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Everything posted by meggles

  1. yeah i was over there today filming and i had to run/walk up and down and across the slopes and stuff haha it was fun but i'm pretty tired now.....they wouldnt let me up the chairlift without skis so i raced my friend jackie up...(she took the lift, i hiked) but anyway.. i was really impressed with everything they had set up, esp. the quarter pipe. it looked really sweet... yeah ive only been at boulder twice skiing this year...both times for the z games... so i havent had a chance to hit tannenbaum recently but it looks pretty good now
  2. noo...its definitely boulder...i hit that at the z games finals...i was really scared to hit it and i finally did and i loved it this weekend they set up a massive quarter pipe right after it...it looks so awesome
  3. ha that was soo awesome!!! lotsa stuff shot at boulder... i love that 3-option staircase ....its sweeet... i'm having major issues w/ my camera...half the time its really hard to see who's doing what...wierd lighting adjustments on the camera i think.... ...then again its a digital camera....not a video camera/camcorder... but i can still get clips of people doing stuff so i guess it works...
  4. meggles


    dang...i wish i had someone film me before i screwed up my knee.............i really should've....i wanna send a sponser me tape out (not really to get sponsored...i'm not that good...but some swag would be sweet)but i'm gonna have to wait until next year i guess...ugh...this rots my job this weekend is to film my friend jackie for her sponser me tape...
  5. yeah it really hasnt been bad this year crowd-wise...but i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing heh
  6. its gonna be good friday....3-5 inches of snow tomorrow apparently...so it'll be sweet friday....unless it all blows away....
  7. go friday AND saturday... actually the event's just at frost, so if you dont want the crowd or whatever just go to boulder friday and frost sat or something http://www.wmmr.com/extra39.shtml ^theres the link for the event info, you decide if you wanna go or not
  8. meggles


    you'll do fine...i bet that a lot of girls will assume there's gonna be too many other girls better than them and not even show... just watch out for this girl julia lumm...i dont think she'll go b/c it'd be a pretty long drive and i dont think she knows about it but she's awesome make sure you hit both jumps and rails if its slopestyle and try everything...no regrets. its the end of the season. go big or go home...i did a staircase for the first time on friday which i've been scared to do for a while and nailed it...it was so awesome. so dont be afraid to try new things. get there early and plan out your run is all i can tell you oh and have fun...you meet a lot of really nice people at these things and after your run its really great b/c you dont have to worry about anything and just chill out & talk to people but i'm sure you know that already...it sounds like youve competed before
  9. haha i never realized that before!! wow i'm dumb
  10. my favorite view from any ski area down here is at jack frost, on the double you take on east mtn and you turn around... you see the lehigh (however its spelled) river or something...it looks so awesome...especially if its snowing
  11. haha yeah but she screwed up BAD on it lol no chance this year...but next year i'm betting she makes it
  12. yeah jackie's dad is really into seeing her compete (win).... heh he gets into it ....he said that they'll be spending a LOT more time at bear next year. i'll let her know you can hook 'er up w/ twins her size
  13. oooh... k got it hah what did pete dubois do on his run? i dunno what he looks like so i dunno if i saw it or not and i saw one kid sking w/ a broken arm (at least i think thats what he said) and he looked like he was in a lotta pain after his run ...i felt really bad for him... yeah i dunno the names of most of the people that competed...even the ones i talked to heh so if i did talk to anybody and they figured out who i was lemme know hah i was #51
  14. 1. yeah 2. yeah. julia lumm won it 3. some guy named ben (his last name might be dubois??)...he won the comp at bc thursday too
  15. yeah i ski w/ her every weekend...ha you havent seen her 270 on yet either...she just keeps spinning.... the only thing jackie needs to work on now is rails..she doesnt quite get 90 on them...once she nails them though...oh man....the other thing is that she's on 120 rentals... when she should be on 130s at least...she hates the bigger skis she has so she just sticks w/ the smaller ones i'm guessing shes gonna get a new home mountain soon...like blue or bc ... ha plus she can get away with anything since she's so little...i would probly be in the hospital right now if i grinded the way she does haha but she's a sick little girl...shes gonna be huge
  16. ha sucky judging @ boulder? surprise surprise... yeah a lot of people were saying their ski just came off for like no reason...mine did too...ugh it was horrible...if only i would have had a clean run...
  17. yeah congrats to julia and everyone else who won/placed in the z games everyone was really nice ...haha my run sucked like you wouldnt believe....i slid out on EVERY landing....ha i had no chance whatsoever...because i slid out on the landing i couldnt get enough speed to do the jump i wanted to do ha it sucked but my practice runs were okay i guess....but anyway the little asian girls name is jackie kling...she's 11 ...ha she's insane.. but i have good news & bad news: good news first...i did the staircase!!! it was soo awesome...i loved it. bad news: i did it perfectly in practice but i washed out on the landing in the actual comp and more bad news... i dunno what happened...but yesterday i was trying to do this down rail and i finally grinded it perfectly...but somehow on the landing i REALLY screwed up my knee..and then i did a really stupid thing and i did another rail after my fall..and i did the rail fine but i just collapsed on the landing and screwed up my knee even more. so now i can hardly move it and i have to limp around and crap...i have to take stairs one at a time and i dunno what i'm gonna do in school tomorrow...ughh this sucks. plus my right knee is at least 2 times as big as my left one...if i cant ski next weekend (and i really doubt i'll be able to) i'm gonna film jackie and my sis and everyone who shows up........ugh its gonna be really nice next weekend too... man this sucks
  18. haha i know right?! i hope i do well. i dont care if i win or not ...i certainly dont have expectations...all i want is a good run. ya know what? screw it i'm doin the friggen box...i'll regret it if i dont...
  19. yeah... ...i 've been having nightmares about falling on that staircase they had set up for the rail jam... d'ya think they'll have that set up? i bet they will...for like the grand finale of your run or something...i cant decide if i wanna try it or not...the box thats on there is in the middle looks okay but if you fall you're screwed...i dunno how steep it is but if you dont have your balance right....ouch haha i'm making such a big deal about this....ha i'm such a girl
  20. sorry i'm asking all these questions but registration starts at 5 right? ahh i'm really nervous... tomorrow's gonna seem like the longest day ever at school...
  21. does anyone know the set up? i'm kinda afraid i'll get there and i wont be able to do anything...which would suck. a lot.
  22. jf does have wider rails...but only like 3 or 4 maybe ...they're sweet... and personally, i'm kind of loyal to jf...i know a lot of people like bb's park but i love jf's park... the rails are really nice and the boxes are sweet too...the park crew does an awesome job making the best of what they've got (next year's gonna be soooo sweet...) plus it doesnt get nearly as crowded as bb's park does...i love it
  23. so far peak resorts have been pretty good about making snow...thats their whole deal, isnt it? last year it seemed like they stopped making snow in the middle of january, and they closed mid-march (i think) this is what it says on the site: "Now This Is Winter " The warm month of January has given away to the return of cold and wintry conditions at JFBB. Our first Nor?easter has rumbled by. Will there be more??? It would be nice but doesn?t really matter at Jack Frost and Big Boulder because we are making snow and laying down a snow surface that will last in to March and allow us to ski and board to the end of the season. There is still plenty of sliding and gliding to be done at JFBB?so make your plans now! so hopefully that means they're open till the end of march... the customer appreciation day is march 19...i hope that doesnt mean closing day...i'm really hoping they stay open till the 26 at least...but thats asking a lot...so who knows ahh i have to stop thinking about march already!!! right now i need to think about the z games on friday lol i'm super nervous...some of those boarders were good...
  24. this coming weekend...and every weekend after it haha its really depressing that its almost march already but at least jf's open a lot longer than they were last year (i think)
  25. umm will i die if i fall over the other side of it? haha that would suck but it would be pretty funny if you were watching...and if no one got hurt badly..... oh man next weekends gonna be shaweet....ahh i cant wait
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