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Everything posted by TT C6

  1. Make that 3,990, Fluff. Still waiting for your response, ole' buddy. Fair is Fair.
  2. Nope. Those drunks bring their own booze and the ones who ride paid $9 for their lift tickets. JFBB deserves WMMR.
  3. Nice try. Until you're consistently clearing the medium-large jumps I am, you have ZERO room to call me "mediocre" or say I get "smaller air". FYI:The people that ride with you at Blue say you suck. Kinda sad when you've been skiing almost every day for years and you do nothing but run your mouth online.
  4. TT C6

    CB Park Pics

    The last pic in post #1 is definitely the last jump on Rhodo and the one I'm referring to.
  5. TT C6

    CB Park Pics

    The last one is Rhodo sure looks 60ft in person. The pics may be deceiving or the last jump may not be featured. Either way, I'm confident if it's not 60ft, it's close.
  6. Truth is usually stranger than fiction.......and funnier, too. It's funny how Doug busts my balls for lack of skill, and then immediately changes the subject when he gets called out. Come hit a sizeable jump line with me, Doug. I'm sure the knuckle will do a nice job of working you over, and I won't have to worry about being locked up for it.
  7. First of all, GSS has NEVER seen me ride. His ONE time behind me for a few seconds does NOT count for shit. I know my limitations and that I suck compare to a lot of people on here. I don't mind, because I haven't been riding that long and I don't have the time and commitment to progress the way I want to. But, I know I ride pretty well when all things are considered. To anyone who hates on me, I doubt the majority of you would be riding with the surgery I've had, let alone hitting jumps. So, I couldn't care less about what you think. Besides, I know GSS ain't clearing jumps the size on Boulder Park or spinning on Love. I am. I cleared everything on Rhodo park at CB. Why don't you come try that, Doug?
  8. Doesn't matter. Melissa, and others, have proven Rajeev to be a fraud and a very stupid joke. Ban him already.
  9. Since GSS/Doug posts under the Rajeev screen name, and he is quoting himself, does that mean he is schizophrenic? Can his friends please have him committed? Can the mods at least ban "Rajeev" permanently?
  10. The hugs should be the LEAST of your concerns. Asshole? Funny you should mention that. Feel free to take the joking/ball busting to PM. I really don't have a problem with you.
  11. Although I don't like you criticizing me in public threads, I gotta give you props. You are a funny kid with a good sense of humor. Relax junior.
  12. Yes. Yes, I was. Can I get a hug........from your Mom.
  13. I definitely respect the level that you ski at and your opinion, but I strongly disagree with you. The jump lines on Rhodo @ Camelback, BB's Boulder, and BB's Love park are ALL much better than anything at Blue. For what it's worth, the jibbers I know all prefer Freedom to Blue as well. But, everyone has an opinion. Regardless, EVERYONE must agree that thick, solid ice is bad and that parks should be on a straighter run then Sidewinder and that Blue should spread the jumps out because they definitely have the room.
  14. Gas and tolls cost me at least $40 a day. The price I have to pay to drive a performance car I guess.
  15. Because people shouldn't post shit on the internet they wouldn't have the balls to say to someone's face. If the people talked the way the did on here in the real world, they would get knocked out. I'm not saying violence is the answer, but it's true. People should just speak they same online as they do in the real world. That's all. I've got no problem if someone doesn't like me. But, pull me aside and say your piece like an adult. I will respect you for it. But, if someone followed me around all day and heckled me, I'd eventually put my hands on them. It's a fact.
  16. That's because the little powder that fell was blown away on the runs I was riding. I ride 2+ times a week, sometimes with other PASR that don't post about it. (Thank God) I haven't posted carpools in a while because I don't have room in my car anymore. It seems I'm not the only person from Philly that rather pay $20 a weekend in gas/tolls instead of $80. Thank God. I was tired of all the abuse I was getting on here by kids who's parents pay for their gas or live close to the mountains.
  17. YOU were NOT there. So, please don't tell me about the conditions. The effects of the "snowstorm" was negligible. I am critical of Blue over the design, layout, and grooming which continues to be an issue for them. These are all things that can be rectified. Hopefully, posts like mine, and others like it, might make them do something. Go ride 5 locations in PA this week (like I did) and then make your own assessment. Then we'll see how "objective" you are. I'm not going to continue going back and forth with you. You have proven that you are blindly loyal to Blue and have ZERO objectivity in your posts. Enjoy riding wherever you like to ride. I know I am.
  18. The "powder" was blown off and the wind had nothing to do with my assessment of the conditions. I'm sorry you are so blinded by love for Blue you can't be objective. I have been a HUGE JFBB supporter for a few years now, but I freely posted 3 weeks ago they have gone down hill and that I preferred Camelback's jump line this year. Get over it.
  19. Although I prefer to hit jumps, I do hit jibs and I just picked up a new setup for hitting rails/boxes for the Spring when conditions leave me without jumps. So, although your statement was completely stupid to begin with, it fails too.
  20. Truth is truth, no matter the style of delivery or the source. I rest my case. I have NO idea why a MODERATOR is arguing with someone about their impressions of a mountain. Kind of ironic, but you might want to moderate yourself. Since you are Blue worshiper, it's no surprise you would blindly defend YOUR mountain. You should know the parks and lifts there. Do some research. You obviously did NOT ride that day or you would realize how stupid your post was.
  21. So, I tried Blue out again, like I do every season since I stopped calling Blue my home mountain. The mountain has the vertical, # of runs, and the high speed lifts, no doubt. I can understand why freeriders/freeskiers go to Blue when they are stuck in PA. But, I thought the parks sucked and I will NOT be returning to Blue again until they address some issues. WHY DO THEY PUT A TERRAIN PARK ON THE RUN THAT IS SO CURVED/WINDY THAT THEY CALL IT SIDEWINDER ???!!!!! Blue has so many EXCELLENT straight runs! They NEED to put a the park on a STRAIGHT run. The positioning of the features is just plain stupid. Why would you put jumps on top of each other when you have SO much room on the mountain? The little "jump line" at the top was fun, but the landings weren't good and the lift you took to lap it was the slowest I've ever been on. Blue had blue ice on the landings and surrounding the jib features, and the bomb holes that made me look for a new mountain were still there as well. Now, I know it was windy, but that ice looked like it was there for a long time. Not as big of a deal, but, why would you line 3 rails/boxes up, side-by-side, so you can only hit ONE of the 3 per run ???? I know variety is nice, but why not spread them out over the mountain? I don't want to sound completely negative, but I have to be honest with my report. Take it for what it's worth. Flame suit on.
  22. I hate a pile-on, but he's right Doug. It's time to give it a rest. Mods should do their JOB and mod already. If they don't have time to constantly monitor a forum (completely understandable), they should ban those that need to be banned. This crap has gone on for long enough. You can say I personally bring drama onto myself if you want, but Robert2 has done NOTHING to anyone on here and he's constantly harassed. I'd like GSS to self moderate. But, if he can't, the mods need to do their job already.
  23. Get healthy fast, man. (Not to sound like a PSA, but watch those pain meds. They can be a lot of trouble for people.)
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