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Trail Report 12/22


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Took a trip to blue yesterday with my sister. Nice suprise that challange was open. Took a few runs down the Park and it was horrible. I did every rail on my skis until i fell on the roller coaster cause some beginner cut me off. There were so many people in the park this was at about 12:30 at like 1 we took lazy mile to the six pack no lines at all but the snow on home stretch was so soft and slow. We laped challange and the falls like 10 times till 3. Not bad when no one was laying in the middle. Great kicker on the right side right before the falls to clear the gap then go down falls. We took a short break then went down paradise. We were the only ones on the trail. I was cutting off and on and 360ing or 180ing back on the trail. As i was goign some d bag patrol blows his little wistle and grabs me and starts yelling at me. Me and my sisters friends were cracking up he wrote me a ticket for skiing to fast. He was like "whats your name" me "max" Dbag "your gonna need to spell that" haha i laffed in his face. THen he checked the "data base" to see if i had a record which i now do. He told me that i needed to be more careful and i skiied really fast away. Next we thought of fake names if we ever get caught again. WE poached the pow on sidewinder like 4 times then called it a day we did not care if they clipped our tickets cause we were going home. All in all fun day

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the patrollers at blue need to get a life.


my run in with a patroller on thursday at JF

me: hey, when is this run going to open? (they where grooming it out with a cat mid day)

patroller: (standing at the top of the trail at the rope making sure no one ducked in and got hit by the cat)

i dunno, about an hour?

me: oh ok, we'll check back

patroller: you know when you see me putting the pads on the lift towers its just about time, it will still say closed on top but if you come through then i won't say anything, you just can't come through with the cat on it

me: sweet


if it where at blue, I would probably have gotten tasered for going past a closed trail sign when we went down later for first tracks

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Yeah the patrollers this year are dicks. The majority of them are older and feel they have to live up to the super hero ski patrol image. Ive been written up for inverts this year, almost written up for cursing, and almost again for doing some 180 switch butters on Paradise. My friend was put in the system for skiing switch down Burma... With the slow trail openings and the horrible management this year I am seriously thinking about getting a pass somewhere else for next year. The more advanced skiiers and riders get in trouble for doing the things they do all the time and cause no harm get in trouble and the beginners that sit in the landings for 10 mins at a time walk away without even a whistle. Maybe next year the lifts will have a child safety restraint system.

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Yeah the patrollers this year are dicks. The majority of them are older and feel they have to live up to the super hero ski patrol image. Ive been written up for inverts this year, almost written up for cursing, and almost again for doing some 180 switch butters on Paradise. My friend was put in the system for skiing switch down Burma... With the slow trail openings and the horrible management this year I am seriously thinking about getting a pass somewhere else for next year. The more advanced skiiers and riders get in trouble for doing the things they do all the time and cause no harm get in trouble and the beginners that sit in the landings for 10 mins at a time walk away without even a whistle. Maybe next year the lifts will have a child safety restraint system.



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The more advanced skiiers and riders get in trouble for doing the things they do all the time and cause no harm get in trouble and the beginners that sit in the landings for 10 mins at a time walk away without even a whistle.


Exactly. Forget the stuff that is actually dangerous, skiing down a hill backwards is the problem. Forget the fact that the guy who CAN ski switch is in more control than 80% of all the people on the hill anyway. Forget that if I fall and hurt myself while doing a 180, I only hurt myself, and the kid who doesn't belong in the park is going to hurt everyone but himself, just let a bunch of old school ski patrollers act like they know whats best.

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Where did you do a rodeo this time in the season???


I was thinking about being like "oo im sorry sir im not skiing fast at all i'm taking it easy i am actually and Olympic skier. "


haha thats mad funny. If they thought you were an Olympic skiier they would probably follow you though cause they knew they could get you for more stuff.


I threw a fs rodeo off the kicker on the right at the bottom of main street. It used to be a little bigger. Its a lot smaller now and isnt possible.

Edited by Rodeo Steve
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I've skied switch down Burma and Paradise and have flew down Paradise spraying people sitting down numerous times and have never gotten written up. This has all been midweek so far...better take it easy on the weekends I guess.


I don't understand how you can be written up for cursing. Blue isn't school. I can understand if someone politely asked for me to watch my language if there are kids around, but if it's a bunch of adults, they need to learn to deal with the english language.

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