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Posts posted by Dan-

  1. Yeah i had to drive home in that crap. It started raining when i was at sheetz coming home from blue, then 2 minutes later when i was pumping my gas it got really windy and instantly changed to snow. On the way home i saw some lightning. Crazy weather front...

  2. special passes for a black diamond make no sense. as stated before, etiquette in the park is entirely different than the normal set of rules laid forth by the skiers' responsibility code. when skiing in the park, a whole different set of rules applies, hence why they have a board posted at the top of the park with the park specific rule set. you dont have any special rules that apply to black diamonds. in the park, people need to know to call their drop, not ski under landings, dont ski off the sides of jumps, dont ride across boxes and somehow fall off the side, etc. its a completely different environment, and if people dont realize that, they dont belong there. this is not a tough concept to grasp.



    I think Doug was kidding, but Park passes would be sick. It just gets annoying and frustrating when there's so many morons in the park who don't know what they are doing. It causes injuries aswell. Maybe within the next year or 2 blue will have park passes.

  3. I was up at montage on sunday. I was with my girlfriend so i couldn't do everything i wanted so we just stuck to cannonball most of the time. They only had a few trails open, and if they don't get some snow soon, they are gonna be in trouble. It was cold and windy but we had a good time.

  4. SLC is a great location, Surrounded by the wasatch mountains there are alot of mountains within an hour drive. I know Jackson Hole, wyoming is getting dumped on this season and there is pow pow everywhere, and you can't go wrong with 4000+ ft of vert.


    If your looking for Park, Park City is right there, close to SLC. The Canyons which are great for freeriding, tons of terrain 8 peaks, i hear is also really good. There's so many options to choose from.


    As for ALTA is completely outta the question considering he's a snowboarder and ALTA hasn't recognized snowboarding yet, because they are ********.


    IMO id say go ride the mountain, you can always come back to the ice coast to ride terrain parks. Try to find a local to show you some secret stashes of pow, and you'll be lovin it.

  5. Ah ha - ever experienced vertigo? truly a very weird thing to be out west, in thin air, on steep ungroomed slopes and not be able to even see your skis, the fog is so thick.. I thought no biggie, I can "feel" my way down, and then... wham it starts to hit you, you feel woozy and start loosing your sense of balance because your eyes are wide open and everything is white and there is nothing below but a 30 degree pitch, no horizon, no nothing and every time you move you move downwards.... Weird really weird....


    I always knew it as "Whiteout" but yeah it's crazy.

  6. Blue has no room for a jump that size, and where they want to put it is just stupid. They are going to put a 75 Ft booter right after a turn, because you'll really be able to get enough speed for that. They need to use there heads. And with the amount of people that go through the park someone is gonna get wrecked on the landing when they hit some little kid standing at the bottom because your gonna be flying once you land... If they want jumps that big, they are gonna need to cut a new trail that is straight for jumps of that size.

  7. Do you guys think Bode's an Alchoholic? We all like to drink from time to time but if I was in serious races with multi-million dollar sponsorships I'd probably lay off the booze. I don't think Tiger Woods shows up at his tournements hung over, that's John Dalys job.



    Maybe he doesn't care about spsonsorships. Maybe he just ski's because he enjoy's skiing. Sponsorships... sure there great, you get paid and get free stuff, but for that they take away your freedom. Bode seems like a very chilled out dude that doesn't want all the troubles of a sponsorship. More power to him if he's just having fun, because thats what skiing and riding should be all about.

  8. I guess i should have read this before i left haha. I got done 1 run and came down and was wondering why everyone was at the challenge chair, then i saw the ropes.. And yes the conditions weren't very good tonight, and i hit a rock which left a long scrap down the center of my board, luckily it's not deep at all and won't really affect it. Hopefully they fix the chair soon, im heading back up saturday mourning.

  9. Yeah the cover was great for the type of weather we've been having. Hopefully the temps will drop soon and give us some snow. Im about to just drive to Mammoth and ride the 60+ inches of snow they just got :banghead

  10. If your from abington, why does your school go to Blue. They should go to Elk since its the closest, and then Montage cuz its second closest.


    Id help if you knew were abington was. Abington is just outside of Philadelphia, therefore Elk is about 3 hours from my school, and blue is 1 and a half hours. Do the math. Trust me i like elk alot better and seeing how they got like 10 inchs of snow last night and today id rather go there, but Blue is much closer. I hear ya Jeff. I just wanna shred razors and challenge,don't worry Jeff, most kids in my school won't be on the diamonds, so were in the clear :) If you see someone in a White camo jacket and black pants thats me, the name is Dan.

  11. if ya dont know their airblaster leg bags.



    :This is the one and only Airblaster Leg Bag. This product is essential for all your shred needs. It provides a place for your items such as car keys, chap stick, phone, little black book, season pass, compass, extra lenses, business cards, gum, money, stickers (you never know when you need to freshen up that sticker job on your board), film, wax, tool, extra hardware, power bar, and so many other things. This leg bag is equipped with a D-ring that allows you to attach any leash coil.

    and basically worn by a lot of people who dont even really care about using them but they are THE trend... airblaster is definitely one of the "cool" B) things to have right now.

    too many posers for me :P


    I think the bags just look plain stupid, along with the people who tie a bandana to there belt loop.

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