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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. thats what i keep tellin my mom who cringes everytime i tell her about a fall i or someone else made in practice or that we saw, it's great, it freaks her out so much it's fun
  2. isn't brain dead almost the same thing as being dead?
  3. I would go but i have practice(and i need it big time) and i think i'm bad luck b.c when i don't say good luck b4 ur races you do really well in them, and when i say good luck you don't do so great
  4. skigurl

    Medivac 2

    i think that is true, unless you are willing to pay for the medivac(and some ppl would if they new how sucky PMC is, it isn't exactaly the best hospital around, and they love telling you that you have pendicitice(sp) even if you say ur head hurts
  5. dude i was in 7th heaven on fridya night with rocket, i think Adam was ready to kill me after about the 8th time i made him go down it
  6. Yea so were we, it was a really relaxed(or seemed to be, at least compaired to my swim coaches) I really really like being on the team, it's a blast
  7. i thought last nights conditions on Rocket were the best i'v seen all year, i was so happy
  8. Gus didn't say anything to us today, we were much releaved, and he didn't take it out in practice either. it was a rather easy practice
  9. atomic, you didn't wait, you just sorta went, we actually didn't think you wanted to ski with us.
  10. i have one of those retractible(sp) ones and yea it fits in my pocket but as a found out when i fell a couple weeks ago at practice, they can leave some nice bruse marks on you
  11. skigurl


    i can pick out skidue and maybe atomic but thats it
  12. skigurl


    yea it would prolly make it the easiest
  13. skigurl

    Race Team

    i love the race team, and certain ppl on it. its great when the whole D team goes in one big group down like tut all at once tho, b.c they don't understand the meaning of spread out
  14. skigurl


    i got ban b.c of what my sig said i think
  15. skigurl


    sure i'm going up around 5 till close
  16. skigurl


    Ok whos going on friday?
  17. skigurl


    i want one, and no i don't tune my own stuff, they are scared i'd burn the house down some how
  18. it pisses me off, CBeach really isn't all that good, it only has a few good things to it. all they care about is money, they don't give a flying f*** about the people that go there.
  19. Yea alot of the Rangers are drunks, but alota people that work up there are drunks, there are even coaches that are drunks
  20. skigurl


    i'm a good girl i swear, just thats all
  21. skigurl


    some kid messed his arm up last night after hittin a rail
  22. skigurl


    i didn't even go in it, we would go up then i would do raceway, and they would go in rhodo
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