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Everything posted by Robert2

  1. Here's the boot cam video. Boot cam video Note the target SPORE in the center of the ride down Lehigh. Sort of deer in the road stuff.
  2. It was pretty hard today. Nothing soft and mushy. I expected mush. The temp was 38 degrees at noon. Very nice fast riding and the snow storm started at 3PM. I wore a boot cam all day so I'll post movies after editing later tonight. JADIP
  3. I went to Blue today at noon and the parking lots were totally full and we could not find any parking. There were cars parked all the way out the parking lots along the main road coming into the lots. We didn't stay 10 minutes. My mission was to buy 2 tubing tickets for a school gift. It was so crowded at tubing we skipped the lower lot and went up to the main lodge which was even worse. I wasn't there to ski but just wondered what actual skiing is like with that many people. I know its the peak of ski season on a weekend but this was nuts. How early do you have to get there .... just to get a parking space?
  4. My daily bus cancels all non-essential rides when the snow falling looks to be more than 3 or 4 inches. So anytime there is an epic snowstorm my ride is canceled. I am offering to pay for your lift ticket or $50 if you take me to and from JF or BB on big snow days. This offer is good for skiers/boarders and employees of JF or BB. My house is in town in Jim Thorpe on Route 903 so being a state highway its always clear enough to drive during snow storms. PennDot has a snow removal plan for 903,115 and 940 so even if it snows we have a clean shot at getting to JF. PM me when it snows if you want to do this. This offer is good for the rest of this winter.
  5. The storm promised to be an epic storm by all weather reports... we all were disappointed by the lack of completion of an epic storm. so you went skiing ...good... nice to see you get out there... even when conditions got bad...not epic but good you got to play some. That doesn't change the fact that at dawn CC6 called me and asked me if it was worth the hassle of turnpike travel to go play when the ski resorts themselves said they thought conditions sucked and were getting worse. If conditions were getting better CCT6 would have taken me to JF by my call on the conditions because I live here. Stop making this out to be anything more or less than what it was. I said at dawn that conditions sucked and do not risk the turnpike hassle on my account since I go every day I can stay home one shiity weather day. If another snow storm cancels my bus I still am offering a lift ticket to JF or 50 bux as fee to take me so stop all this bullshit and get outta my thread.
  6. Listen up you mutant dickweeds. YES your sarcasm offends me. Keep your mouths shut if you can't say something legitimate. I can assume you are all older than 5 years old so how about manning up and behaving better than this shit. I made a real offer to pay for a lift ticket or cash $50 for transportation to go ride in an epic storm because my bus cancels when it snows great snow to play in. You all found the time to harass the shit out TTC6 but none of you phuqers went skiing this week when CCT6 was the only one who actually made an effort to figure out how to give me a ride. Perhaps its my old age and that I am a grandparent that sets me apart from you douchbags. Leave your bullshit out of my posts. Go to the lounge and post in F you post or ...wait.. the douchebag thread.
  7. snowing now,,,,, yeeeeeaaaaaaaa
  8. Really nice granular snowcone powder everyhere. Very dry... nothing sticky...very fast. When people wiped out they looked like the TAZ A bit crowded by my standard of empty hills all week but no real lift lines today so was a great day. JADIP
  10. Not gonna happen. I write the daily trail report on WIFI in the bar at JF right after I get off the snow. Anyone who reads my trail report can at that time decide if they want to jump in the car and get a night session at BB. The only time the snow is different at BB is when its truly a warm spell where the daytime has meltoff and slush and then freezes to boiler plate at sundown...around 5PM. THATS not happening now that the daytime highs have been 29 degrees. So when I write a TR before 4 PM its truly a real time event. Conditions are exactly what I report as I get off the snow and you can base your night time plans on them. I don't write trail reports so others can live through my experience. Get your own experience. GO SKI AND no there was no BLUE ICE today.... which I found mind blowing considering my town and yard and everywhere that was not groomed.... in the trees between the trails...AND the trees themselves... were covered with hard clear ice crust.
  11. Grooming was great again. You couldn't tell is rained all day yesterday by the conditions of the surface today. 15 degrees at dawn helped a lot.
  12. It don't matter why he pressed to leave. Back to that karma shit. He pressed to leave and that placed them in the right place and time for the rescue.
  13. Today we had a promise of 9 inches of snow. When I heard that it meant just one thing to me. Jumps. I've never tried to jump anything because of hard landings and I'm too old for hard landings. Every year I see these kids jumping and say one day I'll learn how to do that. The problem is there is never anything soft enough to jump. So when you (TT C6 ) said you were game for a trip today I really thought it would be me learning something new from YOU the guy that likes jumping. We call deep snow HERO snow because you can fly like a superhero and if you fall you may survive with nothing more than fractured pride. We do get a few 1 or 2 or 3 foot deep blizzards that shut down the whole state once in a while and my first thought is GO TO THE MOUNTAIN because this will be unheard of conditions in these parts. Only problem there is that my bus service cancels when we get 6 inches of snow or ice. SO I WILL MAKE THIS STANDING OFFER. IF CONDITIONS ARE AWESOME DEEP SNOW THEN MY BUS WILL CANCEL AND I WILL PAY FOR YOUR LIFT TICKET IF YOU TAKE ME TO SNOWBOARD.
  14. The bottom line is how much YOU can enjoy yourself on whatever conditions nature throws your way. I go every week day regardless of the weather report so I may come across conditions that other people consider just plain impossible to ride.... like blue ice. There is only so much natural snowfall here every year and its never enough to keep a ski resort open. The ski resorts must manufacture snow and its not always going to be soft and fluffy so the next best thing is to groom and regroom corduroy grooves in the hardpack daily. You may find groomed cord too hard to jump or too icy to edge. I don't jump and I don't jib rails so falling or landing hard is not ever my concern. I can pop up on the snowboard edge and ride in control just carving ribbons down the hill at high speeds and get my fun even if the surface is what you consider less than desirable. I can not get that same deep carving affect on two skis so I never ski on anything less than what you guys consider primo conditions. So yes, I do enjoy blue ice better than sticky wet snow when snowboarding. Sticky wet snow sort of grabs at my snowboard and it feels like I'm being grabbed at the ankles in a tugging manner while riding. This is bad for my knees and shins and wears me out faster so sticky snow is bad. Slippery ice is good. You may notice that the ski resorts DO NOT CANCEL ski lessons when conditions are icy. Ski instructors must teach on all conditions. 5 degrees to 50 degrees. snow, ice, rain. The lifts only shut down for lightning. Since I am a retired snowboard instructor I have spent more time in adverse weather teaching snowboarding than many of you have actually spent sliding down a hill on primo powder. But this isn't about me. What I am writing about here now is that many of you saw this week's weather and got all stoked up about this major snowfall coming our way and this made you think about how to go play in the snow. Forget stoked. Learn how to ride on all surfaces, soft snow and groomed cord ice, and go have fun. Don't just complain about the weather not dumping enough snow on us. If you don't know how to have fun on all surface conditions then perhaps you need lessons. I don't care if you've been riding or skiing for 20 years. If you only ski powder because you lose it on ice then you need to learn a new trick or two and then NO DAY will be a BAD DAY skiing. The groomers at JF and BB have done a hell of job with the surface this year. There seems to be nothing these guys can't fix. The surface has been very flat and seamlessly contoured groomed cord any time is wasn't snowcone granular or chalky powder. All of which fly like the wind and are safe for me to play on. I'll definitely be buying the groomers another case of beer or two this year for a job well done.
  15. Well it didn't work out that great today from anyone's point of view. Snowsnakes and dead lifts at Blue ruined the day. Then heavy rain falling after noon made some real nasty conditions. After trying to figure out transportation this morning being worth the play time it actually was best to stay home today. Thanks CCT6 for considering the trip. If there wasn't so much crap going on with the turnpike and the forecast of an ice storm I am sure we would have gone today. It just goes to show you that PASR CAN hook people up even if my first posting was after midnight.
  16. Ice is nice Speed is goooooooooooood. Seriously, some of the best riding days I've had were on blue ice. Once you learn to ride ice you don't need to wait out perfect powder conditions and don't sweat the weather reports. You just go ride. If pain is your fear then armor up in roller blade and hockey padding and then no hardpack will harm you. Some of the SLOWEST rides I've had were in sticky wet fresh powder so I'd take groomed cord ice over powder any day.
  17. We got 6 inches of soft very dusty light snow then it started sleet then rain. Looks like clearing then temp drops tonight to 15 degrees by dawn. That should set the surface up real nice for real fast rides tomorrow no matter how little grooming they can do tonight because of the wet slush.
  18. My bus ride cancels non-essential rides during snow this deep. I live on Route 903 in town in Jim Thorpe. I'm looking for transportation to and from Jack Frost on Wednesday. I'll pay $50 to anyone that will take me round trip and gets me on the snow for no less than 2 hours. If you are a fan of Big Boulder then you have to take me to JF to get my snowboard then we go to BB then at the end of the BB session you do not have to take me back to return my gear at JF. I'll just take it home with me.
  19. Senior moment. As I get old and start to lose things...the thing I miss the most is my mind.
  20. Just kidding. Listening to Marshel Tucker.... Actually more like blue skies and white snow for 5 months. Today we had 20 degrees... dry groomed cord and chalky powder. Very fast.......nice rides. Clouds rolled in about 3 PM but no snow falling yet. JADIP
  21. Fast chalky powder much like last week except heat wave today..... 24 degrees. Really nice. JADIP
  22. JF PASR had discount lift ticket price. Why doesn't Blue do that?
  23. Yes. Definitlely did not turn to soft slush. A fall would hurt. I think.... don't know cuz I never fell.
  24. Warm... so warm no balacavas today... just face fur..... The surface was groomed hardpacK cord that had NO STICKINESS at all even though the temp was above freezing. Just a pleasure to ride again and again and again.
  25. JF also has some kind of huge ass pyramid thing going. Park employees should be posting pictures of these before they groom them down any. People who like to jump and jump big would cream themselves if they saw these.
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