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Posts posted by Stevo

  1. It's cool that you got a pass at Blue. I think it's about a 100 dollar savings with a student ID. If a pass at Blue was 800 dollars and one at Camelback was 200 dollars I would still get the pass at Blue because I like the skiing better and it's so much closer to me.



    Amen. It's just so much more worth it, in my opinion anyway.

  2. yeah park all the way for me.. barely every leave the park



    yeah i was just up at the loft lookin at boots, bindings and pants.. also my bro just got the 06' K2 World Wide Weapon board.. its sick..

    i was lookin at the cartels actually.. im a big fan of the toe cap


    What about drake super sports? I have the set from last year, and i love them! They are super flexible, comfy, and look gnarly. About the capstrap- drakes new 06 super sports have the DFS, which is somewhat like the capstrap.

  3. This weekend i stopped up at blue mountain to pick up my pass. While there, i took a half hour or so to hike around. When i got over to sidewinder, i was amazed-they did a lot of widening. Also, it looks like they're putting in a new wallride, just like camelback is. (okay, i guess i was wrong when i criticized cb's permanent wallride) Also, the pipe looks like it was widened, and they now have snowguns over the pipe- i don't know if they had them last year or not- but they do now :confused . I took a lot of pictures, but i have to get a webshots account or something when i get some free time. I'll post pics as soon as i can. From what i've seen, blue is really making a commitment to their parks. :rock

  4. BC's is permient

    I guess i was thinking of removable ones, like the 2 at MC.


    updated pic



    Not a billboard,

    not a sign,

    perhaps this is something for you to climb!


    In the Glen,

    surrounded by snow,

    will you have the guts to give it a go?


    I got it! IT's a rock climbing wall!

  5. well i just had to mention my home mountain, cause like noone ever skis it on here, so i had to acknowledge it.


    I would get a pass to BB, but it's further away from my house, so i wouldn't be able to get rides as much. I went to BB a few times last year, and i was very impressed with the parks, except that stupid berm in the middle of nowhere :confused

  6. Well, i think i'm just gonna have to try it. I don't have many options. I think next year, i'm gonna squeeze into some smaller boots, and maybe i won't have this problem. I might not even have any problems without them, so i don't know- i'll just have to see what happens.

  7. Head of the class?



    What class? Pennsylvania?

    You guys can hype up yourselves up all you want, but theres no way you are in the same league as mountain creek.


    No one mentioned this yet. (i don't think so anyway- too lazy to read) Mountain creek definitely is nice. I've never been there, but from what i've seen, ( pics and vids ) It looks nice. We can agree that mountain creek is nice. Why might they be nice? :confused hmm. Could it be because they are owned by Intrawest, who also owns Winter Park and Whistler-Blackcomb. IF MC weren't owned by intrawest, then the parks would almost definately suck. "....but there's no way you are in the same league as mountain creek" - Who said bc was? Have you even ever been to bc? I love how people have to look at mountains like they're in a competition, trying to be the best. I just look at it as different places to ride, each with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Is it just me or is this pasucks guy coming off as an asshole? :confused Haha, i really could care less, he'll be kicked off in a few days.

  8. steveo, first of all I highly believe that the large palmer plates are not proven tech and actually cause your board to break. this theory comes from a friend of mine with a size 13 foot, fits into a burton 12, who has constantly broken his boards. in 5 years he's been through at least 10 boards. I think last year he went through three boards. Now, if you look at his broken boards, or cracked edges where does the board break. right where the palmer plates end. likewise, put some plates on your board and flex the board. look at the extremely large flat spot the plates have created under your foot.


    the buddy of mine switched from palmer plates to the burton plates and saved weight, and has actually stopped breaking boards as often.


    Thanks nitromtnrep, but i think i'm just gonna risk it. My board has a 3 year warranty(not sure if park riding or the plate use voids it though), so maybe i'll be covered. If this did happen, I could always go back to palmer and bitch like crazy. If I do break a board, i have a backup. I just want to try these things out for myself and see what they do. They're not proven tech, but i've heard a lot of positive things about them, and the design makes sense. I would have gotten the burton ones, but they're more money, and i don't really like the looks of them :confused . I could see though, how the palmer plates might put more stress on the inserts, because there's more leverage against them=more stress , but then again, i have super flexible bindings (drake super sports :banana: ), so i don't see a high risk at breaking my board. Thanks a lot though. If i break my board, then you can say "i told you so" But seriously, i hope that never happens

  9. dude that looks like you had some fun building it steel 2x4s are expensive though right? but i like it. it is an ideal skate rails due to its height and length.... i did it man and appreciate the photo.


    Thanks a lot. I love this rail. I made it so it could fit in a VW golf. The rail splits in half (th \___/ part with bolts), so it can fit in a small car relatively well. Yeah, it was pretty fun building it, all the welding/cutting/grinding. It was worth it in the end. Actually, you can't tell from the picture, but that's steel channel (3x2 maybe? 1/4" thick) The steel wasn't expensive at all, they let my dad take the steel from his work, so all together it cost me $0. :rock This rail is awesome to skate. It's a little heavy, but at least it won't move anywhere.

  10. I'm looking into one too. I'm probably gonna get the pro tec b2 scotty arnold, because it would fit like a skate helmet and it won't look like i have a balloon on my head.


    Just what i expected..... ordered it from the loft yesterday

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