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Everything posted by adrian

  1. i see your concussion and raise you a subdural hematoma.
  2. a lost wallet could potentially cost you much more than $500. with snow, ice, and rain for false set offs, i cant see this happeneing anyway.
  3. there goes even the slightest stab at being politically correct, haha.
  4. paul mitchell speaks chinese. $ching ching$
  5. adrian

    Whacks Wax

    I've been really busy lately sorry. I told you I'm not here to sell Whacks, but it is something I can get you. Anyway, I haven't been to the post office to check what the shipping cost would be, but it can't be much. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. This rumored frigid temperatures will be perfect conditions to give it a go. The latest review: Since we have had mad snow, I have been testing the ish he sent me aginst Swix, as well as blending it and testing aginst using the products seperately. In each instance, using Swix that corresponds with the temp of the snow and mixing it with Whacks has been faster than Whacks alone or Swix alone. - I told Steve0 I would get back to him on this, and after 20 days of on snow testing this past month, that is my hypothesis. badfish
  6. thats a solid board. scoop it up.
  7. montage is going under and never packed in the right places.
  8. im being quite serious about the burton ninjas. they take down a lot of early catalog scans and illicit proform dealings when they find them.
  9. theyve been on the payroll for a couple of seasons now. when the white suburbans roll up, its a wrap on your ass.
  10. the universal plate is on the lower end models. the middle and top of the range get (2/4)x4 discs without padding and 3d discs with padding. if youre truly in a bind, the (2/4)x4 discs can be used for 3d inserts and the 3d discs can be used in (2/4)x4 inserts if you want them to.
  11. cartels come with two discs of each type, not the universal discs. they are great. i ride them and appreciate the response and comfort.
  12. the burton ninjas got wind of it.
  13. i just know as do you.
  14. adrian

    Spyder Jacket

    concerning burton, ive come to the conclusion that yes more skiers should wear burton. the money is going to a much better place.
  15. the real problem is the abrupt transision and finding the right spot to return to earth. you have the real estate to make a couple checks.
  16. the run out isnt long, but thats not what you need to worry about.
  17. adrian

    Spyder Jacket

    spyder and karbon woo hoo!
  18. anon stepping it up to a new realm makes me excited.
  19. adrian


    that means elk will be letting it all hang out to stay open late. thats what i like to hear.
  20. racers arent well rounded if they cant take it all over the mountain including above the mountain in the park.
  21. yee, it definitely makes people cold, but liquid water will liquefy solid water (melt snow) unfortunately.
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