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Everything posted by stbgskibum247

  1. I ski and have been spinning on and off of it on the side and the top. I also cut at it hard from the left and hit it like a wall ride and rocked on the top. Just be creative. It's not really a beginning skier feature. Kinda awkward at first.
  2. Bring back MULTIPLE barrel bonks!!!
  3. That Jibzilla box thing is real fun. My favorite feature at Camelback
  4. The big stairset is turning into the family fun for everyone feature with kids clambering up the hits, walking across the top and bumping down the steps. The inrun is always packed with idiots who dont get out of your way EVER. I came off the middle rail switch and ran right into a little snowboarder that was just standing there. I dont know what could be done to fix this problem, but hopefully there is some solution.
  5. I'd say that a weekend would be the best bet. I dont have a car but i'm usually at Camelback for a day on the weekend...
  6. My take on the whole issue is that Camelback made a big step forward this year...They just didnt take as big a step as resorts like Bear Creek and Big Boulder.
  7. I'm always around Bear and have a pretty good group of skiers and boarders that I ride with. We film some too, but if you want to get footage you'd be more than welcome to shoot with us.
  8. I could probably get to a couple of those. Its always fun to have a big group of pinners.
  9. Camelbacks park passes are working really well. Making the movie 15 min long keeps out some of the people who arent serious about riding the park i think. I was standing at the top of Rhodo watching people get turned away. They seemed to get the hint.
  10. I hit everything in the Rhodo park over the weekend. Here's my take on the stuff they had set up. 40 ft flat rail: Very smooth with a nice gap on. Not really set up for anybody that's not already comfy on rails. I had fun on it... Jib box thingy to the right of the flat rail: At first i wasnt sure quite how to hit it. It's a lot different than anything i've ridden on before, but this is what i wound up having the most fun on at Camelback all weekend. I think that rotating it up the hill a bit would be cool, but it could be set up a bunch of different ways, none being wrong. Good creative feature. Bigger Jump: Didnt really kick you that high, but it was a cool floater. Smaller Jump: Kinda launched you a little far if you didnt speed check a lot. Ok if you had the right speed. Flat Down: I'm not totally sure why it's on a huge ass pile of snow, it's really smooth but kinda weird cause the rail itself is super wide. This is the one feature that i think really really really needs to be set up again. Wall Ride: The new angle on the wall makes it less of a death wish. Once they get some more snow for a good tranny it'll be nice. I'm not really sure what's going to happen if anybody goes over the back.....either get impaled by an areco gun, tangled in the supports or fall 20 feet onto flat ground. Hip: pretty standard mini hip...
  11. Rhodo is a big step forward for Camelback. Still not up to par with Boulder, Bear, Sno, Blue, or Mtn Creek.
  12. I dont know if they're gonna have it open tonight. It looks pretty gay though.
  13. I think it's great that everybody has their own name for that thing.
  14. Just take a file and de tune your skis under your feet. That'll make it a lot harder to catch an edge on a rail or box. Keep in mind that if you're going to hit rails, you're going to crash. Progression is all about trial and error.
  15. I dont mind riding the old setup another day. I love that nipple thing. Are you going to build another? Some barrel bonks would be fun too. Good job guys, keep up the good work.
  16. any word on whether a decent park will be included with those 33 trails? Camelback better step it up, they're the only mtn that hasnt yet.
  17. HELL YEA on the nipple. They should make it bigger. Some barrel bonks would be nice too!!
  18. I think the hits on have been pretty good, until all the dumbasses ride over them to bounce down the steps
  19. If anybody wants tele lessons let me know!! Camelback I dont think offers them, but i've taught quite a few people to pin.
  20. My dad is a patroller at Camelback and I have been wandering around the resort basically my entire life. Some patrollers are better skiers than others, that is a given. Some boarding patrollers are better than others. The bottom line is that if any patroller is not capable of running a sled than they wont run one. I know boarders that kick skiers asses running toboggan's, and I've seen and experienced this. In case you havent realized, a skilled snowboarder has the same if not more control in variable conditions. Personally there are some situations that i would rather have a snowboarder running me down the hill in a sled. The only real disadvantage to running a toboggan as a snowboarder is the very low speed maneuverability. They obviously cant really skate, but on a slope there is no real issue. I didnt read this entire thread, but for those of you that dont think snowboarders are capable of running toboggans I suggest stopping by the Camelback patrol room sometime and asking any of the patrollers what they think. I know that if you told one of the boarders he wasnt as good as a skier they'd have a lot to say to you about the subject.
  21. Rather than continueing to tear apart everything that Camelback does I think we should just get it set in our heads that managment will never fully understand how a park should be run. Once we come to terms with that we can take Camelback for what it is, a resort that cares more about it's tourists on rental gear. Then if Camelback ACTUALLY comes up with something good this year we can all be thoroughly suprised.
  22. I was sessioning it with Kevin Breen and Jesse Hagedorn yesterday. Breen went rail to rail a few times. It looked like he needed a bunch of speed.
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