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Alpine Replay


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So has anybody else given this a whirl?




If you've got a smartphone (iPhone or Android), you download their app and start it running when you start for the day.


It tracks your travels, speed, etc. Kinda interesting if you're into stats.


Android app will track airtime and number of jumps. iBone users are SOL


Hardest part is to remember to start it running.

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I finally remembered to start it yesterday with about 5 runs to go.


When you're done you hit the pause button and it uploads the data to command central.


From there you can view your runs overlayed on a Google Map of the mountain and even do some virtual race or something crazy.


I just wanted to see if it worked, how accurate it was, etc.


It seems pretty accurate as I was doing a bit of carving down the run out to the six-pack and even they showed up.

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