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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Next time your there peep the long haul, at least the last time I was there it's 4938382 different lift pieces put together with all kinds of fabricated stuff. It's amazing. I don't understand really why there is never anyone there. I get scranton/wb is economically depressed but people go everywhere now and it's a great product. It's so low key you can mess around all day and miss nothing, the bar/restaurant is good and it's cheap. I do think though that its like Elk though in which the low crowds are the major factor. Both can't handle the blue crowd and would be far far far worse due to layout/lifts etc etc etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I'm around when you guys go I would definitely go.
  2. It was good I'm sure no matter what you started on and i am impressed with how fast they get it decent after icing events. That's most excellent to hear, it takes alot to make me think twice but that one slowed me down for sure.
  3. They said it goes on the other side of the pond, I said that would require another lift but they were adamant it did not. They also seemed to think the timing was soon which again would require some kind of impact study to have been completed, at least I think. I would not have reported it except they were very confident and they did something at blue. What I truly want is to start a rumor and then have it come back to me but I need to think up a good rumor.
  4. C1er and BFG crew in the house featuring special appearance the Glenn Experiance. Sunny and deliciously empty, I had figured it would be more of the weekend and started a few minutes late because I'm an idiot and wore a different jacket. Everything seemed soft and super nice but I wasn't buying any of it until about a 1/3 of the way down main. Full grip, easy turning cream cheese on top of a wet hard base made for super fast super fun mega slutty arcs. Switch and Raceway were more of the same though a bit harder and midway was ratty from the start somehow. When I switched sides of the hill I ran into Glenn and we put rail road tracks down Challenge, Razors, side and coming soon. While not as nice as main all were more spring like hero snow under blue skies and super sun. My favorite condition is empty bleachers and the best part of the day was all the goof balls were not skiing. Multiple times I'd go main and Glenn switch or similar so that both of us could have the trail to ourselves......I wish the eagles could play in the super bowl everyday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sketchy lift rumors, I rode up with two snowboard psia master dudes I've never seen before who said they are disconnecting coming soon from pdis. I was highly skeptical but if true that would be a massive improvement.
  5. Everyone was around except gss, pretty warm and not crowded at all at least to start. The first couple runs were soft spongy and way better than I thought considering a billion dip and dots fell out of the sky. It fell apart quick but even all scrambly it was pretty ok and I liked sketchy ditch. Even if it was a bit icy it made a dope sound as you made turns. Super shout out to enjo, I eat alot of fries and lots of them including the shack don't make that good of a fry let alone in a parking lot. Also props to the Justin Timberlake wannabe not only rocking out but loudly singing VT old cabin in the winter, wrist sliters. I like Gregory Alan Isakov every now and again too but how much lead do you need to consume to think anyone wants to hear you ? Hilariously funny though
  6. For anyone on the fence the roads are fine, takes super long to defrost your car. The McDonald's lot is fun fun fun and there are so many idiots out but it's all nbd
  7. Pouring ice in the ding, if this keeps up we will be encased by 9pm. Someone send hard pretzels and birch beer
  8. Today was not great and probably especially bullshit if you were traveling recently and got the goods. Still some redeeming turns out there and it wad dope to hear about everyone's recent adventures.
  9. C1er and BFG crew in the house, otherwise low crowds. It was grey and super flat light to start but the sun started working its magic around 10 and things improved quickly. Generally the quad side stuff was quite firm, lumpy side is one of my favorites but with the flat light I haven't figured out a rhythm yet and they are monster up top where you can only do 5mph. The main st side was much better and main or the variation with Raceway/midway/chute held grippy turns. They put a booter back in at main center of switch which is most enjoyable. As the sun worked the surface more and more the hardness started to evaporate to softer slushy like turns and it was dope left side all the way home. Not sure what tomorrow holds but it could be better than you think and they got the new sixer running.
  10. I'll be there sat and Sunday
  11. I was noodling down the top of coming soon, I make a left to setup the right into the headwall and bam theres c1er. I thought yesterday was pretty ok, my main concern is the lack of a running new sixer. They gotta get it going before the weekend though I like how nice it keeps switch and main.
  12. Saturday was hilarious, I think it's fair to say it will be along time before myself, schif and Ben all slide off the platform. Bonus points to benm for the Keri strug like recovery. Sunday I thought was actually a vast improvement and not just because enjo cooked but they blow snow and it was better. Saturday you could get an edge with lots of angle but it felt to high risk whereas Sunday you could let it rip more. The 1 inch last night similarly super helped today. Also only the quad was working for awhile which actually made it super nice. Switch and main held untouched cord well after 10 and I mostly bombed the fuck out of switch. Word of caution and it's scary if I'm the voice of caution but the surface underneath still sucks, Razors in particular is still very hard underneath with somewhat unmarked jumps. One of the weekday regulars took a scary beater, twice couldn't get back up and had to get a ride. The grip is there but think about it if it goes wrong because with the glide your going to be on the ground in a hurry.
  13. Absolutely scandalous, that's so dirty you should be arrested for indecent exposure. Normally peeps say to get some but in this case way to get some, white room time is rare.
  14. Fucking sick! Slutty hobacks pics if your taking requests.
  15. The most important thing is have fun but number 2 is climb with your legs not with your arms. Super glad the snow worked out and you got some good turns in.
  16. I just never have good luck on a Friday though its probably all my fault. It wasn't bad but compared to previous and with a wicked fog it wasn't nearly as pleasant. Grip was as expected mostly excellent but there are a few icy spots coming through that could put you in the woods. Rotd was whatever you could see on. The new blown is a slop fest, falls had alot of horizontal speed bump type shit early and it wasn't very crowded in the drizzle.
  17. Anyone heading up be careful 35 degrees but the roads are icing. Mosserville if you know that road was a sheet and they were out treating. It caught me a bit off guard when it understeered like a grandma in a dump truck. Wheel path is fine but get in the millionth of inch debris and weeeeeeee
  18. An og like you is straight cross point, bless this home and stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glad the snow came around for you ridge, get some
  19. Have fun and schralp the fuck out of everything
  20. I had some time before going to work and went skiing. Windy Af, at like a 60 degree angle which made up top super slow. C1er in the house and I think that was it, I said hi to him but some rando in the middle knew me I guess and then I had to talk to him. They put the jumps back up on Razors and were still working on Challenge/falls. Everything except the ditch was slow as the wind was really working up the hill. First run down razors was more similar to last week but by the second run it was more of a traditional blue surface and the skis got the zoomies. Grip is still generally fantastic but more hardness coming through and it's getting loose alot quicker. I got 10 runs in and hr and half, with nice temps and no one out it was quite nice trying not to get blown off the mtn.
  21. As long as you got something to slide on your all good.
  22. You had bandits no ? I have a pair of romulan era bandit squads that are yours if you want them. They are big boy skis but I'd think you would enjoy them. 189 and they like to charge everything. I have a pair of pbjs I'd give away too but they are sans brake and I can't in good conscience.
  23. Wayne Wong, that is a good trip !
  24. Damn dude looks super crowded with all those people in your pics and fresh snow...... sick bird !
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