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spring mt


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spring mt is.... SICK!! haha


but for real spring mount is pretty shitty, tons of gapers. the park blows and the pipe is pretty much unrideable. its small with slow lifts, but somehow i always have fun when i go. i guess its because i learned to snowboard there. definetly worthy of checking it out though.

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riding springs park makes you a better rider because its so shitty. enough said. i love the place to death. i cant wait to get back there again. and alot of those gapers oakley is talking about are hot ass girls that dont know how to ride. so go teach them :rock


plus its close as hell to me. half hour sometimes depending on the schulkyll traffic. and you live right by it? they were open almost the whole time bear creek was closed last season. sucks you dindt know about it then haha.

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While most people on this forum would find Spring Mtn. boring after about 2 runs, they do a great job with what they have. Thanks to the Buckman family of the Buckman ski shops shops for rescueing the mountain from the "lost" ski areas list, Spring Mountain is still the closest ski area to Philly and it's suburbs.

I learned to ski there on a rope tow. My daughter learned to ski there. My niece and nephew learned to board there, as well as many other people from the Philly area. It's definitely worth at least a night visit if for nothing else but to support the sport of skiing and snowboarding and to keep a "feeder" hill alive.

Edited by trackbiker
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i went there last season when bear wasnt open and i had a really good time..alot of squirrely lil kids flyin around but that can be fun to watch. other that that hey its close. and while ur there check out cabin craft ski shop...def a chill shop, and the owner, tom, is cool as shit

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