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I agree that a Freeride Mountain bike park would be a great idea. I travel almost 3 hours to ride at Diablo/ Mountain Creek. I have heard that other people travel there from much farther including Florida. Although they do have near, if not already, world class riding I think that Bear Creek could attract many visitors who would probably spend money at the hotel/ bar/ resturaunt/ etc. with some decent trails and a lift ride up.

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u see we all know that bear creek totally kicks ass at building parks. right? If bear creek built a freeride mountain bike park how would any of us know how it is and everyone might be hesitant to try it out. since we all know bear creek owns at making parks every park rat in all of the whole friggin state would come and ride it. ALOT and i dont know about u guys but i know a lot more snowboarders nd skiers than mountain bikers. :wiggle

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dont they already have some mt biking stuff? but yeah the snowflex thing would be awsome, and theres no reason why they couldnt do both, the mt. biking thing doesnt cost anything except hours, or lumber if they want to make it ballin hahah


Yeah there's already about 5-6 miles of trails depending on what route you take, a total of 9 bridges, and some pretty crazy downhill stuff that's closed off. Problem is there aren't enough visits to warrant running the lifts. It was tried before, and the plug was pulled.

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yes of all the peopel i only know 2 who have biked bear, it is a cool setupud they say, but i doubt they would get as much business for downhill biking then having snowflex. both would be a cool though. i was told that it is free to go biking at bear is that true?? if it is i think ill be checking that out this usmmer.

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im pretty sure that its costs some money to bike at bear but im going to take sides with the people that like the snowflex. that would deff bring in mad money and kids would come from everywhere to ride that shit. it would be insane. I think if snowflex is a deff possibility for bear then i say they should do it and i like the idea of the bunny hill but that also causes some problems but it also doesnt have much vert to it so it would be hard to make really nice features on it which is what you can see from searching snowflex parks online. just think about a park that never gets beat down by heavy traffic a landing that is never ice and a lip that never gets fucked up. it would be crazy to have one of them here

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if bear creek would open up a freeride mtb park and dirt jump/ super park it would be off the hook! I would even donate endless hours of my time to build/ operate the park just to see it happen. ive been to mountain creek. your comparing apples to oranges. all bear creek has to do is do what it does best. focus on innovative ways to pull in the consumer. i built up a little shithole park in the woods and people FLOCK. with a few dedicated volunteers and a shuttle bus on the weekends bear creek could do something great. AND REMEMBER.... there is no reason why snowflex and freeride mtb couldn't operate at the same time due to the acreage on the opposite side of the mountain(for mtb use). BTW the xc trails are free(sign a waiver). no matter what style you ride there super gnarcore!!

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yeah snowflex is cool but if people come all the way from florida to go to diablo then if bear built a freeride park it would most def bring in income for them



well considering the only other place that has a snow flex thing in the united states is in texas im pretty sure we could get people to come from florida to ride the snowflex. and its not like bear would be attracting people from florida right away to ride their mtn bike park. it takes years to build something like diablo.... maybe eventually it would be as good, but a snow flex park would be instant money... guaranteed!!!

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Yeah there's already about 5-6 miles of trails depending on what route you take, a total of 9 bridges, and some pretty crazy downhill stuff that's closed off. Problem is there aren't enough visits to warrant running the lifts. It was tried before, and the plug was pulled.



As I stated in the other thread, they couldn't just turn on the lifts and get people to show up. They would need to build a park and compete with Mountain Creek/Diablo Freeride park right from the beginning or it would never work. And you only need to run the Quad, there's no need to run the old triple/new quad, because it is possibble to pedal a dh rig.


I'd be there, as it is now I'm lucky if I get one or two days on my DH bike at Mountain Creek a season, but I normally drive at least an hour every sunday to ride. If BC had a Freeride park and ran a lift, I think my Hardtail would gather dust.

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