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Everything posted by thedude4bides

  1. That's pretty rad. I was saying schwing last night in the upper lot while a milf was taking her time scraping the windows on her SUV in yoga pants.
  2. I checked out the bumps on my in last night after racing and you could literally see your reflection in the troughs. They probably mowed them down and re-seeded.
  3. For some reason you aren't on this team. I am disappoint.
  4. whoa...let's put the banhammers down for a sec. Isn't there some sort of double secret probation?
  5. Not liking rollers should be a reportable offense. Anyone second that?
  6. MattEdge said he thought he saw you. How fun was razors with that third surprise little roller?! Bumps were great. I still haven't skied switchback but did my first NMDW run of the year.
  7. Epic. Thanks! Love seeing old-schoolers.
  8. Haha, I was going to ask how that one ended. Inside half of body is in a pretty bad spot. Too funny. Nice short-leg/long-leg and edge angles, doe;)
  10. I guess I missed all the good stuff. I do see GSS haters pop up now and and again and always wondered how could someone possible hate on GSS.
  11. Can't edit posts... weird. I cannot skate aggressively:(
  12. Urgent update: I can ski fine, I just can't start. I can basically just slide forward through the wand and I can really skate aggressively. It'll hurt my time but I'll be able to get through the course.
  13. I messed up last night. Got greedy. Over exerted in that start gate before I was completely loose in last nights Nastar at BC and strained my abdominals. I hope it's just a mild strain. I'll know more in a day or so.
  14. I had to google like 4 or 5 things in this post. Good shit, man. Good shit.
  15. I run a catch can in the summer to help minimize carbon buildup. The oil catch can is used prevent oil vapors entering the intake manifold and clogging up the intake valves on direct-injection motors. Oil deposits on intake manifold and valves cause reduced performance, bad fuel mileage and could damage the fragile intake “flaps” and motor. This is an issue with all direct injected engines and is a $600 job to have done in my case. I don't run a catch can in the winter because of the horrifying thought that it will fill up and the lines will freeze and strand me in VT while on a ski trip, so I minimize the potential for carbon buildup by practicing good driving habits whenever possible.
  16. It's a VW, of course it is haha. I noticed that there is a lot of modded dubs in BC lot. Love seeing that.
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