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First Grade Teacher

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Posts posted by First Grade Teacher

  1. he's 8 and just doing a club program.

    He will be fine with 1 pair of skis. Many places rent kids skis that would be ok. Make sure they are brand new skis and that he keeps them for the season. Don't do a daily rental. At that level all the skis are the same with different tops on them. Brand means nothing at that age. Except for the cool factor. Get him good/tight fitting boots. Don't try to get 2 years out of the equipment. Good luck and be ready to spend thousands if he likes it and gets good!

  2. My younger son wants to join the race program this season. I need some advice on what I am going to need. I don't want to go out and get him race skis, poles, special boots (??) etc if I don't need to. I know he will need special equipment but is there a place I can rent this stuff for the season or is it better to buy? If I buy the stuff what brands etc.


    He is so excited for ski season to start. He keeps asking me when its going to snow already?? He also tells me when school is boring he just daydreams about skiing.


    How old is he and will he be racing PARA or just doing a club program?

  3. I took measurements on her current skis, and she is running a 160 with about 70 under foot. She has been complaining the last few seasons that she felt like her skis are a tad too long (she bought them early in high school expected to still grow an inch or two). So we both agree that she should stay at around 158-160. That way she is on the bigger end for the powder, but not too big when she just wants to lay some turns on the groomers.


    Also given that she is accustomed to 70 under foot, and that she wants this ski to be pretty much a 1 ski quiver it seems like 85-95 under foot would be for her. That way she can float decently in the pow, but still feel comfy on them in all other conditions.


    Any thoughts?


    Being that she is on a 70 now and wants a "1 ski quiver " I would not go above a 85. Above 85 will ski great in powder but will feel a bit tugboatish if it's harder snow. If she was going to have 2 pair then I would say go wider than 85. I think between 80-85 is perfect for an everyday ski out west. Just my 2 cents.



  4. So yeah, Bode went out on his own and set the mark even higher this year. Poor weather robbed him of a chance to dominate in the Downhill. I read somewhere that most of his team won't be returning for next season. Thats seems strange because wasn't his staff his closest confidants?


    Whats the story with his team disintegrating, too much work? Not enough reward for the accomplishment? One shot deal?


    Maybe he's no fun to be around now that he is sober! Never trust a guy that doesn't drink!



  5. I understand that Blue isnt going to spend the dough to complete the new trail. rumor has it that the new owner has laid off almost the full work force and expended much of the blue's bankroll on the ski patrol tv show and promotong her little suck ass buddies from ski patrol into positions that she is creating for them. any questions? just ask me.


    So what's the deal with the trail? No money? Or what? If they don't complete it, I'm not buying a season pass this year! Wasn't it supposed to be done 2 years ago?! Didn't Sno replace their entire snowmaking system in like a month last year? I would think Blue could install a new trail in 3 years! What gives Blue?



  6. :confused :confused :confused Is it a chair or is it a gondola? What's the benefit? :confused:confused:confused


    Newry, Maine, March 26, 2008--Sunday River announced that the first chondola in the Northeastern U.S. will be installed at the resort and will be up and running for the 2008-2009 season. The chondola will transport winter and summer guests from the South Ridge Base Area to the summit of North Peak, a trip that took two lift rides. Doppelmayr CTEC will be manufacturing the hybrid lift, which will cost the new owners of Sunday River, Boyne Resorts, $7.2 million.


    A chondola is a high-speed detachable six-person chairlift that carries gondola cabins at regular intervals. The 2008-2009 open date is subject to state approvals.



  7. Thanks to Doug for the compliment about my skiing BTW. I really feel like I've improved this season and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.


    Wow. That was you! I was one of the guys that helped you get up when you crashed at the bottom of the falls. You need a lesson. You ski as well as Doug!



  8. It's a globe? Really? Thank God you knew that to be able to spread your wisdom. Cool that you find a brethren sole in Rob. Have fun at his beach house. You can sip lemonade and watch kids play on the beach this summer while swapping stories about cop killing clans from Franconia.

    I hate the beach, too much sand. I'm thinking Lake Ariel this summer!



  9. 1st Grade, you're such a moron. You know exactly what I was talking about, especially because I clearly stated what I was saying. This whole fucking thread is about Bode winning the Overall. Typical for you to jump into a thread and get all shaky and up upset, screaming that you know something.


    Bode sucked at GS. Bode sucked at slalom. He won a globe in COMBINED, which gave him the overall title. You really think anyone doesn't know the overall title is also a cup? Do you think YOU are teaching people something? Jeez, you're an angry troll.


    And why are you congratulating World Cup racers on PASR?


    The overall is a globe! I'm angry, :confused you bash anyone or anything that pertains to Bode. I hope Lindsey and Ted like the cops in their home towns.


    Congrats on your Sno Mountain win. I'll bet that wax company is getting a lot of press from that. They are planning on going public because of you!



  10. It was an amazingly disappointing season on the men's side, since the overall leader---and last year's champion---got hurt. The only Cup Bode won was in Combined, which some of the top racers don't bother with. Bode finished 29th in the world in slalom and 13th in the world in giant slalom...wow? I think using "wow" is reserved for someone who doesn't follow racing or thinks he's needling someone who doesn't like Bode. Either way :yawn :yawn :yawn


    You don't know shit. The overall is the THE CUP! So that makes 2 cups and 2nd in DH. The overall is the most coveted. It was dissapointing to you because Bode won!


    The Americans killed it this year! Good job Bode, Lindsey and Ted!



  11. Okay, try and understand it this way: the wrestling heavyweight high school state champion cracks a rib and is out for eight weeks. Then, the heavyweight that wrestles JV gets the flu and can't go. The coach turns to the fat kid water boy and stuffs him into a singlet. Sorry, but he is not therefore the best heavyweight wrestler.


    No great ski racer ever considers himself the greatest when the best competition is injured. Well, Bode's one exception.


    I've heard you're side of that argument a lot. It's just a fans opinion, just like mine. But I like to instill in my players a sense of wanting to win against a full side---it means more. You're more of the Tonya Harding school of thought.


    Listen Coach CCCCCCCCCrazy, if the "fat kid water boy" then beats everyone in the world, he is the best. Got it?


    Last I checked Bode wasn't wacking any of his competition in the shins to improve his chance of winning.


    I hope to God you don't teach your players that a win is diminished if the other teams star gets hurt!



  12. When Svindal---the best skier in the world got hurt---watching the second best beat up on everyone just lost it's novelty fast.

    If your hurt, your not "the best skier in the world". Like it not Bode is the best so far this year. Injuries are part of ski racing!


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