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Everything posted by EAZY-Emuntz

  1. There was a whole other thread about them seling the chairs, im almost 100% sure they are unless they changed their minds.
  2. BC- Mark when are you guys gonna starts selling the chairs of it?
  3. What are the changes that are goin to ??????
  4. I actually think that nick is kinda right. I mean I know that they are owned by some big hot shot company and they love their money, but I mean they really do listen to their passholders and they do care for us. Ex, the hikeable park, suggested by people on pasr. On the other hand, they have a crapload of snow on the mountain and could easily have the mountain open minus a few trails for a solid week and a half and the only reason they closed was because of money. (that statement could be taken away if the push most of the snow on the other trails to the hikable terrain park)
  5. I know right? Sad that like the deepest and freshest powder ive ridden at bear this year was on closing day
  6. I have plans this summer to build 2 rails, flat and down flat, and probably and quarterpipe and/or small jump for a little backyard setup. Also, Im prolly going to woodward this year for snowboarding. anyone else going?
  7. sponsoredbyforum, how old are you like 8 maybe 10?
  8. he didn't make himself look like a tool when he called you a tool.
  9. So is timberline just jumps and snow features or is it a full terrain park with rails? if so what rails?
  10. Im pretty sure in that kevin kids second run I saw him throw like a misty off of the second jumps knuckle. but im not sure of the trick cause i was watching from the top. That kid is soooo sick
  11. hopefully they will be able to last past the 21st so i can ride just one more time this season. But, Bear Creek, thank you for making the best out of the weather that you guys get and blowing snow at every possible chance.
  12. haha i was there that day. It was soo bad that when i got off the lift i couldn't stop and i fell down on purpose to try to stop myself, but i ended up it the woods hahah. Not to mention i still managed to have fun
  13. ...the kid without poles isnt even that bad. Plus hes only like 14-15
  14. The youtube name is loweriders or whatever. Are you from downingtown?
  15. So the creek is having their freestyle events this weekend and it would be cool to know more about it What are the age divisions? What rail(s) is the rail jam on? Where is the slopestyle?
  16. I dont get why that movable wallride hasn't come out yet cause everyone wants it.... or did it get f*ck'd by a groomer?
  17. The park crew isnt bad at all. I think that there were some better park crews in recent history though. But, Im not complaining about it. I was just sayin that it would be sick to be on the park crew
  18. I would drive the 30-45 mins everyday after school to be on the park crew without any pay just to fix stuff the only problem is, im too young. I mean fixing stuff isnt that bad when you have a little nifty shovel. Plus you get to ride the box/rail/jump after you fix it and you get a free season pass. I know that it might get old fixing the stuff,but hey riding free everyday and hangin out at the park with all the locals. chea
  19. I had an unusual day today as i didnt go to bear and i went to sno. It makes me realize how fun the simple things that bear has are. Yeah sno has a 22 foot pipe which looks impossible to air out of (chevy revolution tour was there) and some wild ass planet brand rails that were kind of rickety. But bear has all of the simple stuff that is fun to do they have nicely built jumps, the simplest and funnest rails, and some cool idea things (a.k.a. the butter pad). The only thing that sno has over bear that isnt size is their snow which was powder today and it was snowing very hard for about and hour to an hour and a half. P.s. how was the big air comp?
  20. not to interupt this Pasr battle but that's a sick vid ^ esp. for a kid my age
  21. i would deff rather get a clean 270 on to a nice smooooth down rail than do some kinda sketchy spin off a not that great of a jump, but i will agree that bear and big boulders jumps are getting pretty damn good.
  22. Is it snowing there right now? cause it doesnt look like the foggy/rainy weather that the whole area was supposed to get
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