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Posts posted by Dan-

  1. Sitting in school today, during second period it just starts dumping.. i don't understand this weather, one dy it's 75 the next it's 35 and snowing again... Last night when i walked my girlfriend out to her car it smelled like it was going to snow(i dunno if you know what im talking about but when it snows or going to snow there is a certain smell in the air) Go figure it snows the next day...

  2. Id replace the challenge chair with another quad, and also the mainstreet chairs with a quad because those things are slower then hell. Park Passes would be a must. I would get rid of snow tubing, and expand the mountain adding more trails and another lift to the left of comet quad...



    Or just sell it and move out west.

  3. sugarbush is supposed to be open till the 30th from what i understand, im heading up there next weekend. and then the weekend after easter im heading to tuckermans



    Ive always wanted to ride Tucks. Looks insane. I talked to a teacher at my school that rode tucks, and still does every year, he loves it.

  4. Sa weet pictures...You might beat me in ski days if the snowpack holds out... :rock


    I didn't know you had a tattoo...badass...I don't have the ballz to get a tattoo but if I did it would probably be a skier..



    I'll have a few tattoo's soon. My uncle used to be a tattoo artist so he can just hook me up. He keeps asking me if i want some.

  5. Hey just buy a pass at BC next year they are doing all of that plus they are adding more snowmaking a boarder cross run, awesome spring big air events along with weekly cumalative freestyle comps with huge prizes along with upgrading lifts and they have public forums to discuss improvements.. :rock



    To bad i probably have more vertical in my back yard...Im not a park rat so BC doesn't suit me very well.

  6. Ill be driving up next year :) But yeah, I looked at the lights for the last time and I wanted to cry. I was out 64 times this year so it basically became a necessity of life and now its gone.. Midnovember better come soon man or I am gonna die.. I guess wake boarding will have to do for now.



    Wakeboarding is no snowboarding, i already tryed that substitute.

  7. I personally think that inverts should be allowed at Blue.. Or at least in the competitions. It would generally make them more interesting. Injuries may happen more but it would not be a drastic amount.. In most cases the only people that will throw them who are people that can actually do them. Maybe you will have to take a test or watch a video or sign a release form or w/e. I still think that some way or another they should be allowed.



    There is the back flip kid at blue mountain. He's there everyday throwing down backflips over every booter.. Don't think he ever got in trouble.

  8. Nope ive never been there. I choose to ride bigger less crowded resorts in VT like Stowe, i try stay away from the NYers, and Massholes.. Pow over park all day long. I do know Pat M makes some sick stuff, as he does Park City, UT aswell.

  9. The more we push for it, the louder its heard, the sooner they will come. And thats one year of me being at blue 40 days a year, flying over jumps 100 times a day, with a lower chance of killing someone else. It is necessary, if all blue did was make their lips wider and add park passes, that would be a HUGE improvement for me. I will be harping on it all summer. So whether you like it or not, these threads will live on becuase they are whats important to the terrain park. If you don't like it, stop reading them.

    Lets look back at some idiot comments from the posts above:

    thats a stupid assumption. Just becuase they aren't posting here, means they are against park passes?


    Let me tell you the secret behind a park pass. Its not the $5 cost, its not if there is a safety video or not, its the realization that, oh wow this place is not for me. Everyone skiing can buy a park pass, but when they see a fence and a gate and a guy making sure you have a 'pass' to go in here, and you signed a warning becuase its so dangerous, people get intimidated. Are daddy smith and mommy smith going to take junior in the park if they have to sign a bunch of forms about how dangerous it is? Hell no. But right now its like, hey lets go look at people in the terrain park! Its cool! Lets stand right here its nice and flat! Wow I'm so close to where they are landing!


    Meanwhile, i once fell on the first jump at mountain creek, as I was sliding down the landing a friend of mine on skis hit it behind me. Yes we were going off a little too close together, but i never really fall on it except this time there was a kid sitting on the landing and i tried to avoid him. This was 2 years ago pre-park pass days. His skis popped off becuase he landed in a hockey stop to avoid me, one of hte skis helicoptered off and hit me in the back of the head. It dented my metal helmet there was so much force from it spinning. Imagine if he had gone over first and tried to land like i did and the ski hit the kid who was below me without a helmet?


    The pass makes it much more intimidating, people who don't belong will go in with a little more caution, and the large majority of people would understand why they're needed if you explain it.

    its not closed, $5 a year is just breaking your bank account? Realize at mountain creek its not a hassle to get the pass, you walk up to a shack thats on the top of the mountain, fill out a form, hand over $5 and your done. Total time - 5 minutes, total cost - $5. Once per season. Yet it has made the parks 1,000 times safer. Ok maybe the statistic is 60%, but to me the differance between riding in that park and any other in the area is HUGE. There are 1 or 2 idiots in there a day tops that I run across, my average run at Shawnee it was 1 or 2 idiots per feature.

    dirty little secret about the park passes, now that being an idiot is the exception not the norm, those little kids lose their toughness real fast. Plus they start to stand out becuase there are so few. Get in someones way once and your taught to watch out your standing in a landing, twice and your yelled at because your in a landing, 3 times and they probably won't skip the rail next time and your getting hit. Usually once is all they need.

    Really good point onthe Nastar comparison I hadn't thought of that



    I see where your coming from about posting it more and pushing it, but do you think the higher ups of the blue mountain staff read these boards.. Slim chance, and those are the people that count. If you want to be heard send e-mails, write letters, give phone calls, make suggestions. We don't need a PARK PASSES AT BLUE every 2 threads, there is one right below this one. People have discussed the same arguement 80000000000000000 times, and everyone posts the same thing each time. Im all for park passes, although im not a park rat, when i do go to hit a 50ft booter i don't want some little kid sitting on the landing.


    If you want to be heard, your going to have to do more then just post on this msg board.

  10. It was a great season. Got out 31 days which is the most ive done in a season so far. Hope to improve that number every year. My girlfriend got into snowboarding and is getting good which is sick. Met some people from here, and had a great time riding with them. Sad to see the season come to an end. I put away all my gear today, but hopefully it'll come back out for a spring trip to NY or VT, well see.

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