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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. well it snowed almost all day here so.....
  2. I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT...sry it's finally setting in.......I REALLY DID IT
  3. i would have stayed up there yesterday just b.c the conditions were so nice!!
  4. Thanks skidude, your making it alot better
  5. thanks, I can't wait but at the same time i'm still a little nervous
  6. anyone know where to look for speed suits?
  7. it was the same today, very slow snow but the drills they had us doing kept us going fast, but there were times when i would get pushed back up rocket by the wind
  8. I can't wait to go up tomorrow, they finally opened race way, now all i'm waiting for is cliffy
  9. haha u'll be freezing ur ass off, haha, ok so will i but i can at least choose to wear my coat
  10. skigurl


    If you can i would go with a youth one b.c they are lighter, if you get the youth extra large it is something like a adult med, or something like that
  11. skigurl


    i have a Boeri, full, but they are really expensive mine wasn't to bad b.c it was a kids. Just be carefull about what the buckle is b.c some are metal and they get cold and stuck
  12. between 20 and 50 depending on if i make it the whole season with out gettin hurt
  13. i want it here but my mom doesn't thing we would use it enough, the only reason we use it at the beach is b.c i hate going to the beach so i watch movies inbeteen running and biking and stuff...plus it's free
  14. i like how on skidude TV up here you can hit skiing and it brings up when skiing will be on, i have that down at the beach house but not here and i think it's the best
  15. My friends are a mix of everything, boards, skis, and blade, as long as you don't run my skis ova i don't dislike any group.
  16. you say 2 of ur ex wives, how many in total do you have?
  17. Yea i like Bode, but dude he needs to step it up, he's not doing so good this yr
  18. Who's your favorite skiier/boarder?
  19. skigurl

    Next Storm?

    When do you think the next storm will hit?!?! I HOPE IT"S SOON!!!
  20. skigurl

    Ski Fest

    I should be up there(CB) on friday night, just look for the short girl with blue helmet who looks like a pinguen
  21. also spent time with skidude, but thats prolly a given
  22. skiied most of the days, and slept, hung out with frineds....nothing special
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