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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. since we're on this whole cb park pics and what not... i was just talking to stevo and i remembered this one pic they put up a lil while ago. it had some little kid using the hippo as a jump, while in the bottom left of the frame, a mom and another little kid stood in font of a ski patroler with a camera haha. i think that person is like a "trainee"? for ski school or something but youre right, they dont have a clue
  2. to start off with that bold section... i highly doubt that CB gives 2 shits about passholders. and the ideas that we have are only as good as the money that backs them. thats the problem, they seem so stubborn and dont want to spend any money on things that we, the passholds, care about. haha i encourage your enthusiasm, really...but look around man. people give suggestions to CB all the time. very good ones. theres been plenty of threads on that board about the terrain parks, theres even been a few group of like 5 or so people go up to management and make suggestions. almost the entire park crew has made plenty of suggestions. the fact is, for you to organize 500 season passholders when they really only sold like what, 1,000, is just not gonna work. i am right there with you and this whole "movement" thing. theres been a few very large posts on that board chock full of suggestions and CB didnt even comment on it. they dont even care. this comes STRAIGHT from CB's board... thats from craig... the "above" mentioned that he talked about was how the parks have no real order, people are going and doing whatever they want, chaos. they know damn well what needs to be done and what alot of passholders want done, but guess what, they dont do anything. and if they do actually do something, its extremely late and by that time people have lost interest and hope. CB has its OWN board, it represents their mountain. people that go on that board are paying customers, alot are passholders. if they cant even aknowledge that they listen or have heard our suggestions, well, then screw that. i dont mean this post to be an "youre an idiot, thats never gonna work" post i am right there with you, no matter how i feel about CB and what not with my accident, thats irrelevant. i would like CB to do somethings and all, and ive made plent of suggestions to them. and now, im done trying to get them to answer us, thats it. papa, i know you got stuff to say
  3. no matter how many ideas you come up with, we need to start with the basics...get CB to listen and act on those things. or at the very least, aknowledge us when we have ideas.
  4. from where i stand, its already sunk.
  5. Shadows


    i here youre pretty fast
  6. lets just make a sign that says "park pass required" I'll stand up top at the entrance and hand out passes (that we also made) to people who seem worthy enough. if someone wants to get in that i dont think should, i say get lost
  7. woah, the topic changed haha i was confused
  8. 270 on 270 off the flat down at CB cleaned 45 ft battleship at blue fakie on 270 off flat box at CB handrail down stairs at blue disaster off 45ft battleship at blue to fakie fakie 3's fakie disaster flat down box at CB i was barely getting started
  9. http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4001
  10. is this the depth of the snow? when i went last year it didnt seem anywhere close to that. whats there closing date?
  11. you guys have had an impact on me too, its a big family i guess haha. but i wish my impact would be more focused towards CB, theyre assholes entirely. by the way...i dont mean to hijack everypost
  12. not to make all the attention toward me
  13. goodbye 2006 ski season, this will be a year i will want to forget
  14. hey, hey, its all kicks and giggles no hate/attacks.
  15. theres a restaraunt near there thats a converted barn, silo (sp?) and all. its got some prety good food but the best thing for me (keep in mind i was 12 when i went) was the silo play ground. it had this HUGE (at the time) pitch black slide. when you went down it, you would create tons of static and see yourself get shocked. you could watch the path of electricty. like, from your hand to the edge of the slide there would be this "lightining strike" it was cool.
  16. im sorry skitzo, but that pic of you in your avatar (that is you right?) i cant see you using the words you use in sentences. they seem to complex for a small, skinny asian no offense. although the asian part might explain a lot.
  17. i want to know how differently its judged in a comp compared to a switch up
  18. because its a trick. its different too. once you limit what you think people can/should not do, then it just becomes boring. i think its fun.
  19. probably not for you. its mainly park skiing.
  20. they were having some technical difficulties later on. its fully functional now. and no, they wont rip you off. one mag per month. i edited my original post
  21. first 200 people get this insane deal. its totally legit so no scam or anything. hurry it up, you chances are fading every second it should take you to a confirmation page now. https://www.neodata.com/ITPS2.cgi?OrderType...onse=FRSK.2FOR2
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