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Everything posted by slickkeddie

  1. I think that brain dead is when the brain can no longer control your breathing and heart, but external devices still can. Your other body processes continue so you can still exist, if you can call it that.
  2. Sorry to hear about those accidents. I used to spend quite a bit of time around Elk some years ago. It just came to mind, that I had never seen a life flight out of Elk. I wonder, are all ski resorts in this general area covered by chopper evacs, or is that a very local thing? Maybe when I was spending time around Elk, choppers just weren't that common anywhere.
  3. slickkeddie


    I've only been on this board for a couple of days, but I get the impression a couple of you have gotten the Daves p.o.'d. Anybody get banned from the CB board? Any particular reason, or just they didn't like even the mention of this board? ( These icons are pretty neat.)
  4. (see above....darn, typed in wrong box....ain't doing it over!)
  5. slickkeddie


    Quite a few medivacs so far this season. At least 4 or 5 I can remember when I've been there. They've gotten it down to a science to sneak in and out pretty quickly. I haven't heard about any deaths. I think maybe they've lowered the criteria for calling for the chopper, that's why it's there so often. I think whenever there is a head or neck injury they now get the person out as fast as possible. Maybe to cover their liability butts, as usual.
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