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Johnny Law

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Posts posted by Johnny Law

  1. I can't answer alot of your questions as I was only there once my cousin was there for four and 1/2 years.


    Tussey is flat, small and somewhat boring. They have a park but only in the concept, I seem to remember they would just take a couple of rusty rails and line them up. College has a rail jam every year and Tussey has some serious talent will all the people in the area.


    Weather wise state college gets more snow than alot of other places in PA but it ain't Vermont. Season is mid december to mid march.


    If you can go to Blue Knob they have a real mountain and when it snows there glades are pretty good for PA.

  2. I posted a topic about picking up some teleskis earlier in the year, because I want to start hitting up the backcountry out here. After actually holding a few pairs of skis mounted and in a size appropriate to me I decided you skiers are out of your lids. One fatter ski practically weighs as much as my entire set up. I also then put on a pair of ski boots for the first time in my life, and I am certain that you guys are nuts.


    In addition, Glenn has gotten me addicted to powder by taking me into the trees and side country all season. I seriously have very little interest in park riding anymore (anybody want to buy an 06 154 Burton Dominant with about 15days on it, haha?).


    So I've been researching split boards, and I think I'm going to pick one up. I'm planning on taking my avalanche safety classes before next season starts up. I know that many PA guys probably don't have too much experience with split boards, but if you do please post any opinions or anything of that nature up.


    I found a used Burton S Series Split Snowboard, with a Voile Split Decision Kit, and Voile SD Tractor Skins. All in fairly new condition (the board looks flawless in pics). The whole set up is $700, and that seems like a pretty killer deal.


    Lets get some tele/splitboard talk going here. Some backcountry stoke in the off season!


    Uhh tele only good for the worst part of the BC, going up.


    I used to ride park all the time to and then you get to some real mountains with real snow and it just doesn't seem as fun. The adventure aspect of the BC is just so much better.


    I don't know a ton of stuff about splits as I don't really snowboard but I know a bunch of guys who do. Take a look at Prior stuff. Sometimes they have demo splitboards for sale on their site, as well as blems normally they go on sale around October. Though the split kit isn't a bad idea, I heard it is hard to do though and if your in icy conditions people have been known to have problems getting them back together. Are you going soft for pow pow or hard for everything else ?


    Crampon wise the Grivel G10W will work with all boots including the softs, I know its CO and crampons may seem unnecessary but trust me you will want them eventually.


    Skin wise your good the Tractors are supposed to be the best. Stay away from the ones Burton made they peel back.


    Beacon wise watch out if you buy and S1 and use your phone alot, the phone will cause ghost signals and if you have a Iphone it can really screw with the beacon.


    If you want a beacon that is relatively

  3. How much time is spent hiking up the mountain compared to skiing/boarding down? Do you guys overnite it outside or in cabins? How far up do you hike? How long does that take?


    That's up to you and how hard you want to push it. I sleep in a lean-to or we tented one year. If you have a nice sleeping bag or are drunk you won't be cold unless all hell breaks loose which happens from time to time up there.


    Hike from Pinks to Hermit lake (where you sleep) is 2.9 miles straight up it can be rough with alot of weight on your back but anyone who isn't in a wheel chair should be able to do it. I would say on average it takes 2 to 4 hours depending on the weight your carrying.


    From Hermit lake to the Hilmans area is 5 mins with maybe a 20-30 boot pack up hilmans or dodge's.


    From Hermit lake to the bowl is 1 mile and maybe 20-30 mins at most. Same dealio with the boot pack. Skiing to work ratio is much lower than riding a chair but that isn't what BC skiing is all about.


    Tucks should be done at least once by any semi-hardcore EC skier the vibe on the deck alone after sking is worth the trip and if you get a good lean-to it can get somewhat rowdy. The terrain is nearly unmatched on the EC and should provide plenty of excitment.


    Skiing wise I've always had a pretty good time though its good to go with low expectations, on a good day maybe I would do 5 or 6 runs but I'm lazy so who knows. BC skiing is all about the experiance and the fact that you saw a mountain and went and skied it, if you want alot of runs or defined conditions I would ride the lift.


    Word of warning it can get pretty sketchy up there if you hit some real nasty weather........

  4. P.S. I have a soda can stove as well. I was going to build one, but my girlfriends parents bought me one for Christmas that was made by some company. It is supposed to be the best possible soda can stove you can build, and the thing weighs NOTHING. Haven't been out and had the chance to light her up though. Maybe soon.


    I didn't know they were so popular, with the super light and reliable MSR and Snow Peak jobs I don't know if I would go with it alone. We tried to light ours during the night when it was super cold and it needed some help from the regular stove. Still cool as shit to have a stove made out of soda cans.

  5. Good..... now that I have your attention I present for your entertainment a EC BC TR


    Dates: April 4 -6


    Location: ADK High Peaks


    Characters: Lenni-Lenape Powder Clowns


    Music: (Seriously listen to this it makes the TR better)



    Setup: Every year the high peaks region calls to me to come attempt to claim its gnar. Unfortunately, the ADK

  6. I'm hitting Tuckermans with my school on that weekend is anyone ealse up for a nice hike and some great riding?


    I will be up there that weekend and maybe the next too, I broke my hand last weekend so I may be a little slow on the bootpack but our lean-to will have plenty of Sly Fox so stop by and grab a beer.

  7. I'll be surprised to see the Slides open, their website doesn't indicate if its open, and the cover looks thin. I'll TR and send pics if I find a computer. I'm stoked for more skiing.


    Dude cover up there is seriously deep higher up, I'm going to Marcy this weekend and Van Hov at 1000ft shows 40" of settled depth.




    I heard at the top of Marcy snow is 10 feet deep. Whiteface isn't a whole lot lower so I could see it being good.

  8. The key to any mountain is the doucebag to acre ratio


    For example Powder Mountain has an extremly low d-bag to acre ratio maybe 1 dbag per 100 acres. Hunter on the other had is 100 douchenozzles for every acre.


    The dbag/acre study is the true measure of any mountain.

  9. I don't know what the benefit of this is but most Gondola's uphill capacity is actually lower than high speeds, Sunday River is generally a cold cold mountain. I'm pretty sure the coldest place on earth is Sugarloaf with Sunday River a close second. Larry's don't like to sit on an open lift in the cold so maybe they think this is a good mix of uphill capacity and protection from the weather.


    I wonder what the lift line will look like ? Could you wait for a Gondy if you don't want the open chair ?

  10. I'll be there Sat and Sunday though Sat. is a solo mission


    Blue Jay Peak tshirt, brown pants, black 10mx helmet, multi color Armadas


    I'll be there 9 - ?


    Offer greetings and salutations if you please


    Edit: I'll have one of those new fangeled light boxes fur takin picktures

  11. Yeah..Camelback is the new Blue and Blue is the new Camelback..it's fucked up. Barb..the old owner Ray Tuthills daughter runs the place and is hella cheap..Shadows closing day had an almost full 6-pack corral of people so they didn't close due to lack of guests..more to save on payroll...ba ba ba bullshit..Blue dissapointed me this season for the first time in 17 years.


    They should just let you run Blue, you have to be there nearly as much as anyone else and I can't think anyone else has such positive energy for the place.


    Do you know who owns that land that boarders their operation ? I doubt they see any real benefit to doing so but unlike alot of other Pa hills they have a ton of room for expansion ?

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