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Posts posted by Dan-

  1. I LOL at Blue's prices...Ajax/Highlands/Snowmass/Buttermilk pass for a student...$800. Blue Mountain Season pass for a student....$472. Hardly seems worth it.



    Also for the student pass you have to be 22 and under which is total bullshit.

  2. serious? dont do that... thats fuckin dumb.


    my plan is to win some contest at blue for skrilla. fuck kevin, hes starting to suck.


    and the whole "going outside" "doing something to keep you busy" thing doesnt work.

    if i have a job/social life/go outside/live life everyone thinks im on drugs.

    if i do nothing sit inside all day everyone thinks im suicidal.



    Why does it matter what everyone else thinks. Who gives a shit.

  3. me too (especially if I can pay through the site), this is one of the most depressing posts ever on PASR, can't even begin to imagine how he's feeling.



    I'll talk with Jeff and see if we can set something up. If anything, I can just start up a paypal account that is for this reason.


    I could sell off some of my gear and donate the money towards it.

  4. He could just get a job as a liftee but transportation may be an issue..a shame Stevo isn't around anymore cause he lived near Shadows..




    Thats if they are still even hiring anymore.

  5. I just realized a pass to blue costs 700 dollars now. Jesus christ is that terrible. I was going to try and start some kind of fund to get the kid a pass, but blue isn't really helping the situation.

  6. you know, you REALLY need to get whatever elitist bullshit properly educated mommy/daddy paying piece of shit out of your ass and stop trying to put people down just because of the choices they make in life. there are an infinite number of ways one can live a life...



    Completely agree.


    Just remember kids, if your life isn't as luxurious as Jeff's your doing it all wrong.

  7. You go to college to get a job that pays you the money to be able to afford to never have to sleep in your car and live a better life, so yes, he was very close.



    No, you go to college to even be able to compete in todays job market since "college" is absolutely necessary in any professional field.


    You can make plenty of money without a degree. What are your benefits to having a room? You can cuddle with doug because it'd be hard to do in the backseat of a car? Your tied down to one area, and it's much cheaper to sleep in your car. Thats money for booze, gear, gas, lift tickets you could use later in the season. Your whole opinion is skewed. Not everyone needs all of those little luxuries that you claim you need.


    I don't want to get into people's personal lives and decisions but a great example of going to college and bumming it afterwards would be doug wouldn't it? College degree making shit money and living with a few room mates....

  8. I have respect for anyone who actually sleeps in their car. That is hardcore.


    For me, however, life is too short to spend it sleeping in a car. And, my side bolsters are too pronounced to allow for any movement while sleeping :banghead



    Back seat... I have slept in my back seat a few times while being to drunk to drive, it's not that bad.

  9. Ride Deleware...i've worked out a bit this summer but hiking in ski boots up a couple hundred steps with skis slung over your shoulder is gonna make me sweaty fo sheezy. It's never been my goal to get into good shape for ski season, just to get into good shape in general....right now I'm still overweight but at least not obese like I was earlier in the summer. For my height obese is over 215 pounds.



    What are you at 214?

  10. Can't you just ski on your couch? Why bother driving to snow...


    It's all about the smell of starbucks...the store...the cup...the logo...the bold brew...the happy barista...the fill of half/half...dash of sugar from the canister...the first sip from the cup...JADIP


    I do it Monday-Sunday - Rt 248 Starbucks. Stop by and I'll buy you a cup of Nazareth's finest colonial coffee :nana



    Coffee sucks and starbucks is over priced. With all that money you spend on your coffee daily you could have season passes for the next 5 years.

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