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CB Email 2-15-07


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so let me understand something -


the way this message board works is that I give my opinion on CB repeatedly and then that allows you to make personal derogatory posts about me because of my posts ?


so who is spreading garbage?

***** news flash! accept that CB's parks suck and that people will always say that until they don't - Until then - use the ignore button and don't read my posts if they bother you that much.





OK so I have to igonre his idiotic posts like this one and you want to censor me?? This guy has gone way past making his point. He's a blatant hater and It looks like the only opinions you tolerate in the CB forum are the ones that bash CB. After all every thread gets filled with CB bashing from the same group of people. It is not constructive or informative at this point.


Believe it or not I don't even have any animosity towards the guy. I just want to be able to look at a conditions thread without having to weed through all this bashing and personal whining.


People need to accept the fact that CB is not operated the same way as BB/JF, Blue or MC. They do some things better and some things worse. Each mountain has its own setup and ways of running things. I can spend all day on here whining about the things I don't like in the forums of each mountain incessantly and never run out of material.


I honestly was hoping this message board would be a good place to find out what the ongoing conditions are in the Pocanos on a daily basis. Ideally both from the mountain reps and the customers. So much for that idea. The mounain reps can't even report on daily conditions without the thread turning into a whinefest.

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I honestly was hoping this message board would be a good place to find out what the ongoing conditions are in the Pocanos on a daily basis. Ideally both from the mountain reps and the customers. So much for that idea. The mounain reps can't even report on daily conditions without the thread turning into a whinefest.


I see no reason why those of us that don't give a crap about the park can't keep condition report posts going.


I certainly will post every time I make it up over the next 2 weeks, I can't help you with judging the quality of the moguls on rocket ('cos me and my board don't play well with tightly spaced bumps), but I promise I wil not whine about the parks.

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I manage the trolling when possible. However, PapaSteeze is not trolling. He actually does visit the mountain, and has a pretty good handle on what is good and what is not (both at CB and elsewhere). He's the most knowledgeable gaper I've ever met, and his opinion means alot more to me and many other park rats than the countless others who are trying to get him to shut up.


How is starting a thread like this not trolling?? He's just looking for haters. Admittedly he has nothing nice to say about CB and only goes there because he lives nearby. His attitude detracts from anything constructive.


Understandably this may be frustrating to you, since you work (or volunteer) at CB and have a great time every time you are there. I have a season pass there and usually enjoy myself, but... when it comes to the park, things need LOTS of work. The noisy well gets the grease, and a few here are trying to be as noisy as possible. It's not against our sites rules, and in fact, it was one of the reasons the site was created.


The fustration just comes from having to read the same gripes when I just want to see how the snow is holding up and what the runs/features look like. Actually I don't have a great time every time I'm at the mountain. I have to put up with the same conditions and I still have to drive 2 hours to get there. I'm just as pissed as everyone else when the lifts close because of the weather or that the hill doesn't tell everyone that it closes the Stevenson side early. I do like the mountain though and have learned that there really are people that care about giving customers a good experience. Just because people don't see results as soon as they mention someting doesn't mean that the ski area doesn't care. There are hundreds of issues to be addressed each day. Rome wasn't built in a day. CB is trying and I have seen some changes and have heard of some really excellent things coming to the hill. It's just going to take a while and even then it may not be what some people want.


It's been refered to as PA bitch and post more times than I can remember, but it is what it is. I enjoy reading your posts skizilla and hope you would never leave our site, but in the end if you don't like listening to the complaints than maybe this message board isn't for you.


I understand this site started because of some censorship at ridecb. Granted there probably is some bad feelings because of it. Maybe that explains why anyone who actually likes the mountain is looked at funny and why all the bashing is encouraged. Thanks for the chat.

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How is starting a thread like this not trolling?? He's just looking for haters.
How do you know that? I post an email word for word from CB to get the word out and you say I am trolling for haters? These were my following posts in this thread - you turned this thread ugly with personal attacks towards me, there were nearly 20 other posts after my intial creation of this thread. OMG......




A week ago - park crew told me that they were not allowed to maintain-rework the lip or landings to the jibs in Rhodo. FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



SO are you calling park crew liars?



I wish I had a camera that morning, and then a recorder of what was said. I am sorry ski911 - but you and others are really clueless when it comes to park maintenance, set ups or what ever you want to call it.


Suggestion: get the guy who is charge of the park crew out there every day then. Of course I am sure that we were there the one day he was off, got sick, had a flat tire...........



Does park crew like this set up and agree with the guy in charge?



ski911 is a good guy toast, I just think he is just a little misled into believing that CB knows what it is doing with thier parks or what is going on. I don't think he realizes the safety aspect of just how poor the jibs and jumps are at CB. I offered a ticket and time to him, but he either missed my offer or is not interested or doesn't have the time.



He says nothing new and fills up every thread with garbage.


Really? the email was new and the facts of what happened when I was there was new - why are facts and questions garbage in your mind? You are weird. Please make this guy go away. thanks

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How do you know that? I post an email word for word from CB to get the word out and you say I am trolling for haters?


Based on the majority of your postings on CB, it seems reasonable to believe that your "Topic Description" of "WOW - CB is just so awesome!" was less than genuine. You expect to have it both ways. You never miss a chance to throw a dig in at CB. Then when you get called out for it, you claim innocence. This routine of yours has gotten really old and really tiresome.

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Based on the majority of your postings on CB, it seems reasonable to believe that your "Topic Description" of "WOW - CB is just so awesome!" was less than genuine.


now thats funny.... so your point is that I should not post email announcements from CB because of my previous comments?



times 2...at least he's not on staff anymore..



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Based on the majority of your postings on CB, it seems reasonable to believe that your "Topic Description" of "WOW - CB is just so awesome!" was less than genuine. You expect to have it both ways. You never miss a chance to throw a dig in at CB. Then when you get called out for it, you claim innocence. This routine of yours has gotten really old and really tiresome.





On most boards the mods wouldn't let you go so far but since bashing CB is the trend here you get away with it. It's a shame a decent board like this one has be ruined by tools like you.

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OK, I'll try this again. You posted the following question:


How do you know that? I post an email word for word from CB to get the word out and you say I am trolling for haters?

And I gave you the reason someone might say you were "trolling for haters".


Based on the majority of your postings on CB, it seems reasonable to believe that your "Topic Description" of "WOW - CB is just so awesome!" was less than genuine. You expect to have it both ways. You never miss a chance to throw a dig in at CB. Then when you get called out for it, you claim innocence. This routine of yours has gotten really old and really tiresome.


Now you respond with another perfect example of your routine.


now thats funny.... so your point is that I should not post email announcements from CB because of my previous comments?
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Now you respond with another perfect example of your routine.


my routine?? lets examine the facts, i post about ski resorts and you post about me? You my friend instigate the garbage when you take it to personal level.


You, skizilla and others don't like it when I post about CB - you even go so far as to say I am stirring up hate just because I started this thread, but yet it is you who stirs up the hatred when you cry about my motivation for this post. does that not make sense?


Tell you what - you post the email announcements that CB sends out and see what happens.. :wiggle

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The fustration just comes from having to read the same gripes when I just want to see how the snow is holding up and what the runs/features look like. Actually I don't have a great time every time I'm at the mountain. I have to put up with the same conditions and I still have to drive 2 hours to get there.


I can't make him stop just because you don't like what he has to say, or that he is directing conversations in one direction or another. He's not off topic (especially when he creates his own topics). If you don't like it you don't have to read it. There really isn't anyone putting together decent reports about CB's snow conditions besides the dawn reports, which are pretty generic. (Besides EVERYTHING is going to be good at 6 a.m. when all trails are freshly groomed). I'm sorry this site isn't serving your particulars needs/wants to the fullest, but it's user supplied content, so if users aren't posting useful stuff for you there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.

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OK so I have to igonre his idiotic posts like this one and you want to censor me?? This guy has gone way past making his point. He's a blatant hater and It looks like the only opinions you tolerate in the CB forum are the ones that bash CB. After all every thread gets filled with CB bashing from the same group of people. It is not constructive or informative at this point.


Believe it or not I don't even have any animosity towards the guy. I just want to be able to look at a conditions thread without having to weed through all this bashing and personal whining.


People need to accept the fact that CB is not operated the same way as BB/JF, Blue or MC. They do some things better and some things worse. Each mountain has its own setup and ways of running things. I can spend all day on here whining about the things I don't like in the forums of each mountain incessantly and never run out of material.


I honestly was hoping this message board would be a good place to find out what the ongoing conditions are in the Pocanos on a daily basis. Ideally both from the mountain reps and the customers. So much for that idea. The mounain reps can't even report on daily conditions without the thread turning into a whinefest.


Ski - get over losing the best reports on the site are Doug's (grilledsteeze .... at the moment) at Blue, he is not a mountain rep. The reason why he ripped the Camelback ones so damn hard was that they were being posted by someone who hadn't skied the mountain yet that day - so it was BS. If your up there so much, where are your reports? When I was able to ride I posted about everyday I went up, I haven't seen one trip report from you yet so either your leaching the forum (the only thing I have seen was attacks on papa), or you don't ski. So which one is it? Are you part of the community or are YOU the troll?

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Ski911 - want it in positive constructive criticism? How bought you go here: http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...=7892&st=20 its only 2 topics under this one and in it are 4 photos with detailed descriptions of what is better about those jumps - posted by me, and a post by papa showing in comparison a jump at camelback. We also played that game with the flat-down rail in a different thread and i'll look for it.


As for trolling in those threads - skizilla's one and only response to the criticism?


"bla bla bla whine whine whine ... we'll see next year"


papa's response? about a half dozen posts - some fighting skizilla, but others talking about optimum landing angle (32 degrees) and other finer points of jump grooming.



I dunno, but from my perspective skizilla you look a lot more immature than papa does


and Ski911 I agree with you the ripping on CB doesn't do anything - and there is nothing I can do to limit that, but don't say no one is offering constructive criticism because I look around for pictures to show in contrast to your stuff all the time because pictures are a thousand times clearer than words in these matters.

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park crew told me that they were not allowed to maintain-rework the lip or landings to the jibs in Rhodo.


then they lied to you, im there everyday. im friends with everyone on park crew. everytime im on rhodo the lips are fine, maybe if they threw you up alittle more it would be better. the only things i have a problem with is the jump next to the flat down flat which dosent really have a landing, and i think lipside box should be turned facing towards you while your riding down the trail and wallride should be tilted, those are the only things i would change around on rhodo, but other then that i think it is sweet.


papa please dont try and act like you know what your talking about when your not there everyday, the parks are different when you went and seriously your not hitting it anyway so why are you bitching?

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Ski - get over losing the best reports on the site are Doug's (grilledsteeze .... at the moment) at Blue, he is not a mountain rep. The reason why he ripped the Camelback ones so damn hard was that they were being posted by someone who hadn't skied the mountain yet that day - so it was BS. If your up there so much, where are your reports? When I was able to ride I posted about everyday I went up, I haven't seen one trip report from you yet so either your leaching the forum (the only thing I have seen was attacks on papa), or you don't ski. So which one is it? Are you part of the community or are YOU the troll?


The problem I have is that whenever there is a thread about conditions at CB then all the haters have to start their rants about the park or whatever. If you want to point out a specific feature sucks then go for it. Everyone doesn't need to hear for the 5000th time that because the park isn't as good as other places that CB doesn't care.


You are totally wrong on that one. I'm not there every day but when I do go I post. Sometimes I see someone eles was up there the same day and if I have anything to add to their report I will. BTW I don't just post in the CB forum so if you looked for my posts you would find them. I'm not going to do the cut and paste of every post I ever made.


It's OK to take over a conditions thread with whining but call someone on starting a hater thread and that's fine.


then they lied to you, im there everyday. im friends with everyone on park crew. everytime im on rhodo the lips are fine, maybe if they threw you up alittle more it would be better. the only things i have a problem with is the jump next to the flat down flat which dosent really have a landing, and i think lipside box should be turned facing towards you while your riding down the trail and wallride should be tilted, those are the only things i would change around on rhodo, but other then that i think it is sweet.


papa please dont try and act like you know what your talking about when your not there everyday, the parks are different when you went and seriously your not hitting it anyway so why are you bitching?



No kidding!!!!

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so why are you bitching?


for the upteenth time, I was led to believe that there would be marked improvements. Yes the park pass was a god send, but ask anyone with skills if it is a park that they would want to return to and I think you will find a resounding NO!


When the beginner park of a neighboring mountain is better than the expert park of my home mountain I think I have reason to be disgruntled. It cost over $125 per day to ski at CB this year. I was not going to ruin me or my kids limited skiing time just to make the passes worthwhile.

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for the upteenth time, I was led to believe that there would be marked improvements. Yes the park pass was a god send, but ask anyone with skills if it is a park that they would want to return to and I think you will find a resounding NO!


okay for the 2nd time are you hitting the flat down flat? the c bow? the battleship? alright how about the easier boxes on laurel? what about the 2 foot jumps on easy park are you hitting them?


i think that your answer will be a resounding NO!


and for the 2nd time everone knows BBs parks are sweet, i get passes there all the time. there is no comparison between them


WOW!! CB............... nobody wants a park pass to a park that sucks. Get a frickin clue!

wa wa wait. i thought noone wanted a park pass to a park that sucks but now its a god send?

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for the upteenth time, I was led to believe that there would be marked improvements. Yes the park pass was a god send, but ask anyone with skills if it is a park that they would want to return to and I think you will find a resounding NO!


When the beginner park of a neighboring mountain is better than the expert park of my home mountain I think I have reason to be disgruntled. It cost over $125 per day to ski at CB this year. I was not going to ruin me or my kids limited skiing time just to make the passes worthwhile.


Just get camelcards next year instead.

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