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Everything posted by fleaguy

  1. ah....yea the grey finish shack has been there since the mountain first opened up. Then they added onto it to make it a larger piece of shit. Now the have an old blue trailer there also. A Trailer! It's looking like a hobo jungle.
  2. Improvements.... Please...please...get rid of those finish shacks (2) at the bottom of the race course! They look like shit when going up the iron horse lift!
  3. As promised, he's my report for Friday. I got to the mountain at 9 AM there was already 2-3 inches of powder on the slopes. This over the snow they blew during the night. As the day went on all it did was snow, snow, snow! And this wasn't just regular snow...this was light puffy snow as seen out west. Well all I can say is......skiing was SWEET! There was a good crowd there....but no lift lines (what else is new?). This week-end should be excellent. I need to get to bed early because ...... #1. I'm old #2. I want to be there first thing in the morning to ski as much as my old body can stand! PS....I don't care which mountain you call home...get out there tomorrow and enjoy the GREAT conditions!
  4. I'll be up at the mountain today, and I'll report later on the progress to the pipe and trail conditions. I'm not sure if it's opening Saturday or Sunday. I believe it tells you on their website. In the meantime....everyone get out there and enjoy todays powder!!!!
  5. OK...back to the topic...the 22 footer I was there last night and saw the snow-cats doing the preliminary shaving/shaping of the inside of the pipe.
  6. all I can say is...WOW! North Face was in excellent condition with fluffy new snow over all the slopes. Not a bit of ice anywhere. White Lightening was groomed as were all the slopes last night...then the snow guns were turned on and by morning...it was in fantastic shape. I had to quit skiing only because my legs were giving out. Did I fail to mention, the crowds were very light with no waiting for a chair? The mountain was in probably the best shape I've ever seen it.
  7. Guest services...first door on right as you walk into the lodge
  8. yes...it WILL be much longer! I believe it's only 2/3 done on the one side and 1/2 done on the other. Also...it's located on the headwall...so it will have plenty off steepness. But of course if you don't believe me...what can I say? But for those that saw the pipe (in it's unfinished form) first hand.....my original statement still stands.... HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN SO MUCH SNOW IN THE POCONO'S? ps...please don't tell anyone....we enjoy having our private, uncrowded little playground all to ourselves!
  9. hey thanks Bigdaddy! Yea, it's hard to get a perspective on how big it really is. However, if you see the telephone pole, and notice how the snow pile towers over it, it gives an idea. The snow cat in the middle of the tube would have been neat! All I know, it's way too big for me to try! (Old age!!)
  10. Ski...bring your camera up this weekend and take some pics for toast!
  11. I was at Sno last night and was amazed at the amount of snow the mountain has made for the pipe. Has anyone ever seen that amount of snow in the Pocono's before? I know in my 26 years of skiiing...I haven't. One side of the pipe is maybe 2/3's done and the other mabe 1/3. There are three large groomers and one small one working the snow non-stop. That thing is going to be HUGE! With two more weeks before the "Revolution Tour"...I think they're doing an excellent job. Hats off to the grooming and snowmaking crews. I can't imagine the hours and hours put into this so far. I also noticed the 12-15 foot mound of snow they've stock-piled over by the Shuttle lift for future use. Keep up the good work!
  12. I was wondering what everyone thought of the rail jam Thurday night. I was quite impressed with the abilities everyone showed. Some of those tricks were outstanding! It was also great to see so many boarders from other mountains compete. I believe there were more riders there than the "Mid-Atlantic Snowboard Series" compitition. Great crowd! Fantastic job competitors! And the sound system wasn't too shabby either! by the way...what were the prizes?
  13. ????? I don't get your point! besides...you can't spell that good either! It's actually very impressive. 30-40 instructors, ski patrol and SAT's make a serpentine down the slope, extinguish their flares at the same time and then they blow off fireworks on Mainline....all the while the slope is darkened. If you were trying to be sarcastic...you have no idea what you're talking about!!! ha-ha ? I still don't get it!?
  14. hey Liftguy...... how about a clock in the lodge??? the outlet is right there above the video games!!! surely the mountain can afford that! sheesh! I'm tired of people asking me what time it is!
  15. ASRA is still around?
  16. I just saw that myself....were you able to connect to it? I'm unable to.
  17. well, I think this is what a lot of boarders have been waiting to see....the half pipe I was up there Thursday night and from what I saw....it's going to be amazing 3 snow cats were pushing HUGE amounts of snow into rows for the sides of the half pipe I'm not a boarder...yet it looked amazing I understand it has it's own ...what do you call it...moving carpet? enjoy...enjoy...the great outdoors!!
  18. shit! They're STILL making snow!!! All the trails and I mean ALL the trails will be open this weekend. Also.....All and I mean ALL the lifts will be open this weekend! what a weekend this will be! In 26 years of skiing at montage/sno...I've never seen better conditions...and that's no bullshit!!!!! If you're ever going get out this year...this is THE weekend
  19. thanks for the info...that sounds about right...can't wait till this weekend...it's been a loooooong time since I've been on the "long haul" lift at warp speed!!!
  20. I was up there last night and long haul was running without riders. It didn't look any faster...but I think the "flux capacitors were out of alignment"
  21. just noticed on Sno Mtns. web page... "zip to the top on the faster long haul lift"! are they saying that they kept the lift moving at a snail's pace in previous years...on purpose? or did they add/do something to improve the speed of the motor....like add a warp drive/flux converter? hmmm I'm just thinking...a particle transporter would be nice....just beam me up to the top
  22. a quick trail report for Wednesday 1/23.., snow guns are still going strong all over the mountain. They haven't stopped since this cold snap began days and days ago. They've been blowing snow 24-7!! yipee!! It looks like lower runaway and fastrack will be open within days. Tonight the long-haul lift was running but not loading skiers...I guess just a trail run to make sure everything is in good order. Three snow guns are blowing on the new trail (snake??) which connects lower runaway with connonball. This looks like a steep narrow winding but short trail (can't wait until it's open, which should be by this weekend). No jumps or rails on mainline. Boomer groomed on one side...bumps on the other. WL bumped up. Should be FANTASTIC conditions this weekend....and warmer too! oops...me bad lower runaway IS already open!
  23. uhhhmmm... Did we get a little off-topic here? I'm looking for slope conditions and all I see is a diatribe on parenting! soooo....is the mountain making snow? the illustrious web site says it's not, and has said this for the last two days! not an informitive tool (the web site) to get skiers to their mountain! I'll be there tonight and post what I see. the good news.....DAYS and DAYS of cold snow making weather in the future.
  24. OK...was up there tonight (Thursday) and beleive it or not....what was open was fantastic! Yes, you read right!...fantastic! But...like I said..."what was open". 1. mainline...jumps have been knocked down and snow spread out over trail...no bare spots...no ice (of course no jumps either!) 2. limited (bunny slope)....plenty of snow...no bare spots 3. spike/spur (terrain park)...awsome amount of snow...rails..rails...rails...table tops...table tops...table tops....fantastic...tons of snow!!!! 4. cannonball....no ice...yes, no ice...no bare spots...plenty of snow...did I say no ice? 5. smoke...no ice...one very small bare spot at very top...lots of loose snow boomer and white lightening were closed...but it looked in great condition...don't know why they were closed??? the bad news....every other trail needs major snow blowing....I mean MAJOR!
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