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Posts posted by RootDKJ

  1. the first girl to go down pissed me off


    she was all like "OMG someone's life could be in my hands". Get a grip.


    Does anybody notice that it snows like 2/3s of the time at Blue..they must have captured alot of footage the 3 days it snowed last season,.

    no, but I'm on my 2nd bottle of $3 wine.

  2. What a bunch of dill weeds..and wow TruTV needs to study the Blue trailmap..Lazy Mile is not Midway..LMBFAO..




    It tought to get speed starting from a standstill on the middle of Burma Road..I don't know..I think he's gonna get caught..tackled, shackled, and ejected..

    I'm hoping they use a taser on him like on COPS!


    You're right though, chase on burma....you'd be better off with cross country skis

  3. They don't care about that..I drink while I'm skiing on Gaper/Retro days..and I've never heard a word from the patrollers..as long as you ski slow or at least fast and gaperish with a powerwedge turkey tuck on Burma road or Paradise..you'll be fine. If you carve nice turns or do a GSS NT No Turn run..watch out for those whistles...At the bottom of Main Street by the slow signs..there are sometimes patrollers on foot but you need to keep your speed up to hit the shuttle..before leap frog jibbing into the lower park...and then a ride up the Poconos coldest 6-pack..Touch the Sky Blue Mountain..

    Catch...as in on camera...not actually by the SP

  4. I've seriously considered it. I think with my EMT background, I'd make a really good ski patroller. I've seen almost every type of major trauma so that wouldn't really bother me. The hours needed to pass the trainings and for the patrol commitments don't work for me.

  5. I thought Blue mountain looked good on TV..like a legit place to go..and I also think that I'm going to have fun going up to all the patrollers this season saying..I saw you on TV can I have your autograph..

    Good idea....remind me to put a small notebook in my pack

  6. no, I could see the last two groomers and I was really drunk at the time so the booze got the better of me. It was really an accident. All I remember is hearing someone yell "HEY". Once I realized what I did I high-tailed it outta there!

  7. Hey... I want a Blue Mt. sweatshirt!!!


    Wait... it says that one of ski patrol's main duties is to keep people off the trail for the mid day groom. WTF??!!

    I gotta admit, I've poached a mid-day groom before they officially re-opened the trail (lazy mile)

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