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Everything posted by phillycore

  1. Boss won't let me leave... the computers went down and we got off to a slow start and now I got to pay the price... Maybe I can still get out a little early, but if it's past 2:30 then F it cause I'll be stuck in traffic the whole way there.. so bummed man
  2. F it I'm heading up tonight.... Hope this drive and loss of vaca time is worth it.... it's skiing though it's ALWAYS worth it..
  3. Wazzup!!! I'm bunking out of work at 12:30 and should be there around 3pm (might be later though if roads are shit as I own an 06 eclipse) for some fresh stuff... Black pants / Orange Jacket / Black helmet / PE's
  4. I rip one every time I eat taco bell....
  5. You thought that storm was big... what ab out this one.... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a9/nj7703/6laydrq.jpg
  6. All I know is that I'm going skiing and totally plan on skiing some deep Pa. mutha f'in clam POWDUH!!! STOKE IT UP!!!!!
  7. Doug... Start planning your marquis route!! Can't wait to ski some fresh Pa. Edgar Allen with the PASR crew!! I'm so F'N Stoked it ain't funny... I've been drilling my bosses head all day calling him a puss if he don't make it out there to suck up the POE.. Either way I'm there Sunday and SERIOUSLY thinking about calling out work Monday if there's good coverage and I want to do the 4 hour (good weather) round trip two days in a row...
  8. I'm broke too... but F it... I'll use money that I was going to use on someone else's christmas gift and buy them a damn whitman's sampler for .99 already wrapped YEAH BOYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  9. I am so there on Sunday and I may even have to call out of work on Monday... hell's yeah.. And FWIW my wife meant gay as in it's gay that I talk skiing on the puter, not as in you all are gay....
  10. I got all excited about the storm after that pic was posted and my wife who's sitting next to me is now bitching, how come you get all excited about a f'n snow storm. All you do is type on that damn computer to your gay ski friends. blah blah.... she can't just be happy because I'm happy...
  11. Oh Wow.... 12-24" is massive Didn't see THAT storm... Might be calling out of work monday....lol
  12. I wonder if they measure tip to tip underneath the ski or on top of the ski....
  13. Doug and Jeff are really cool to ski with, not to mention that they are better than I am so they tend to make me push myself harder. I don't the trip is going to happen now, my buddy is bailing out on his own idea because boarding his dog would cost too much or some shit like that. I just need to get myself a better paying job, and some new more dedicated skiing friends. Hell I've got three kids and a wife and still can find time to ski.
  14. If 2-4" is EPIC I feel really bad for your girlfriend
  15. I see 2-4" how's that massive??
  16. not that easy..... noone else I know even goes skiing except for my supervisor who pretty much only goes on his terms (which are normally WAY out of my budget). Not to mention that I can't really make plans to go away with people my wife hasn't met as it probably would make her feel uncomfortable.
  17. Doug, The guy I'd be going up there with is the same guy who you met at Blue last year so anything other than blue trails are going to be wasted pretty much.... Especially since this would be his first time boarding since you saw him last...
  18. DAYAM!!! I would buy another pair in a second at this price, but I need to save my cashola to ski
  19. I'm looking at possibly making a mega-cheap trip up north.. So far I'm looking at Heading up to J Frost on Jan 11th for the $9.33 WMMR day (2 hours drive) Then leaving there and heading straight up to Stratton to use the free lift ticket I won. (<5 hours drive) Staying overnight in some cheap ass hotel up there (11th - 12th) Any Ideas, suggestions?? Then skiing stratton on the 12th, bolting out back towards Philly and Hitting another mountain on the 13th staying overnight (12-13th) in cheap motel/hotel room closer to home.. I tried doing it mapquest with.. Hunter, Windham, Jiminy Peak, Mount Snow, Mountain Creek, Elk, Sno, Wachussett, Greek Peak and drive time wise Creek comes out the best only adding 45 mins drive time to the ride home... but is that mountain even worth staying the extra night in a hotel room?? Any ideas.... help me plan this out... Gotta do it budget conscious but not sleeping in car or tent... Stratton and JF make the most sense as lift ticket price would be a net $9.33 for the two combined....
  20. I've tried every single day and still no ticket
  21. four feet of northeastern Pennsylvania POE.... probably more like 4" though
  22. I'm at work in New JerZee and it's snowin here ya heard!!
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