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Posts posted by DiMe

  1. Brand New Rails, Boxes and Snowmaking Equipment!!!


    The new features look great. Are you getting more than that or is that it for this season thus far? Also please tell the groomers that the jibs don't need be on on 20ft piles of snow this year.

  2. all rain :(

    NO! You must be kidding me, I live a bit higher than in town Stroudsburg though, where are you located? I'm up 191 past godfreys ridge about 4 miles on poplar valley road on top a hill. I somtimes get snow when Broad St. at the bottom of 191 gets nothing. I have 3 jibs all set out in the yard just waiting to be snowed on:(

  3. Whats accumulated so far by 4pm in Stroudsburg? Preferably up 191 towards Bangor if anyone lives in that direction. I'm at work right now and I had to drive through 4in of snow in NJ on my way to NYC it's driving me nuts. It was raining when I left my house!!! I"m preying when I get home tonight there's at least a few inches.

  4. 10.24.08 | By jesse


    Hi Guys-


    It's early on the morning of October 24 and I am making snow at our sister resort Mount Snow. We are hoping to get small hikeable park here for the upcoming weekend.


    Anyway, it is almost November 1, and you know what that means....snowmaking at Big Boulder on Freedom Park as soon as termperatures allow. So lets all be thinking cold, and I will see you on the slopes soon!


    Jesse Boyd



    Snowmaking Forecast

  5. well last time it checked, JUST a temp of 27... doesn't mean crap



    What are you trying to say? Are you trying to argue the wet bulb at 27 degress on Wed night? Snow can most definately be made at 27 degrees depending on the humidity.

  6. I got some more info. Weather permitting they're going tomake on the coolmoore wednesday night set up a few jibs on thursday and be open for hiking friday. I also caught wind that boulder plans to open somthing up this weekend weather permitting. Wednesday is looking like a great night for snowmaking, lets hope this happens:)

  7. I'm not trying to be negative here but thats kind of a big claim. Boulders jumps were some of THE best on the entire east coast. Does camelback have the snow cat operators who have experience with making jumps like that? I'm sure this Will person knows what hes doing, but if I recall correctly he was from BC and BC doesnt have jumps like boulder..


    ..Just some thought. Not trying to start anything.


    I don't think CB has the terrain for the the jump line Boulder has. The boulder park trail w/o any snow looks like it was in itself designed for those jumps.

  8. don't spend a cent until it is actually done. there can be a lot of talk and nothing to show for it, or it can be a lot of talk and actually something to show for it.


    I hear ya, I'm debateing between JFBB, Blue and CB.

    CB is only a 15 min drive for me where JFBB and Blue is 30-45min so thats also a factor. I'm gonna go check out the new features they built this weekend and ponder some more, I'll take some pics and post em if I can.

  9. ^actually it very well could.

    i believe cars/trucks like that for private use do not need to (or vary rarely do) pass inspection. he could claim work mans comp and take it from there i guess.


    You are correct, I can't sue though I never wanted to but the 2nd victim I believe will.


    I always play it safe and wear one. You never know what may happen, as you discovered.





    The lap belt would have kept you in the seat, no?


    I highly doubt it, the seat belt did not function properly what so ever. It latched but with any pressure it would fully extend the locking mechanism did not work. More than likely the seat belt would have extended me and held me outside the truck to be drug until the truck came to a stop. Normally seat belts when quick pressure is applied lock and keep you in place, this was not functioning on this truck.

  10. Were you wearing a seatbelt?


    Unfortunately no, neither was he. I usually don't wear a seatbelt when driving slow for 1-3min to get from a job site to job site on private property. Although, when I fell out of the truck I was asked the same question so I decided to test the seat belts. They don't function properly anyways they don't lock on impact so if I were to have had the seatbelt on it would have full extended and drug me along side of the truck rather than allowing me to fall out and roll out of the way.

  11. For all you Camelback haters, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this one.


    So the Lift department has a 2 wheel drive blue work truck that has to be one of the most unsafe vehicles I have ever seen in my life. It's been to Camelback's Vehicle maintenance shop at least 5 times regarding it's unsafe passenger door that does not latch properly and tends to fly open. While I worked there I was the first victim of the door got thrown out of the truck turning into Cameltop from the state park road, I got pretty scraped up and a sprained ankle but I was ok and didn't say anything to first aid or upper management or take it any further other than say what happened to my supervisor and request the door being fixed AGAIN (for the 6th-12th time?). I no longer work for Camelback but just caught word of another employee who is a seasonal worker got thrown from the truck once again and unfortunately got injured worse than I did, I can't believe they let it happen again. It would be nice if the Pocono record would get wind of this lol. I'm sure the truck won't be fixed or trashed until the next person who gets thrown out gets killed. The owners and new GM can't seem to budget for safe work vehicles yet they can spend $3,000,000 on a shitty water park expansion. GOOD JOB CAMELBACK!!

  12. Charles Blier will be the final demise of Camelback. He's known as the hatchet man, he dosn't give a shit about his employees or guests in any way shape or form. His whole purpose is cut backs, cut backs, cut backs, raise profits for owners and get himself a nice bonus at the end of the year. Camelbeach this year is a prime example of it, charging for parking, charging to have a picnic lunch in a tent in the parking lot, charging for all sorts of little extras within the park its ridicules. I can only imagine the winter will be worse.


    For the most part Rich knew what he was doing as GM and we didn't realize what we had until he was gone and now he is working up at Bromley, VT. Rich argued with some of the changes Art wanted to make and god forbid you tell a rich spoiled kid "NO", so when Rich's contract expired he was given the boot. Unfortunately the owner of Camelback has no business sense nor does his partner. They both had all of their business opportunities handed to them on a silver platter by their fathers who were successful businessmen. Unfortunately they operate by greed and not for the long term good of their business.


    I was once a dedicated CB employee and rider but I will never again give them a cent of my time or money. I will be purchasing my seasons pass at JFBB this year and never look back.

  13. Arrived at Belleayre this morning at 9:30pm took 2 hours and 50 min from Stroudsburg. It was raining on the way up and was a bit chilly in the morning. The peak was foggy for the first two runs but there was ice and snow on all the trees and nice hard pack groomers.


    The fog cleared and the sun came after the first few runs and the conditions were great by 1:00 the mountain started getting wet and slushy but the coverage was incredible for this time of year, you could even get into the woods for a bit at the top of the mountain.


    They had 33 trails open and 6 lifts running with a small bonk/box park by the mid mountain lodge. Great trip, if anyone has time it's definatly worth the trip up there this week.

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