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Posts posted by EAZY-Emuntz

  1. hows the top jump in the tubing? Im lookin to bust some steezy 3's off it and the last jump has scared the crap out of me after i did it once, knuckled and then watched a guy do it right as i got on the lift and knuckle and crack his binding in half

  2. oh yeah i bet they will... hey buddy im a girl im thirteen and i bet im pretty good at park compared to some other riders


    Im thirteen too and not be be conceded or anything but I throw down really good for my age and not too be mean, but some of those kids dont look like they will ever touch the park

  3. Yikes. The level of intolerance among you park rats is weak. Forget about the kids stopping well after the landing to wait for their friends (gee, NOBODY else ever does that!), at least they aren't sitting on their asses right in front of the chairlift or blocking the entire run waiting for the balls to actually go over a jump. By spotting their team mates, they are being safe, and can warn riders uphill if there is a digger. I can't tell you how many times I have barely dodged the remains of some incapable rider splattered all over the landing of a kicker because no-one was there to wave me off.


    Those kids are encouraged to try everything on the mountain so they develop into well-rounded skiers; they are limited to 2 runs in the terrain parks all day, so stop your whining. By the time they are 10, they will be kicking your ass all over the hill.


    1)if they are supposed to be a race team why should they be well rounded

    2)when have you even seen anyone block an entire run

    3)we actually get out of the landing to tell our friends what we did, even tho we shouldnt be stopping at all

    4)they should be limited to ZERO runs all day

    5) none of us in here complaining are the ten year olds who sit after the jumps like your kids

    6)they are going to get hurt


  4. Bear creek has so many employees doin pointless stuff. Cant they just have a guy at the top of each park telling you if you can go in or not? (denying the 5 year old skiers and the people who obviously arent going to do anything)

  5. haha they were like


    he says if he wins hes gonna get a rolls royce with a ski rack on top

    thinking of that rolls royce with a ski rack on top

    o he's gonna get his rolls

    I hear hes getting that rolls royce with a ski rack on top

    rolls royce with a ski rack on top !



  6. Today when i was there I took the time to get a detailed look at all of the rails that are sitting out by the pond right next to the new quad. I mean they have some good rails out there and im pretty sure i saw the superman box, some of those boxes/rails need to be set up

  7. The bleacher box is one of the nicest things there right now i think. I just wish they could put it somewhere where there is less traffic


    Its great and I have a ton of fun with it, but when you get just a tiny bit too much speed and your trying to stall on the first ledge and you fall over you just look like a complete dumbass.

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