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Killington 11/19-22

moe ghoul

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Had a fun time, got up to the Mountain Sports Inn around 5PM on Wednesday, and had dinner at the Lookout. Up early Thursday AM and on the gondy by 9:10. Skied a few runs down GN top to bottom to knock the summer rust off and alternated top to bottom runs with runs down Rime/Reason and East Fall, then back up on the GNT. Good manmade coverage, skied until 2 and hit the lodge for some Long Trails. Had dinner at Jax (good food, good vibe) and shot pool with some youngsters, lites out by 11. Friday: Back on the gondy by 9:15 and did a repeat of Thursday, with runs on the Mousetrap and Highline, both in varying degrees of bumps. Kept a little further skier's right on Mousetrap since were not big bump skiers and it was a good opportunity to play on them in the softer snow. Did a few runs off the Snowdon lift that opened up and called it a day around 2. Had dinner at Garlic, and encountered a car problem that almost resulted in a tow to the Honda dealership in Rutland. icon_frown.gif Fortunately, I was able to figure out a temporary solution, ROCKING THE PILOT BACK AND FORTH WHILE TURNING THE IGNITION, and we avoided some major headache. Back on the mountain by 8:40 on Saturday, Rinse and repeat Thurs/Fri, with the addition of the Superstar lift opening just before lunch. Cruised on the Coombas since Skylark had some relatively untracked areas to play in. Saturday was by far the coldest of the 3 days and there was some light flurries overnite for extra stoke. We called it a day by 1PM, the crowds were getting thicker, and a Kmart patroller almost waffled me showing off skiing backwards while I was waiting for Fred at the first turn on top of GN after getting off the gondy. No pix to display, too lazy to bring a camera. Kmart is a good preseason destination, but we concluded that if there was a Jersey shore equivalent of the Kmart vibe, it would be something like Wildwood or Seaside, lol. Overall, good manmade coverage with a little natural on top friday nite.

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Going to Killington is sort of like going to Jersey..as far as the people are concerned..How did you like the Coombas??? It's good that you got out for some pre-Thanksgiving turns..


Coombas were great in the fluff, and actually handled pretty well on the harder surfaces. I didn't try to break any speed records on them and they held a decent carving edge. My guess is they'll do great in deeper snow up to a foot, but not sure how well they'll perform in much deeper pow. Since that is a rare occurrence, I think they'll get plenty of use.

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