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I-70 nightmare


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This weekend my husband has off, which is very rare. Told the boys I wanted to go up to WP for once just the four of us, no friends. Older son backed out because apparantly every high school kid in Boulder going to see Jurassic 5 at Red Rocks Fri night. Picked up kid number 2 at school car loaded. He looked like crap, coughing pretty sick. He didn't want to drive up, just crawl into bed. A quick call to my x-in laws and we were on our way to drop him off there for the weekend. So now just me and my husband which sounded great to me.


Get on I-70 and traffic moving along faster than usual on a Fri evening. Then 5 miles from our exit we stop to a crawl. Check cdot on my phone and they are diverting everyone at our exit because of "police activity". It took us 2hrs and 45 min to go the last 5 miles to our exit. After a while guys were jumping out of their cars to pee. My husband wS trying to convince me to do the same, his argument being "who gives a shit if someone posts your bear ass on their facebook page." That section of road had no cover at all. He took the last sip of his coffee, handed me the cup and told me to go in the backseat and take care of it. After I did I saw lots of ladies dumping mysterious liquid out the window from cups and one ziplock bag.


Took us 5.5 hours total to get here but the silver lining is there is tons of snow! Catching the 8:07 shuttle to be at the lift when they open.

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Conditions fantastic! I was really getting the hang of skiing today. Even though I was solo I had a lot of fun. Not ready for blue runs today, maybe next day out. I left about 11 when it was just getting super busy. Every lot was full and people still pouring in. I got a 4 pack to Eldora so I can go up and practice during the week.

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