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Posts posted by Stevo

  1. Thats a modular rail system for under 100 bucks....



    20$ and about 25hrs of work and i got myself a flat down flat rail 21ft long. Beat that deal.


    Okay, i think i can beat it. I got all the materials for free except the 10 ft black pipe from homo depot, 25 bucks. ( my mom paid for it though, so the rail didn't cost me anything.) Here is my rail. Actually, then again, mine is a lot shorter than gurp's, like, by 60 percent? It's like, 7 foot. Eh, it's good for skateboarding anyway, which it was originally built for. If you happen to make a rail out of channel, like i did, and like gurp did- make sure you sand the top of it down, going down in grit, and make sure to take some emery cloth and a file to the edges to make sure they're completely round. I got about 12 hours of work into my rail (just an estimate). Oh yeah, and it's completely modular

  2. I just picked up my first hot wax last night. Its a Swix all temp and it says it can be used to rub on too. I'm going to go over to the Salvation Army later and pick up a cheap iron. If all goes well I'll have a fresh coat of wax for tomorrow at Blue.

    Go to walmart, yes it's scary, and get yourself a 7 dollar iron. It has holes, but who cares- 7 bucks. Not that i don't use it without tin foil. Get some heavy tin foil, and put it under the iron before you iron the wax in. :wiggle

  3. Why is it called a Battleship? Is it because it looks like a Battleship or like the board game...you suck my battleship....mad Ronald McDonald yo...you want fries with that.


    :nono Doug, keep it PG-13 around here :D . My guess is that it looks like the hull of a battle ship turned upside down


    \___/ Or not.

  4. Thanks for the pics. From what i see, it looks a lot better than last year, and i can't wait to hit it. Sorry you were disappointed with it, but then again it was only the second day. Then again, you don't like the trail. I'll agree with one thing about the lower park- speed is hard to get at times, especially with spring temps-nightmare. They should pile up snow, or downgrade the trail in the summer.

  5. Well, it doesn't really look like they're marketing it as "whacks wax" but more like replacing "wax" with "whacks." It looks like they're using "whacks" as the name of the actual product, not the brand. "Whacks wax" (what you're talking about) is probably the company, right? May be fine, but still something to look into. Skitzo, i want some of this wax. Where do i get it? PM me and let me know- i gotta try this stuff out!


    Plus.........i'm out of wax :banghead

  6. I ride Duck. 15(front) -15(back)



    wow 25 in the front thats too far thats deff why your shins hurt i ride 15 -15 .... my stance is the same as about 90 percent of the pros out. anything above 18 is a little to duck but what ever u like dude

    15,-15, and my bindings are centered on my board. I have no clue how to measure stance width. Is it from the inside edges of your bindings, or outside , or the center?

  7. ok folks, lets just get this straight.. kmar works there like full time.. he knows what hes doin.. i used to work there. we both know just about everyone that works there haha.. so we're not lying, if i was.. you'd know.. like if i said that the trail they were cutting underneath the quad was gunna be the new jib park and they were going to increase the grade on the snowboarding school hill and make it into a super pipe... just thinking about that makes me laugh, now lets see how many rumors get started

    No one ever said he was lying, and i didn't know that he works there full time. I made my judgement by what I saw when i hiked the mt a while back.

    thanx atleast some respect here...hey jon atleast u and i know what goes down up here.. along with bird for sure

    I think everyone (on this board) who rides blue's parks has respect for you dude, you're an insider. I think that people on here trust your word over everyone else's. I was just excited/convinced with what i saw in person, myself, so of course i would try to prove myself.

  8. Hey stevo,


    that's awesome that your friend cleared the hit with extra speed. I thought the boardercross was real slow but at least they're trying. I would like to hit that jump with extra speed but the only time I can do that is when there are not a bunch of Jibber-raisens blocking the entrance. Even when the park crew snowmobile was coming by, they weren't getting off their butts. The park crew was out raking the rails and have been doing a good job. As of today I have officially retired the left side of the first jump. I can'tr wait to see some decent table-tops and hip jumps on Sidewinder. Last year the last little hit on Sidewinder was also alot of fun but you needed alot of speed.


    I haven't given up yet- next time i go on a weeknight, i should be able to get a good shot at it right out of boardercross. The boardercross is really slow, huh? I thought i was just retarded. I did have to take it somewhat slow, because it was a little icy, and the board i currently have to ride doesn't hold and edge for shit. The park crew is doing a very good job. The only complaint i can think of is the rut dug out on the right side of the first hit- messed me up a few times.

  9. I got there around 7:45, was riding by 8ish. Lift lines were awesome for a weekend day at blue. Overall, it was really nice today, the snow wasn't that bad. A little ice here and there. Doug, i know what you mean about that left side hit. You gotta come off of the boarder X course and fly to get that thing-my friend did it. I tried that jump once, and never touched it again- i really hate it. I hit about everything in the lower park (nothing fancy), except the disco box, just didn't really think about it. I'm starting to get a feel for the wallride, and i even hiked it a handful of times. (can't wait to try camel's) Sidewinder is looking pretty good-I can't wait to see the setup (probably be scared shitless). I got a peek at the new battle-box. It's pretty long, and looks as wide as the disco box, but then again- it was from a distance, so i could be wrong. I saw the box outside the snowcat garage- it wasn't on sidewinder.........yet :D

  10. ... supposedly the new 45-foot battle ship box is going to be out


    where they widened sidewinder over the summer there is going to be a decently large jump


    I would guess so. I saw that bad boy today , going down easy out/vista, looking up. They were moving it around with the cats, so i would imagine that it will be in. (btw, from what it looks like, the new battleship box is about as wide as the disco flat down box, but then again, it was from a distance.


    Yeah, there's a jump there.


    too many times people get hurt in the expert park on sidewinder and ruin it for us all.

    it isnt possible to progress if the park is set up like a beginner park. that is why there is a beginner park (terrain run).

    Yup, exactly.

  11. On my board, i did something like, 2 degrees base bevel, 0 degrees side edge. Skitzo, what happened with your board? I remember you had to send it to burton for replacement or something? You were worried about impact damage- Turns out that my board was impact damage (which i pretty much knew), and revolution was cool enough to just fix it and send it back my way (great customer service). Just waiting for it now.

  12. How are the edges are it? Do they come with a 90 degree bevel all around?


    I was thinking about de-tuning the nose and tail outside edges (just the part that sticks out), and putting an 88 degree bevel on the rest of the edges, like I've done with pretty much every board I've had.....


    I just completely de-tune around my nose and tail. you hold your board on a wall, and mark where the edge makes contact on both sides, tip and tail. then you detune around the nose, from point to point, same thing for the tail. The edges around the nose and tail, aren't there for anything but structural integrity. That's how I do it, but there may be a better way. Ask one of the tuning gurus, or flip around tognar's site.

  13. I'm done tring to argue with you people. You don't understand that there are some people that just want to ride no matter what it's on. I'm pissed because they closed, if you don't like it, thats your problem. Complacency never got anyone anywhere. BTW they closed because of money, stop making excuses.


    Yup :rock

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