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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Wondering who "engineered" that roadway???? Drainage? Who needs drainage?
  2. Root is married, so why give it to him?
  3. It's a lot more fun when you get a crowd to go along in the middle of summer when it's hot/sticky.
  4. What ever happened to Birdman (a.k.a. the happiest liftie ever) at Blue?
  5. No Colorado skifari this year??
  6. @GrilledSteezeSandwich and @saltyant could share the room.
  7. We mix it up. In Whistler, we didn't cook at all.
  8. Part of the ski trip experience is getting to eat local foods in the place you're visiting.
  9. Nice! Staying away from the sides of the run near the trees I see! 😉
  10. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    Nope, I hadn't heard anything more and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that the deal blew up at the end, so perhaps this is the latest scuttlebutt. I would think it would be a tough roe to hoe going the private route and keeping it solvent, unless they have some really deep pockets to pull money from.
  11. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    Nobody has heard who might have bought it, but the thought is probably a private investor group as if it was any "biggie" that surely would have been announced.
  12. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    Since I already bought an Indy, I'd definitely welcome Elk to it!
  13. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    That and Blue isn't as far out in the boonies as Elk is.
  14. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    Yeah, dunno either. What if it's some bunch of rich boomers who take the place private?
  15. indiggio

    Sale rumors...

    Heard it through another source that the deal is done and Elk's been sold.
  16. Bunch of videos out show the entire ship going dark, then recovering, then going dark again. Surprising that they don't have tugs to direct these monsters until they're safely out of the harbor, but also heard they had a harbor pilot aboard taking the ship out, but if the ship loses power...
  17. Nope, but interesting. I guess they don't want people piece-mealing together spare goggles.
  18. No problem! Just glad you weren't any the worse for wear after your forest adventure. 😉
  19. Rode up with a lot of alien pass visitors taking advantage of the discount. Many were asking if we had a season pass and remarked at how much better the trails are at Blue compared to Cameltoe. There seemed to be a ton more park rats too, some of them were quite good off the jumps. There were also far more shit-missiles coming down Razors, one ate it spectacularly by clipping a bump with his left ski, spinning backwards into full-on yard sale and then body slamming his way to a stop in the bump line. That was the about the time we decided to call last run.
  20. Take it to the bird thread!
  21. Today was a total mind fuck from the get go. 31’ in the lot on March 24, a 9am open, gates open early, then not opening at all, then opening late, some screaming going on at the lift at the open, absolutely unexpected wonderful conditions after an absolute deluge the day before to full-on Spring conditions and unexpected bump line, digging @momskeeztoo outta the woods and getting her skis back on and late day parking lot session with a low-level eagles passover all made for a spectacular late season day and possibly another one next weekend. Fingers crossed for some more fun.
  22. Outta the box and into the rocks!
  23. Same conditions we had at Kicking Horse, with the top socked in with clouds and snow. I don't know where that scary run was.
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