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Everything posted by DiMe

  1. DiMe

    T-bolting board

    My advice is no, why mess with the structural integrity of your board? If you must go wider get a larger board or a different model thats set up to go wider. If you say you don't have the money for a new setup than you definately shouldn't do somthing to a nice board you already have to increase its chances on breaking forcing you to replcae it.
  2. Amazing job Will, the new setup was much needed it's been awhile but definately worth the wait. It's a ton of fun to ride!
  3. The 3 jump on turkey trot is slightly smaller than the 3 jump line on Love if you ride boulder. The lips arn't as verticle as Love they give you a bit more distance, def a real fun jump line and you can easily clear all 3 in one run if you don't stop.
  4. I feel like a twit than, I must have been going alot slower than I thought I was. I know if I didn't speed check before it I would of been fine though I landed right on the knuckle thought I was gonna snap the nose of my board off. Like I said still learning the whole speed to gap thing, I'm so used to small forgiving table tops.
  5. You definately need some speed for the last two at least the 2nd to last one. I knuckled it the first time I hit it because I hesitated a little and speed checked. Although I'm just starting to hit larger jumps such as these so I'm still getting the feel for judgeing speed to the size of the hit and quickly learning the faster the better.
  6. Just curious how big the jumps on love are considered. I have bad size judgement when it comes to jumps I love them though, first time at boulder this season
  7. They should line the kids up and let every victim take a baseball bat to each of their knee caps than just let them lay there and think about what they did. I had a brand new board stolen once it's the worst feeling in the world it made me quit riding for a couple years of my teenage life out of disgust and lack of money to replace it.
  8. DiMe

    MLK day

    They're trying to keep weekend/holiday crowds down to a minimum for us locals, ya know?
  9. I did lol, we were right in front of the net. They ran us off on aux and than they reopened it dunno what happened.
  10. Not to my knowledge unless you ride there often. My friend bought this thing from them a Camelcard for $49 that gives you 50% off all weekday tickets and 25% off all weekend tickets. Just a heads up im sure you already know Camelback is a zoo on the weekends but the park shouldn't be to bad with the pass lift.
  11. I was only up there for a short while tonight and only lapped the park twice. Looks like they're in the process of doing what P-Architect was talking about in my last TR. *Upper Moores: Flat Box set up much better than before when it was directly under the lift, Table Top, Butter Box, another Butter Box. Seems like theres still plenty of room to add another jib or two. *Lower Moores: Option of down box or down flatbar rail, S box, hip jump. *Turkey Trot: Nice 3 jump line and the long C box at the bottom. Rhodo: Didn't ride down it tonight but dosn't look like they built the new jump line yet the 60 ft looks beautiful though.
  12. Agreed theres nothing worse than slipping an edge on a icy day going off the lip of a jump than flopping through the air. lol
  13. For a bitter cold pow day Thursday. http://www.accuweather.com/us/pa/tannersvi...=1&metric=0
  14. I think all the resorts in the area are gonna take advantage of the ridiculas cold spell. The colder it is the more snow they can make and with it being below zero it almost forces them to make powder which piles up like crazy. If they can make base snow during the day and the bitter overnight temps make masses of piles and layer it over the course of a week we could be riding into April
  15. I was up there real late March two seasons ago and it was amazing. Although I spent most of my time at Jay Peak and one day at Stowe both mountains had great covereage on trails and in the woods and it was all beautiful spring soft snow for the most part. We were going to check out Smuggs Notch while we were up there that trip but when we pulled up into the parking lot we seen bare spots and deicided to spend another day at Jay Peak.
  16. Wow, it looked like it had a perfect lip to it. I thought they had it closed today because the snow conditions were rather slow, I was having a hard time clearing the second jump on Turkey Trot tonight. That would be sick though even though I wont be hittin a 60 footer any time soon:)
  17. That explains it, I used to ride only Burton but I've become to develope a passionate hate for their boards and bindings. I used to love them in the early 2000's but I bought their 2007 Shaun Whute a couple years ago and it fell apart on me top sheet was chipping like crazy and after trying a set of Rome bindings I've come to hate Burtons high backs on all of their models.
  18. Showed up around 4:00, unfortunately I missed the weekend pow pow due to my truck being in the shop but to my suprise the snow was still great, nice fresh packed powder everywhere. Anyways just an update on whats going on in the parks. Upper Moores: Same setup, C box, the bonk flat box option than the table top to the random butter box setups and the small flat down butter box. Lower Moores: Same S-Box witht he Hip jump setup. *Tower Trot: Looks like they're starting to rebuild it theres 2 nice gap jumps one where the first hip was after the flat down and another where the mailbox bonk was and they took out the last jump by the lift. Theres plenty of room for them to add some more jibs after a little snowmaking. Rhodo: Same 3 jump line, the last big booter was closed today and they took the rest of the rails out that were in there. I'm assuming a full rebuild is comming soon, it's been awhile. *Progression Park: Rebuilt very nice to match its name. Small low flatbox or small jump option, they took the rainbow box off the roller and put it on the flat set up nicely with the option of the big flat down butter box setup perfect followed by a hip. Jibs are limited right now at Camelback but I think that will change by the end of this week with the cold weather perfect snowmaking conditions to pile up and rebuild. I'll be up there tomarrow morning and report back if they add any other features.
  19. I ride a Rome Artifact 150 w/ Rome 390's for when the snow is soft and I plan on riding park most of the day. Also use it for backyard jib sessions. This board can't hold an edge on ice at all after breaking it in, it has bronze edges which go dull rather quick and can't dig into the ice. I recently bought a Ride DH with Ride Beta bindings for when theres ice spots and what not for freeriding and park. Holds an edge real nice on the ice. I'm real picky I can feel every suddle difference in between board/binding setups so I'm not sure which one I'll favor I've only rode the DH twice so far. I love the Artifact for how easy it is to butter and flex the board and the DH has some crazy pop and responsiveness.
  20. Jay Peak has better tree riding than Stowe imo. Check it out while your up there its not far from Stowe.
  21. I recommend the Ride DH for all mountain and park, killer board I just got the 2006 model online for cheap and love it.
  22. Snow still falling lightly in Stroudsburg I hear snowmobiles flyin around on the roads by my house. I'd say we got about 4-5".
  23. It's been snowing in Stroudsburg since about 11am we have about 2" maybe a little more on the ground and still comming. It seems like the forecast was dummed down a bit this morning hopfully we still get nailed.
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