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Johnny Law

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Posts posted by Johnny Law

  1. The jib is a sweet ski, ...the Comi-Kazi has been on my list for awhile.


    P.S. Every company makes a shitty ski at one point or another, so giving any co. the proverbial hj is a waste of time.

  2. Rode there last year. Wasn't super impressed with the terrain, nothing really that difficult at least in my mind. Would be awesome if you got there in the middle of a storm cycle. When i was there it was icy. It's cheaper then stowe, but i think Stowe is a much better place to go. Terrain is much better.


    Ignore this, Stowe has better terrain but not by a whole lot and its mad more $$$. They are also owned by AIG so their getting sold, I bet it just gets more expensive.


    The Face is pretty gnar for NE, Big Jay is good too, but its 9-10 hours from Philly, regardless of what Map Quest says the last 60 or so miles are really slow. The best way from philly is what GSS said but the 87 way isn't too bad either.


    Two years ago I had a day there with 27", twas good.

  3. Think about it, assuming equal number of total people on the lift and in the queue. For example a 100 chair HSDQ has 400 people on the lift, and 600 in the line and runs at 5m/s. A 200 chair FG Quad has 800 people on the lift, and 200 in line and runs at 2.5m/s. That 200th person, is going to get to the top of the mountain just as fast as the person at the back of the 600 person line.


    Sure, the HSDQ moves people up the mountain 2x as fast, but it needs to, because it's line has 400 more people in it. Likewise, the FG is twice as slow, but has twice as many people on the lift.


    I love HSDQ's, especially when it's not crowded, but they don't necessarily increase uphill capacity. Maybe effective capacity, but not the actual. capacity


    Because you decided to ignore my first post and continue to post more bs you made up, I will again remind you that your just plain wrong. First 5/ms is on the very low end of what high speeds do, they can travel as fast as 12m/s additionally your chair spacing is off. The only way they are more efficient is if you look at it as cost/capacity, even then you would need multiple cheap fixed grips.


    Mad River did the lift installation at BC last time and probably this time as well, Eric who works for MRL is a friend of mine who has 20 years experience working on lifts for Garaventa, CTEC and Doppel I'm not making these numbers up.


    BC will never see a High Speed or Gondy, unless they use my idea to turn the place into a landfill.....Hello 500 more vert.

  4. Maybe you agree. I don't. Show me data that says uphill capacity is about the same. Detachable is at least double that of fixed.


    I'm almost afraid to encourage him but in the general sense he's right.


    Uphill capacity though is a tricky business with many variables.


    First, as for Bear Creek a detach is not a real good option, chair spacing can be a serious problem with detach chairs running on really short haul lengths, additionally keeping the weight distribution right would probably result in pretty widely spaced carriers thus lowering the uphill capacity. Additionally BC has a limited amount of electricity available from the Utility, thus a high speed may need to replace two lifts. On site generation is a cluster fuck, go to Kirkwood if you don't believe me.


    Both fixed and detach actually leave the haul rope when traveling around the bullwheel but the detach is doing it at a much slower rate, this greatly reduces mis loads which can attribute to a much lower uphill capacity. Most detach actually gain uphill capacity this way. Capacity as a whole is limited by the power of the drive motor versus the rope speed, carrier spacing, vertical displacement and the number of carriers on the haul. Generally rope speed on a high speed is twice the speed of a fixed, 2m per sec. (fixed) 5 to 12 m per sec. (detach), remember though that the load interval is much higher on detaches to maintain proper chair spacing.


    Generally speaking uphill capacity is higher with a detach, but other variables are almost always present. Fixed grips can't climb a vertical rise like a detach, additionally a detach can travel much greater distances. The hold down sheave assembly of some detaches when they leave the gate are super long for this reason, add in the additional costs for more complex grips, compression assemblies, guide rails, auxiliary, conveyors, bull wheels, e brakes, crossarms, and about another thousand parts and you can see where they are vastly more expensive.


    Now add in topography or put more simply, better put in a tram because towers are going to be $$$ if not impossible. High speeds are expensive and sometimes multiple fixed grips do a better job getting people up top than one high speed.


    We could have an hour long discussion on lifts but it would be nasty with me inevitably yelling about the dumb ass swiss and their pulse lifts.

  5. Orage... Very very rarely on any kind of discount and not a ton of people carry a lot of it. I think its just about made to order.


    No discounts until the end of the year, but it isn't even close to made to order. Its everywhere if you look and the picture below shows I'm not talking out of my ass.





  6. Johnny...


    I think I may have actually seen you ski last year at Jack Frost.

    If it was you.... you were wearing a black buckmans jacket (logo on the back) and were tearing the living shit out of an ungroomed Floyds's Folly..

    Also if it was you... you are a WAY better skier than I am...as I could never have torn that up the way you did...I managed it..





    Either way it should be great to ski with all of you... transplanted or not... Getting 5 PASR's (so far) together in Colorado is great when it's hard sometimes to

    even get three or four together here in Pa. (outside of Blue Mt.)


    Wasn't me, I rip harder than no man, instead I get by on a distinct lack of self preservation.


    Looking forward to this, it will be nice to have some real terrain and lots of good people who know were the goods are.

  7. I'm already locked in for 2 trips out west. If anyone's at Powder and Snowbasin 3/14-3/21 give a shout.


    I'll be out earlier in the year and around then too. Check with Powder about James Peak cat rides, its like 5 bucks a ride and it is more than worth it. It used to be a rope you would hold on to, now they let you ride in the cab.


    Powder countries are awesome too but don't miss the bus, its a god damn long walk.

  8. Unique Splits.. https://secure.uniquesplits.com/dev/index2.php you can order them online...


    I might be there but I'm doing my own planning..and not bunking with anybody..if I go it will be very much last minute..like a week or two in advance..


    You don't have to snuggle with someone but it will be a better time if we are all in the same relative area, it makes general boozing and planning easier.

  9. Most important thing to remember if you are going to the big C. If you have higher level U.S. government security or any arrests you aren't getting in without the permit which takes 6 months at the very least to figure out.


    Also its arrests, not convictions, so if you got picked up six years back for drunk and disorderly and they didn't charge you after a stay in the drunk tank you still aren't getting in. Its totally dick but I've seen alot of people flip out or not get to take vacations because they didn't know what the deal was.


    If your going to go to Whistler check out the island with all the Whale watching, I can't remember the name but it could be cool.

  10. I don't know anything about anything when it comes to skiing, but this is skinny compared to the average ski at WP among those who can actually ski. The lady rippers are on big fatties just like the guys.


    Agreed, go bigger like 100 underfoot and she will have to do alot less work when its deep. This as I'm sure you know is key to keeping a happy relationship.


    If you got the $$$ go with a DP or the older DB's on TGR, their full carbon so their super light weight. If not go with a nice big fatty in the 160's, you guys look active so I bet she would have the leg strength to push them.


    Look at the 165 ARV, its in the 90's so it might get the job done and you can pick them up super cheap.

  11. This happened to someone on TGR last year sometime. They ended up finding out where the guy worked, so one of the guys (BlurredElevens) went to his place of work, and demanded the skis for the buyer. Blurred then shipped out the ski's to the buyer.


    Brett is fuckin nuts (in a good way) and that thread was great but not even in the same class as this one, Def Jef or the reno whore were good too but this is just at a whole nother level.


    Little bitch is going to get his for sure.

  12. We had something like that happen on the mustang club which I'm part of... what we did to help resolve some of these types of issues was to not allow people with less than 100posts to post or reply in the classifieds section.... then we just monitored the noob's to ensure they wren't just making 1 word replies to get their post counts higher...


    No need for all that shit mags just go and take care of it lets other would be assholes know the deal. In four years I have never been ripped off.

  13. You list your home mountain as Bear Creek...



    Even though Snow doesn't have some of the vert or steep that other places in Vermont have, its proximity and fun runs more than make up for it. My family and I used to go there and Okemo fairly often back in high school. I always dug the bump run they play music on.


    Right, so if I have to drive six hours to Snow why not add two and get some decent snow and a real mountain. Do they have some fun trails and a sick park ? Sure, but there is better skiing to be had...Hell even S. VT. has a better mountain in Magic.


    Thats not to say I wouldn't go if my friends were going or in the early season but I don't really care how many more guns they put in.

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