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Season Pass Picture


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I did a quick search because I remember someone talking about this.. but then I figured this topic probably deserves it's own thread.


Has anyone gone the email route for their season pass pictures? I'd like to do this, but I want more details and am too lazy to call them.


Does size matter? :lol:


Can I pose? :pimp:




Last year's season pass was the worst photo evar, but as a guy, we're required not to care enough to ask for a second photo.

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Wow, great minds think alike. I JUST emailed them my pic. I found one of those standard pose pics from college. It's kind of old, but I look the same, so I don't think it matters. I was wondering about the sizing/cropping issues.

Hah.. awesome.

Yeah, let me know if you hear back from them. I'm wondering if I should just call.. that way they're forced to address me.

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I'm probably gonna go up tomorrow with my brother because he's gonna put an app in to be a lifty, I'll try to get an answer for pass pics, and hey, what happens if they open thanksgiving and no one has there pass yet? hey I might even take a pic or two of the progress if i can, too bad I can't figure out how to upload pics to this site, i guess i could look in the help section but i just don't have the attention span for that shit.

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ha ha maybe i'll try calling first just incase nobody's there, this is kinda weird isn't it? and hey how come boulder and camelback were on news watch 16 this afternoon but no sno? come on sno, free publicity, ya gotta call them up and tell them to bring some camera's up, or... they can just look out there window.

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Okay, so I went up today, the lady said that the plan was for them to start taking pictures for the passes next weekend because they aren't set up for it yet, mostly because they have never opened this early in the season before and they weren't ready, they are still planning on opening for either thursday or black friday.


From what I could see, it looked like the "emphasis" of their snowmaking is on Northface, she said that they are going to blow snow every night they can.


Weather looks decent, but lets just pray it doesn't rain at all next week.

Edited by davieclauss
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Okay, so I went up today, the lady said that the plan was for them to start taking pictures for the passes next weekend because they aren't set up for it yet, mostly because they have never opened this early in the season before and they weren't ready, they are still planning on opening for either thursday or black friday.


Um, so does this mean that I cannot use my 2004 college graduation picture? I was looking forward to being 22 again on my season pass.... Looks like I'll have to call them at some point this week.


I am kind of annoyed they'll be opening over t-giving weekend because of course I won't be around!

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Okay, just called Sno and spoke for a very friendly person. They said that pass photos will start to be taken tgiving weekend. She said that right now they are just focused on getting the mountain open, and if it opens before they have the photos taken, not a problem, they will just look you up and print you out a lift ticket for the day. She said that if you submitted a picture via email, that they would use that.


Also, she mentioned that they might be open as early as Wednesday, which would be super for me b/c then I could get a little skiing in before I went home for t-giving.

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Open for Wednesday?!?! Major stoke, hopefully I'll get to hit up the best mountain within 9 minutes of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport while I'm home on break!


That's what she said!!! I'm super excited as well--I was bummed b/c I will be away for T-giving, but I could def. stick around a bit on Wednesday to ski for an hour or two.

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