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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Andreas

    Jay Peak

    My bad what i was sayin was the terrain park sucks. And they get alot of powder jus like they do out west. I wasnt connecting the two together
  2. Andreas

    Jay Peak

    was up at jay this past January over MLK. Glades are super nice best skiing on the east coast, but terrain park sucks. Just like out west with how much pow they get. best runs are unmarked through da trees, i would suggest u get a nice wide-waist ski, atleast 86 or higher to enjoy it. It gets extremely cold up at Jay with the winds. Some days are icy some are not, but they do close lifts alot due to weather. Overall definately take the trip I enjoyed it, we hit up Sugarbush while we were there and Jay was 100x better.
  3. id also like to see a S-box not huge ass jumps tho
  4. id like to see a more mellow down flat down and a flat down flat
  5. nice wat u win? i got some ar6s comin in the mail
  6. missdemeanor, u get ur new planks yet?
  7. get real we're in pa dont be expectin a legit cliff drop shits all icy at bear you cant do cliff landin on that
  8. im in the same boat as nick n everyone, i got school lacrosse 2-5 everyday and live an hour away. im glad there open an all but its not helpin me out. but i think feature wise just make sure every feature can be hit by both skiers n boarders. havin that tire bonk wit the box goin up to it is limitin to skiers. so if u throw in the rainbow rail make sure its not just thrown in without a lip. yah i know boarders can ride on that shit, but skiers can ride on like that
  9. word i like the timberline idea. last year boulder had regular trails into a park at end of season. n yeah it really is the best in march. Less icy stuff, xxxxl t shirt days, goggle tanlines, u know the deal.
  10. good idea, jus find a place to do it. they really ditchin the half pipe next year? I also thinkt hat if they could throw a t bar on the side of one park ud reduce lift lines, n u could still hit whatever rail u wanted. Where i go in norway n even in vermont they had a t bar goin up a little "rail garden" n its like hikin up only u dont gotta hike. savin u boarders unstrapin.
  11. the scratch create it wrs, you can still butter on them, n are forgiving, but are stiffer then shit like invaders. dont know if it a difference for u, but u might be better off wit mens then womans skis just for selection. make sure get a bigger size in the rossi wrs or u aint gonna get optimal forgiveness outta em.
  12. yeah some bulls can pull it off real one n he is one of them. i mean his stance can get a lil wide n he look like a penguin but so does wallisch n stepp so he does good
  13. yeah i was lookin at the scratch create it wrs mens on evogear, but yeah there are too many choices. The WRS is still stiff compaired to most park skis, its good if u dont want noodly skis, or if u go real big in the park. Only problem wit rossi is their edges dont hold up too well, n i seen u up at bear doin rails/boxes so thats prolly somethin u mite wanna reconsider.
  14. yeah i know i do that little showy thing where u ride fakie n grab ur noses, n the tails barely come up 6 inches if that. I have em centermount so its about equal both sides. im gettin some new planks once erthing goes on sale in march. either pickin up the line anthems, foils, fujiatives, or prolly 4frnt tnks. If anyone has some recomendations id be glad to know. I like wider skis, around 85mm underfoot, so tell me if u got any recomendations
  15. yeah to me the PEs are really heavy compared to my friends rossi scratch fs wrs, and my other friends silencers are even lighter, which is weird since they are basically a cheaper PE. I also dont have freestyle boots cause my foots too big (31.5), and most freestyle boots stop at 29. And the boots i got are bulky n heavy. Then again ive only been freestylin for year, so i dont got my 3s down 100%.
  16. yo pinemind i was at wicks saturday, i was the kid lookin at the already set up 171 thrusters wit the bindings who was complainin about his PEs cause they were too heavy and too stiff..Where u the one who helped and were recomendin me the jon olson pro models cause they were soft n buttery? Personally i think rails are more fun and easier to do. I also prefer rails over boxes for somereason. its not that hard to turn 90 degress and land ur underfoot on a rail plus nothing looks sicker on skis than a pretzel or switch up. Theres also something about sliding down those staircase rails that jst gives u a thrill. Airs are just more diffucult cause once u get into the grabs its like learnin spins all over again. Plus i got PEs which weigh 10000000 pounds and are the worst park ski cause they are impossible to spin with. only thing good is they have a nice 85mm underfoot.
  17. ill have to join that shit
  18. yeahh man me n some bulls went out jibbin since we finally got some snow. Went to this school and set up a jump to a team sports bench. Just like a box at bear it was nice. went over to office buildings n found 2 40ft pipes of pvc. set em up, built a little kicker n it was all good. cept all the grass takes the wax off ur skis/board, so make sure u get ur shit waxed when u head back up. I got up today n was stickin n had to get a belt wax, which took 45 minutes since the belt broke.
  19. best day and set up all season. Nice warm weather, ditched the coat n gloves. Set up was great, it was nice bein able to ollie on the down staircase box without havin to ollie a ft and a half on and make up for the gap between lip n box. why do we gotta wait til end of season for such a nice set up???? I was really happy with today, keep it up bear.
  20. was up today, pretty icey after 5, not bad tho. need to fix up the rainbow rail lip cause the beggining of the rail is lower than the jump and you basically launch onto the top of it
  21. yo ill be up tomorrow at 4 if anyone wanna ski park wit me, havent skiied wit any other freestylers this year, just boarders. just look for black jacket, grey pants, and shinny oakleys. hopefully it wont be icy considering cold temps, rain, and ice rain we be gettin
  22. Andreas


    basically if u goin gaper u gotta get some of the old school ski jump suits, a big puffy football team jacket, or jeans. no matter what u do dont pull ur pant legs over the boots. check to see if ur rents have any old ski outfits still. gapers are named gapers because of the gaper "gap" between the top of their goggles and the brim of their hats. its typical to tuck both poles under armpits and squat low to look like ur racing. pizza turns are the way to turn in gaper world. thats basically it. if we gonna have one its definately gotta be warmer cause if u fall in park u get snow up ur back like crazy with those short jackets. It usually gets warmer end of february/ beginning of march, and would love to get a gaper day at bear creek. then again, everyday at bear is gaper day
  23. yes, the lips were extremely steep, and u did end up landing either backseat or not landing at all. With a steep jump it is important to remember to get speed and lean a little more forward than usual. This will give u the right amount of pop, while keepin u even in the air. especially with spins it is easy to get thrown off backwards and end up landing on your butt/side on a steeper lip. I noticed they had a steep lip to the box next to the red rail. It was probably for the slopestlye to make it challening, idk, today was balls. wtf is goin on bear?? just go back to last years set up, n then everyone posting here doesnt have to bitch about everything. and whoever said glades and bear creek in the same sentence is messed man. no way, glades will never hit bear. u want glades go to Jay Peak, best powder n glades if u cant get out west.
  24. i took the freestyle lessons twice at bear last year my first year doin freestyle. I started on blades in mid february and then switched to twin tips when i could afford them. The program at bear is nice, its more aerial tricks they teach you than rails. They can teach and show u up to 540, n the rest they tell u what to do, but they cant do it. Rails they teach u more tech stuff, like keeping a wide stance, and if u trying to do switch ups or spins on/off the rail to control with your front foot inside edge. It personally didnt help me too much, it was more the little things like before u go off a jump get on ur inside edges, stuff like that. If you find some freestylers up at the mountain just ask em, im sure theyd be glad to help. if u dont have twin-tips it is worth signing up for the bear program tho, cause they rent u out rossi scratchs which are a good beginner twin tip. u dont need to be able to ski good switch, just be comfortable landing switch. Personally i think you might be better off on ur own, i only have been doin freestlye for 8 months, and within that time i only went up skiing 9 times, so thats 9 skiing days. I finished being able to do butters, 180s, switch 180s, 3's, switch 3's when im lucky, 270 off rail, and now im workin on 270s on. it gets easier and is definately worth tryin out. bottomline, get out there take the lesson and from there do ur own thing, any problems just ask a fellow skiier.
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