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Everything posted by GNU_rider

  1. wasn't last years opening on a thursday, because I remember calling out sick from work and my boss blatantly knowing I was going to ride but I could be wrong; also does anyone think they'd blow while they have all that construction stuff all over the slope?
  2. Yeah I mean I'd love to see cascade open with real jumps and a decent cliff set up as soon as possible then just see it littered with some intermediate rails.
  3. GNU_rider

    BC Rail Jam

    Yeah I mean that's what I'm wondering is it a comp or just a jam to throw down on some rails and not be serious about it, because if it's just a jam season pass holders should get in for free but a comp style rail jam I could see everyone having to pay for.
  4. GNU_rider

    BC Rail Jam

    12/2/2007 - Ski and Snowboard Movie premieres and Rail Jam (weather permitting) 2-7pm Rail Jam first then Snowboard Movie Premier from First Tracks Productions and Ski Movie Premiere from Level 1 Productions. Movie Premiers $7 admission, $10 Rail Jam rider fee. $15 for both Rail Jam and Movies. *Rail Jam is weather permiting at Bear Creek's Discretion So here's the info I found under the event on their calendar, I didn't see any of this before today so hopefully that's a good sign. Also if we have a season pass is the $10 rider fee still applicable or what?
  5. GNU_rider

    New Board.

    if you want a binding for park, the ride mvmnt series is designed just for park,rails,jumps,jibs and what have you so anything like the delta MVMNT beta MVMNT alpha MVMNT; although my personal choice from ride would be the Beta MVMNT ULs because their just as good as the alphas but the ratchet has a better feel to it. The binding you got is one of their all around bindings it can pretty much do it all but a binding from the MVMNT series is strictly a park binding. As for your board I've never personally ridden a salomon but a friend of mine has one he uses for park and is pretty happy with it.
  6. Well in reply about the jump line last year there was no dirt, as for simons part, at mtn. lab they had a couple of prefab wedge style jumps that they covered with snow so it would have a little more transition; I also know that in the step child video those "bmx jumps" are all snow and I think they should try to make a set of those at bear it would be so awesome to ride a fluid flowing line of like 3 to 6 jumps. One last thing, as long as we can ride some rails this weekend and the rest of the mountain within 10 days I'm fine with that I'm just sick fo driving the 1:45 or two hours to big boulder especially when my pass is for bear and when bear can make a very solid park with good lips.
  7. I doubt we'll hear an opening date until this coming or next weekend with all this crap snow making weather, but it would be really nice to hear something at the rail jam this weekend if it happens.
  8. does anyone know much they got down in that one night of blowing it looked like a couple of inches?
  9. well maybe they should just hurry up and finish the damn construction I mean I remember last year there was a bunch of loose larger gravel mixed in with the snow for the first few weeks, not nice on the base of your board what so ever besides I'd love to see that jump line open as soon as they've got the snow.
  10. if you plan on trying to ride as much as possible, yes unlimited is worth it also just what everyone else is backing the first 3 to 4 hours on a saturday or sunday are amazing!
  11. Tubers are gay nothing but the truth, but I don't for see them making the changes they did for a jump line that won't be permanent they moved a good amount of soil and did more with the ground for it so I'd guess permanent. Also I'd love to see at least a quad there I mean think about it, you'd cut the wait time in half for the park and you wouldn't have to worry about kids falling and shit like that.
  12. Well I feel like there were around like 10 to 12 there so maybe all around the mountain?
  13. GNU_rider

    BC Rail Jam

    Yeah I'm not really looking to compete either just throw down on some rails with everyone and get some footage, also what time is the rail jam?
  14. It's a tough topic I mean bear does need to have maximum trail count for a less crowded mountain, but at the same time having those bigger jumps and harder rails earlier would be really nice as well as the cliff drop which even though it was "closed" when they opened last year people still killed it but it really didn't get the love it needed until later on; so I would have to say this idea makes sense but put as good a variety of rails,boxes and what have you onto black bear so it's not just a whole bunch of easy ride on rails but some rails and such you actually need to ollie onto, I think that's bears over all problem as of late anyway rails being ride on or close enough to it. As for keeping kids out of cascade that shouldn't be there, you're sadly going to see that no matter what perfect example the jump line last year you could go and try to ride it all day but you'd still see kids who really shouldn't be on those jumps because it was just unsafe for them, I even saw kids with their parents on them of course that's what really didn't help the mtn. lab staircase was kids just riding up over and down the thing killing the lips. Oh that also reminds me I think they should really try to focus more snow making to get the mtn. lab staircase open earlier and open more often this year, I feel like it had minimal use last year because it was always closed.
  15. I hope they open soon because I'm sick of trekking up to B.B. just to ride one trail with 8 features blehhh bear creek is better anyway!
  16. Are you talking about the quarter, because it'll be a great way to learn andrecht plants and foot plants plus if they push a good pile of snow up behind it it's almost like a mail box; aside from all that it would be a nice way to finish out that new big hit line. Also I made it up for that open house and scoped out the trails and the improvements, they did improve the lighting all around and especially around the new jump line which they did separate from the tubing park and made it more accessible from cascade as well as easier to exit so you're not cutting into the pipe and losing all your speed as well; as for the snow I was at B.B. today and I swear they got around 6 to 7 inches at least that's what it seemed like.
  17. I like what's being said here, also I remember the 05 season things were SO good for the entire season it was one of my favorites at bear.
  18. Rowsdower has made my day with that forecast I am no longer going anywhere else for my weather.
  19. Yeah the new entrances are how you get in and he did say something about it being changed to help reduce unwanted traffic, maybe they'll do something smart unlike blue with those stairs and shit. Also I hope bear doesn't turn totally urban it hit me over the weekend jumps are still so fun, you can't just have a park full of rails; but they need to really make their rails gap on and more street style approaches!
  20. I know they both use SMI but BB has SMI guns that use an air and water intake at least it looked like their SMI guns had the same 2 hose set up.
  21. TUSC slays street rails like no bodies business.
  22. Well here's the thing about boulder and bears snow systems, boulder operates with a compressed air and water system (look at their guns you'll see 2 hoses going into them, one for air and one for water) now that means their air temp is a moot point I believe they can with their compressed air system make snow in up to 45 degree weather because they don't have to worry about a wet bulb temperature; at least that's what I understood from talking to some people about it and trying to do some research on home made systems as well. Now bear creek has a different snow system that pumps the water to the guns and then uses a pump on the gun to pull in the air needed for propelling the water (which from what I can understand would make them rely more on a colder temperature to blow, so it's not that they have a better system just different. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything I said about BB' and BC' snow systems because I'd love to understand anything I'm wrong about on this. As for not blowing snow when they can, it's not worth it to try and make snow in a two day window when you've got 3 or 4 days following where you can't blow and it would just melt while you're hoping you'll get another window; because it all comes down to wasting that water that you've been collecting to blow to really open and that power you've been allotted to use to blow, they make a calculated decision about when to blow they just don't want to blow all their resources and be S.O.L. when they really need them all.
  23. Well rowsdower seems to really have his shit together around meteorology, but what I've heard is also pretty close to what he's said that december is going to be colder in fact I've heard that december is going to be abnormally cold so if it's true that would be really nice.
  24. Well where are you located and what kind of vids are you looking for, like something from ally distribution or some of the smaller guys?
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