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Posts posted by enjoralas

  1. They jacked up prices for ski season. Sucks for people who just go there to eat. Kinda shitty of them to do.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Don't forget 10% discount with season pass



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I did forget too, but waitress didn't, she asked. Good on her. 22% tip for her

    • Like 4
  2. I did use the new skis. Was real happy with them. Felt like I was getting it pretty good down Main St (although app said I only hit 42 mph) and never felt that chatter or on the edge of control like I did with the old pair. Looking forward to getting out on them again. Possibly a few runs tonight, most likely waiting until tomorrow morning.

  3. Wasn't sure I was gonna make it up to the mountain tonight, but had to take the car out for a spin to reset the computer before dropping it off for inspection, so figured what the heck? Might as well drive to Blue and back.


    Pops wasn't gonna come but right before I left texted me that he was game so I wasn't rolling solo tonight. Got to the upper lodge about 7 pm and booted up inside. Too cold for that outside nonsense. Took our damn time getting ready and hit the snow about 730.


    Was a little harder that I'd have preferred, but not total ice. A few guns were blasting on Vista leaving some loose on top. Pops just lapped Easy Out to Vista all night, getting the legs back. A little to icy to try that fist run down Main St. I mostly stuck with him but broke off for a couple of Main St runs. Enjoyed them but run of the night for me was Vista to Midway to Lower Main St. Just had a nice ass run.


    Finished the night with a run through Come Around after that Midway run just to say I hit every open trail tonight. I don't ski park but was a fun run skiing around the features. Hanging out at Last Run Lounge having a vodka cran right now, Pops joined the mug club.


    Overall had a good first night at Blue. 3 or 4 real runs plus 7 Vista laps. Skied on the new skis and absolutely loved them.


    Going to be a fun season.

    • Like 3
  4. The one at the Slopeside bar has been sold out since June. Not sure about the new one at the upstarts bar, but probably not yet.

    Ah, gotcha. Didn't realize there were two. Just saw something on Facebook about mugs going on sale yesterday morning. Figured they started one with each ski season

  5. its the slopeside cam. thats why theres a vista cam

    i like people watching the patio area


    They should move it closer to be a people cam. I'd have the wife pull it up so I can wave at my boys, but they wouldn't even be able to tell it was me with that cam

  6. Dumbest camera positioning of the bunch.

    The Terrain Run camera is pretty boring too. Guess it will be better once there are skiers on the hill

    Strike that. As of tonight Terrain Run camera appears down.

  7. 7 trails....Upper Vista, Middle Vista, Lower Vista, Vista lift line (the line at the lift, not the stuff under the chairs), Easy out, Upper Patio Trail to Lockers and also, The Chute, though you have to hike back up when you are done.




    (Actually, looks like Vista, Come Around and Main Street)

    You forgot East and West Vista

  8. That's what I've heard from inside info but it's not official till tomorrow so I'm not jumping the gun with a roll call thread just yet.


    And for those of you that can't make it Wednesday don't worry they're gonna have such a solid base after the Arctic vortex that they will last through a monsoon...I'm impressed by their firepower and hats off to the snowmakers..if it wasn't for you there wouldn't be skiing locally.


    I see Enjorales lurking if you wanna do a BBQ in the lot Saturday late morning let me know ill bring some meat and rolls and what not..I don't have a grill but others do and I think you do. I'm fucking stoked for ski season. Usually Sunday around this time I'm pissed off but I just have to work two stupid days and then am skiing woooo

    I'm down to BBQ in the lot, I'll scare up some meat and bring a grill.


    I'll be hitting opening day whatever night it is, probably about 6 pm after work. Might be playing hooky Friday.

    • Like 3
  9. No but I voluntarily donate money to charity, don't seek tax breaks, and vote for the candidates most likely to raise taxes.


    I will be more active in seeking to avoid federal taxes starting this year as I believe the federal government will become purely evil in 6 weeks.


    I don't want to support the 4th Reich.



    So you think politicians should raise taxes on a group of people that don't approve of the way the government spends their tax money, but this year you are going to actively do all you can to avoid paying taxes because you don't approve of the way the government is going to spend your tax money.


    Your opinions cease to have any value.

    • Like 2
  10. Folks without jobs need food and shelter and doctors too. And folks with low paying jobs need enough money for those things as well.

    "Providing basic life essentials" and "redistributing wealth" are two very different goals.

    • Like 4
  11. Most years they sell a $99 card good for any three days.

    They have one for $109 this year. Good deal, but I won't make it there 3 times. Probably not more than once.


    Looks like their website sells tickets like liftopia. Can be cheap if you know in advance what day you want to go and are sure about it. For giggles I picked the last Saturday in Jan (didn't buy) and it was $30.

  12. Great news. Have you ever been there??


    No, I've never been there. I'm interested in trying out every nearby area at least once though.


    Just figured I'd add a data point. Was looking at deal sites trying to scope out lift deals and saw one for there and got me intrigued about where they were at.

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