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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. How much for the rug? I think that'll really tie my room together.
  2. ^ yeah, I posted the same link earlier. Totally bummed. I should contact WME. Maybe start an online petition.
  3. In Fifty there are several clips of skiing from the presumably from his own movies. There has got to be a way to get the old ones from the 50's/60's. Why wouldn't they sell them???
  4. Most people will say don't drunk and internet, but I will never discourage you from drunk posting
  5. If you watched the vid you'd see these guys did it without skis. What they did was nuts. So nuts I might want to try it. They just put a ton of duct tape on hiking boots and did hop turns down a steep using only poles. Mixed in jumps/flips/daffy's/etc. and they didn't land all of them.
  6. Thanks for the add! Toast, let's do it.
  7. Shipment arrived from Amazon. Loved ski a la carte and endless winter. Fell asleep during steep and deep so I'll have to watch again.
  8. Not exactly sticking to the old-school-skiing theme of the thread, but god damn this is good. All about downhill and the risks athletes take in the event. Does have some historical stuff with Hans Klammer aka "the father of modern downhill". Enjoy:) Edit: it's the full movie so just stick this in your back pocket until you can watch the whole thing. It's worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-NL-iby9zY
  9. Ron Funk. Trusty VW bus. Epic. Winning at life.
  10. Interesting... yeah, I've read about some of the old caveman stuff and some of the history on how skis were used in military. Bad ass shit right there. Damn, I wish I could have added this to my order yesterday. Good find. I'll have to bundle this with something else to get free shipping. Maybe Greg Stump classics.
  11. Up till now most of my ski video watching consists of recent downhill events and crash compilations put on the interwebz... And GSS taking an epic cornice at BM. Killer, right? I didn't start skiing until I was 20/21 back in 2000. That's when shaped skis changed the game. Equipment and technique totally changed. I never experienced first hand what the old world was like. I recently saw a vid of a former olympic racer try old wood skis for fun and that got me interested in the development of modern equipment and technique. If you noticed in my posts, I am primarily interested in 50's, 60's, 70's films. Looks like the oldest WM film I can get is from 1978.
  12. According to this no films prior to 1978 are available.http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Warren_Miller_films I just ordered the Journey Through the Decades 4-disc set and Power of Snow Collection 4-disc set. That should keep me happy until August.
  13. Given that GSS is one of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. I think you are flirting with him by posting that. And unless you are finding me Warren Miller films in here you are trolling.
  14. Interesting. I'll look those up for sure man. I'm looking for old in general and I'm also looking for old Warren Miller specific stuff. The way-before-corporate-got-to-him stuff. Stuff from the 60's would be dope. Nice. I do still have a VHS player laying around! This made me laugh:D
  15. I met you in person you stoner haha, thanks though:D
  16. I just searched for Ski Time. Found the link. Clicked it. Got a "File Expired" error. Anyone have it? Also, i did find some old "used" VHS tapes on amazon that my initial search did not yield. A few reviews complained of "hard to see washed out picture" likely due to age. This is what I do when I'm bored at work. Balls.
  17. Did you mean to post a link? Btw- amazon does not have anything from earlier than '92 (that I could find) with the exception of the same 4 DVD pack that I posted in the OP.
  18. Anyone know where to purchase the old ones from 60's, 70's, 80's? I found this that had a 4 DVD package with one film from each decade. http://www.vintageskiworld.com/DVD-Box-Set-Journey-Through-the-Decades-p/dvd-decades.htm "This box set released in 2004 features titles from each Decade: Journey (2003), Endless Winter (1995), Steep and Deep (1985), and Ski A La Carte (1978). Each film is a veritable time capsule showing the hottest ski filming of the time. Highly recommended." I was able to download a free copy of the 1986 classic Beyond the Edge via WME because I went to see Ticket to Ride in the theater last fall. I want moar.
  19. Yeah, I was up there 4/20. It was glorious. If it's still top to bottom I'd consider going Saturday.
  20. Summer is killing my mental health... Just had a dream I was skiing it was so real... At least until huge glowing hairy spiders started chasing me through a cornfield. So scary. Much bizarre.
  21. Well played Johnny:D Maybe I read that wrong... I thought it meant less people are actually on the hill boarding.
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