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Community Answers

  1. 2 storms lined up this week for hopefully 12+. They desperately need it
  2. The $40 deal is available on the below dates in February
  3. Tbh I always look at that on razors and wonder if / when someone hits it the wrong way what would happen. Sounds terrible and I hope the person is ok. As much as I like the rollers on side. The flat light can really throw someone off there too. Hopefully no one else gets hurt.
  4. Montage… Home of the steepest trail in PA, a retired moose and old forge pizza. Let’s use this thread to find a date in feb that works for the PASRs to visit. For those without an Indy pass there’s a $40 midweek deal. If mid week doesn’t work than a weekend it is. Either way let’s use this thread to make it happen!
  5. FIFY. Montage day 2025 may warrent its own thread.
  6. When's the next day you can do. We can make that that official 2025 PASR day at montage if it works for everyone
  7. I’m planning a midweek montage day at some point in the next few weeks. PASR day anyone?
  8. First runs were really great. Then it turned to crap pretty quickly. Good to see the everyone again. It's been a while with trips etc.
  9. It's good! spring like and consistent throughout. Nice to see the rollers are back on sidewinder! Feels like they're bigger and badder than ever before
  10. No one's here, kinda warm, almost spring like conditions. It's not bad
  11. Def Saturday. Sunday morning I'm helping my brother move.
  12. I'm thinking about going tonight. I wonder how it is. In all likelihood it'll be a ghost town since most schools were closed
  13. I'll get back at some point this week...maybe. not really feeling blue rn. Maybe Thursday.
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