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Everything posted by DiMe

  1. I hear that, I hope they get things set up. I was figureing maybe they're holding it back a little because of the snowmobile races they had this weekend. I plan on hitting up NY to, I still have that free pass from going to Bellayre opening day can't wait to see more than one trail over there.
  2. I heard they only had a few jibs set up today that weren't anything exciting. What are their plans for the weekends to come? I'd like to pay them a visit late season will it be worth it?
  3. Are the flat boxes that were over on freedom done for the season? Are they on boulder park or somewhere on that side?
  4. He would say oh Big Boulder did what they had to do best to them and he would include a "Camelback still sucks".
  5. No lol thats most definatly not me but that kid was working there with me that day.
  6. I went there today to check it out for the first time this season. Many features were set up the website was just wrong. I spent most of my time in the freedom park which was great. Snow was real slow today although im sure it was like that everywhere.
  7. Are all the jibs and jumps closed at boulder? I noticed the past few days on their website it says only 5 jibs are open on the hikeable park. Whats going on?
  8. Camelbacks picnic tables, great to learn absoultly any slide on
  9. Truth be told. I was helping the lift department today by working the Stevenson from 7:30-4:30. At around 9:30am the Stevenson was having a tower fault running at its regular speed for every chair that past tower one. We found the lifts sweet spot which was about half its regular speed where it wouldn't fault and they let it run for a couple more hours until the mechanics were set to get it repaired and we shut it down and opened up the Raceway. The Raceway closed down at 4 because by the end of the day shift we had only 2 night lift operators show for work when I was leaving. Some day shift stayed later in the day to help out until some extra help was called in for the night shift. You can't run lifts without operators. As for why the Sullivan was shut down in exchange for the Bailey was a direct order from the big man himself. I'm not sure why this call was made, possibly due to old technology but I don't think that was it. Bad decision in my opinion but I am uneducated in the reasoning behind it. The rest of the lift issues today could not be helped. If this isn't understandable to the Camelback haters, I don't know what to tell ya lifts don't get shut down just to piss people off.
  10. How is JFBB doing after today's crazy warm weather? Camelback was hurting bare spots showing it's sad to see this season comming to an end. I hope to visit JFBB this Saturday or Sunday JF early in the morning and BB later in the afternoon probably. Are many bare spots comming through over there or do you guys have a good base still?
  11. I bought the Rome Artifact 150 today and I absolutly love it. Earlier in the year I bought the Burton Shaun White on kind a spur of the moment thing and didn't care for it to much. I was looking for a wet noodle and after reading this post picked up the Artifact, amazing!
  12. http://www.poconoproductions.com/ I think it is him I notice almost all his park shots on his site are from the Laurel Glade terrain park and thats where I always see him. I have to agree the shots are friggin horrible, I've lost interest.
  13. Yes he's on a snowboard. I never seen him in a patroller uniform I highly doubt he is.
  14. I see him all the time shooting pics of people at random in the parks at Camelback. I don't think he works for Camelback, I could be wrong. Anyways, I'm just curious what he's all about, are you on this forum dude?
  15. I agree, although I havnt rode their park this year. I heard they used plexi glass for a top sheet on everything, does it slide well?
  16. Who cares, its more of a backyard than a mountain anyways.
  17. Thanks for the reply! I plan on riding mostly park so I doubt the race or the speed demon kids will bother me.
  18. I would love to but since Sat is the only day I can get my truck inspected that expires March 1st so I wont be able to head out of Stroudsburg until at least noon.
  19. Trying to deicide between the two which to go to. I've never been to SNO and havn't been to BB since Dec.
  20. How typically are the Saturday crowds? How long are the lifts lines, are the parks usually ridiculasly packed? Is it busier in the day or at night? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  21. How typically are the Saturday crowds? I havn't been to boulder since earlier in the season. How long are the lifts lines, are the parks usually ridiculasly packed? Is it busier in the day or at night? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  22. Its bumped up and snow will be made on it tonight for some more shaping and touching up. I walked down the trail today, they're pretty huge bumps.
  23. CB is definatly putting forth an effort to improving our terrain parks. I do agree the Rhodo is a bit wacked but it will definatly improve, all feedback is being considered and changes are being made. One major complaint about CB's parks was the gap between our learning park and the rhodo. The glade has all ride on boxes which won't prepare anyone for the large gap on rails in the rhodo and no rails to prepare people for hitting a rail even though the rails in rhodo are quite wide. The feedback was taken and the features we set up on the lower moores ramble park are all small gap ons, a medium size tabletop in comparison to rhodo and laurel glade and the battleship rail. Yes its a very small park with only 5 features but it's apparent CB is trying. With it being so late in the season with the limited amount of features had to set up I think it's by far better than last season with signs of things improving more and more seasons to come. The park pass program is working great even though they're free and available to anyone. The Rhodo almost never has any riders in it that can't handle the features and the few times that you see riders in there that can't go through it once after first getting their park pass and don't return.
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