do. Since we are getting more "green", the ozone is slowly repairing itself. Therefore global warming is pretty much bullsh*t

  7. I nailed some kid the other day who was just sitting behind the staircase laughing with all his noob friends until i landed on him. I hope that him and his little friends learned their lesson. They need to put like some of that blue stuff that they put at the top of the terrain park like a foot off the side of the box part to keep kids out because im always hiting that gap to down rail or just gapping the whole staircase and im always worried that im gonna like break someones neck. Or maybe with the money bear makes they could have a camera on the landing and have a huge hi-def plasma t.v. mounted on the light pole right in front to see if any little fags are chillin on the landing

  8. last year i remember the crew gettin their shit done in like 5 minutes max but now i just see the people on the crew takin their merry old time when their fixing lips, landings, etc.



    p.s. black bear needs to get changed back to the expert park

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