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Posts posted by NMSKI

  1. I saw this on the Today show this morning when I was getting ready for work. Apparently the kid threw a snowball at his buddies in the chair ahead of him (who were filming) and his momentum carried him right off the chair.

    Looks like he fell into Chile's Glade which happens to be an awesome run.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0zioMFv2_pk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  2. I understand the safety concerns, no doubt you gotta be safe but you can still have tons of fun just ripping long groomers, taking in the views, and challenging yourself a little bit in some "on trail" difficult terrain. Pay attention to fences, signs, and if you're not sure about something don't do it or ask patrol before you do. Or don't go, but no guarantee your buddy won't back out again next year.

    • Like 2

    So pissed my buddy bailed on me for my Utah trip so I guess my out west trip isn't going to happen this year.... Unless I go by myself.

    I agree with the others, go alone. I've done a couple solo trips, sometimes I've met new friends to ski with and other times I've just explored on my own and enjoyed the quiet solitude. Can't go wrong, but you don't want to pass up a trip west. Hope you have an awesome time.
  4. Interesting. I grew up 5 minutes from the base of the tram, and can tell you this area is almost entirely dependent on natural snowfall. The snowmaking capabilities are very limited, not because of temperature, but water. All the moisture has missed this area to the north this year. Kind of a funny little ski area, but super convenient for those who are too lazy to drive an hour to Santa Fe or 2 hours to Taos.


    I've skied and snowshoed there in the middle of the night on a full moon and it's a very cool experience.

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  5. Who makes the distinctions? What happens to those who are unable/unwilling to pay the fine?


    SAR would be responsible for making the distinction.


    As far as collecting the fine goes, you could make it work the same way a hospital bill does since you could compare being rescued to emergency medical care. Try to set up a payment plan and if someone doesn't pay it ruins their credit, garnishment suit, etc.


    Not sure that this exactly works though, so much easier to charge more for lift tickets.

  6. First of all we are talking like less than a dollar on a 90 some odd dollar ticket.


    Second of all this isn't about keeping people out of trouble its about paying for it. Joey's are going to do what joey's do.


    Lastly a distinction has to be made between peeps leaving the resort and BC skiers doing their thing in a dangerous environment.


    Charging prepared people who run into trouble on the rock pile or Marcy cone is just stupid, these are dangerous environments in which every possible problem cannot be planned for. A highly experienced tourer on TGR ran into serious trouble on the rock pile when first gen dyna inserts failed, that ain't something you can prepare for. He needed the helicopter and that shit ain't cheap but I don't see why he should be paying some kind of fine.


    The absolute most important thing is that people not be killed or injured, the cost is minor and secondary. All you hardcore take care of yourself types I bet don't tour and don't understand how fucking fast this shit can turn on you through no fault of your own. Puffery......


    I agree that a distinction should be made. I have to imagine that the total cost of rescuing prepared people when shit turns dangerous is almost inconsequential because there are far fewer rescues. Not sure how it would work, but maybe SAR should make the call whether or not to pursue charging people for rescue on a case by case basis. Let experiences tourers slide, shit happens, but charge Jersey Joe enough to pay for all the rescues.

  7. i suppose....i don't think it's really all that steep. the elevator at jf is way steeper, IMHO.


    anyhow, we were up there yesterday. white lightning was super icy and not fun: one time down was enough for me.


    Agree that Elevator is a little steeper. Depending on conditions I think White Lightning can be much more difficult though. Icy steep moguls are rough, at least for me. If the snow is soft, White Lightning is a piece of cake.

  8. I dont get the doug hate, dude is cool and at the end of the day most of the shit talkers encourage his shit by constantly bitching.


    Its like a 3 year old you dont tell them to stop for that is what they want, simply ignore it.



    ditto. i have no beef w/ gss at all. you just need to take his posts with a grain of salt.


    Agree with you guys, but a) I am new here so what the hell do I know, and b ) maybe I'm just as annoying to others and don't realize it haha.

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