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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. the grade of the slopes play a huge part. kids (some of them) are scared of blacks (diamonds) so they go to the terrain park because its not as steep but still has a curious element. so all of the kids that still cant ski for crap and dont know jack about smart style, end up going in the park. i can see both sides of the argument, and theyre pretty similar, but park passes are much better.
  2. Black Diamond passes for blue mountain. need i say more?
  3. well, the rainbow box was useless. but i will say that c box was awesome. its was constructed well, set up perfect (ollie on ) once your parks start to look something like out west, youre onto something... ^Beaver Creek, i was amazed at the similarities. they look exactly the same.
  4. i figured i'd make a post about this here and see what others think. they actually responded to one of the posts about improvements. although they didnt really tell anybody jack s***, they did post and comment, and make it apparent they listen. the debate of whether or not they act on it will be settled in a few months i guess anywho... this still wont change where i buy my season pass when i say "they" in my post, i mean ashleigh from ridecb. which, ashleigh really doesnt seem to know anything about the terrain parks, let alone what improvements they make to it, "they might put more metal in it"
  5. i didnt even think of that. would nestors do that?
  6. yea, so i just got back. 8am-830pm session . met doug and switch (sort of) and tetriak. thanks for everyone who tried to get me some discounts, but im gangsta like that and got connected up when we got there. did laps around the park most of the time. the snow was really slow mid-day. it was pretty much useless for jumps. morning and night where the best times. im not gonna be going to the pond skimming tomorrow cause im tired as hell. toast, justo, stevo, switch, doug, jeff, tetriak (didnt ride), freeridintre and a ton of others where up there in the park. good end of the season. 12 days didnt see sexkitten, but i dont know how i couldve missed a "six foot blonde"
  7. haha i dont know why but i started cracking up
  8. does he even post on here? thats awesome if he does. petes a cool guy
  9. c'mon, free tshirts!!! i can take it im actually pretty healed now. so its all good. i hope...we'll find out tomorrow whether or not my body can take it.
  10. what if you thow a 9 down?
  11. do we get a shirt for just jumping it?
  12. does anybody have this book?!!?!! http://www.entertainment-savings-offers.co...enc6-gls-129a1b theres coupons in there for BOGOF tickets at blue. it would be awesome
  13. this is my last plea for help does anyone have a spring fling coupon i can use???
  14. . 40% chance hear in easton snow/mix so if it does anything up at blue, its prolly gonna snow http://www.erh.noaa.gov/ifps/MapClick.php?...ate=PA&site=PHI ^forecast for palmerton i may have to pull out the shitty clothes, dont want to get my puffy all wet
  15. who all is going. this will be my first day back and riding somewhat hard. do rails and shit, should be crazy. ill get there around 730ish leave whenever.
  16. im to afraid ill fuck it up. then i got to go get a release check anyway.
  17. exactly its not always about the lowest price, or the fastest service. if youre in a position that you need your skis to be mounted right away, they wont be mounted perfect. the tech at nestors does it perfect everytime. its more like a family there, i love the atmosphere.
  18. screw it, lets just put in a tram
  19. what a very thoughtfull 40th post
  20. no, cause then they would find the on you
  21. nah, that would make you a post slut cause no one wants to pay you
  22. i love how people talk spanish in places. i always walk around them and kind of pause and say "wait! what country is this? o my god, i thought for a second we were in america"
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