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You have to buy your ticket down at the lodge. It's just one building, with the ticket windows outside at the bottom of long stairs (orange shuttle buses also bring you down from the parking lot).

If you guys both board/ski diamonds and are showing up at different times, then hook up at the top of the North Face lift (AKA the Phoebe Snow). There's just one lift that runs specifically for the black diamonds. All the diamonds are below the parking lot and the Phoebe Snow is the lift at the far end as you pull in; you see the top of that lift with riders being unloaded.

There's lots of space at the top of that lift to hang out and wait.

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Is montage going to be worth the 1+ hour trip this coming weekend. Basically heres my situation, I have some cash but not a lot, so if its going to be nice (aka trail quality/variety is high) then I think its worth while. Otherwise I will just go to CB or blue, maybe even shawnee. I will be at montage for the pasr day, so its not like I won't miss out on a trip to montage this year. My bro will be there anyways, so it makes it more worth while to go, I just don't want to get shafted on a good day of riding.

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dthmtlunrcn if i were you i would check later in the week to see if white lightning will be open. if it is then i would say it is worth the drive, but if its not we really wont have nething no lightning and prolly no park.


My bro and I heard montage had some really good blacks, so we weren't really looking to make many, if any park runs. However if this white lightning is really the cats meow as you make it out to be, and nothing else there really compares, I may wait it out to the end of the week like you suggested, and see if it opens.

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Yeah, what separates Montage's blacks from CB is White Lightning. If you ski/board much outside the Poconos, it's not crazy steep, but I've done my share of top to bottom yard sales from not paying attention. Line's right that you should just check to make sure it's open. 1-800-GOT-SNOW is usually more accurate than the website.

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no all of themsart half way through the mtn. so there only 500 ft if im doing this right. i dont really no nething about vert. there diamonds are pretty quick but not to short. the longest diamond is probally cannonball.


How do they compare to CB's blacks or Blue mountain's blacks? In terms of length. I just want to know if I should ride hard the day before or not. If I go to montage, I will ride as hard as possible for as long as possible, which will probobly be all day. I just want to know if I will die halfway through the day if my legs aren't 100%.

Edited by dthmtluncrn
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How do they compare to CB's blacks or Blue mountain's blacks? In terms of length. I just want to know if I should ride hard the day before or not. If I go to montage, I will ride as hard as possible for as long as possible, which will probobly be all day. I just want to know if I will die halfway through the day if my legs aren't 100%.

naw u should be good...u dont have to ride to hard unless there are goin to be molguls like there were on saturday which were pretty big i guess
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All of montages dimonds are probaly twice as long as CBs. They also have more that one headwall. You shoulden't have to work too hard unless you spend all day on White Lightning or another trail with mogles. But you have a nice long relaxing ride up the lift to rest.


most of them have more than one headwall. the only one that doesnt is lightning.

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The headwalls are steeper than CB, but the runouts are much shorter. At Montage, you ski the headwalls pretty much to the lift, as opposed to the long flats after something like Marjie's. So even though the lift is slow, it's also not very long. You don't travel over 1000 ft. of flat terrain; just right up the mountain. And the lift is kind of cool how it travels up through dark pines without any plastic waterslide crap.

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