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Dynastar Trouble Maker Limited Alpine Ski $169


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That is a super good price.



Hells yeah it is... When Dan showed me them I was like jump on that as quick as you possibly can because not only are PE's the ultimate all mountain twin tip for the east coast that price is just sick. Now only if K2 would bring them back (I hate the whole retro crap with the extreme's) and make them in a 189 I'd buy another pair..

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Hells yeah it is... When Dan showed me them I was like jump on that as quick as you possibly can because not only are PE's the ultimate all mountain twin tip for the east coast that price is just sick. Now only if K2 would bring them back (I hate the whole retro crap with the extreme's) and make them in a 189 I'd buy another pair..

I just bought the Nordica Jet Fuel, but I'm real tempted on this ski. I don't have much of a need for a twin tip, and another mid-80's width ski seems redundant. However, amazing price is really hard to resist.

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Holy smokes... the JF PASR Crew might be the JF PASR PE crew soon.... Dan, PARR, Mike, Me....lol that would be some funny stuff... then we need A-Jeff and Root to come on over and have a PASR PE day....lol


They are some great skis... I have a really hard time skiing on my Firstbloods when the PE's are in the same bag.... I pretty much have to force myself to actually not use the PE's by not waxing them and stuff like that.....lol

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