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Sno Mountain Skier

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Everything posted by Sno Mountain Skier

  1. bear is to far and i might get a free ride to jack frost.
  2. i might be going on the skier appreciation day and i looked at there map and it says they have glades. are they real glades like vermont or are there 15 foot spaces between trees?
  3. montage should get a guy like him. they did good from what i hear but they could have done better.
  4. i don't no if any of you guys noticed but on boomer they might have a five foot base. seriously if your near the chute jump there is a snow gun there and i go into the whole thats there and its up to my neck. i don't no why they would close so soon. i don't no if the driver was right though because i called two weeks ago for a suggestion and asked how long they'd be open till. the gm said probally the 20th then they would evaluate the slopes. so who knows for sure.
  5. for someone who asked if you flash your pass will work still. it wont. it says it cant be combined with any other offers.
  6. when i went catwalk was only open half of the way to upper fis and freefall. but i thought that id be able to see it but i never found it.
  7. nice pics but there doesnt look to be anything to steep.
  8. i have a fun time looking for the triple black. i couldnt find it at all last year.
  9. montage is closing on the 20th. if they have enuogh snow they after that they will close for the weeks and saty open on the weekends.
  10. are you going on a weekend or a weekday?
  11. i just want to know how they have such a big base.
  12. look at it this way vt mark. when you ski up at montage go on there lift near the lodge. when you go up the lift you see how the headwall on highball and mainline are in the same spot. then you look into the woods. and there is downslope exactly were the headwalls are. so i dont no how that isnt natrual.
  13. ya we had an amazing time in the woods. our favorite mountain was mt. ellen, but castlerock was close. f.i.s was one of my favorite runs.the woods were perfect. alot of bumps and not a lot of bare spots only on a couple trails. there park was amazing.
  14. ne 1 who has been there can you tell me a special trail to look for or a nice woods run. ill be gone for the weekend.
  15. why would love nutting rails. it hurts like a bastard.
  16. i know i had to stand in in line for 3 minutes. then we realized the singles was quicker so we took that till they closed that line off.
  17. put all of those in the gallery so we can see them.
  18. i would say go to elk if you have never been there.but if you have never been to montage give it a try. its a 45 minute drive with the steepest trail.
  19. you should try putting them on newschoolers.com. i have two people going back and forth on them. i have them up to 160 already when i started at 125.
  20. has montage sent anything back yet?
  21. i have never seen this trail at denton but i would think that it would be a small section that steep. i dont no but i may be wrong but that sounds to be the only way.
  22. ski what is rumble like becuase im going to sugarbush in a week and was wondering.
  23. a good spot for a picture of wl to see the steepness is on long haul. right after the cliff on lower fast track. you get to see wl, boomer, and smoke and see how steep they all are.
  24. I dont no how doable a race could be on there. if there was 1 ice spot and someone goes down, they will go all the way down and have a shot of hitting the damn.
  25. you have enough time to slow down before the lift. usually you stop pretty quickly.you probally have a good 30-40 feet to stop. maybe even more room.
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