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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. True. In my defense though when I went to a Patriots vs Jets game I popped in to check it out (I like how there's a bridge that leads from the mall to the stadium... actually a pretty cool setup). As for big snow itself, idk I wasn't feeling it. The indoor roller coasters and water park actually intrigued me more. I'm sure I'll try it at some point. Skiing, for me, is multi faceted ...50% (or more) is about the experience of being outdoors, on the mountain, in nature, that feeling of freedom etc. the other 50% is about the sport itself, the fun of flying down the mountain with 2 pieces of wood (or one) strapped to your feet....not necessarily the technicalities of it, more so pointing them down hill and just skiing. I hated certain aspects of instructing (when I did it) because they were so focused on the bullshit related to technique. That shit drives certain people. For me it's more than that. Sorry for the long post lol
  2. No offense Dime...but I think I'd rather be under 72 degrees and bright sunshine, surrounded by fall foliage, than at the mall ski area in New Jersey.
  3. A nice stoke inducing post in my Twitter feed today.
  4. 20% off with your pass, up from 10% no matter what you do. I just needed bindings mounted...neither of which (bindings or skis) did I purchase at Blue. Got the 20% off, plus my $50 season pass gc plus a $20 GC from @Benm (thanks again sir). Total cost came to $2.01. blue covered the penny.
  5. Sorry forgot to update. Yes they are open although they need a few weeks to get the skis done. I'm dropping off today...open from 12-5.
  6. Looks like he did make it https://x.com/BrianEntin/status/1844223472832241982?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1844223472832241982|twgr^a86ca784b2804dfb932139cc910e7a6e0376fa3a|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Ft%2Fassets%2Fhtml%2Ftweet-4.html1844223472832241982
  7. The guy who lives in the boat apparently had to be rescued. Not cool as those first responders could have be helping people who weren’t dumbasses
  8. Guess I should take the skis in to get mounted.
  9. Impreza sport hatchback with a manual transmission. I like it!
  10. Not at all. I liked it. Good car...no issues, safe and all that but I shipped it to Arizona for my daughter to have. Now I don't need to rent a car when I go!
  11. I recently joined the Subaru club along with you.
  12. Flagstaff in Jan. Going to somehow someway work ski sunrise into this trip.
  13. I’ve noticed for the last 7 or 8 years now that a lot of younger people are into stuff i, you, we listed to 30, 20 years ago. 90s, early 2000s etc. why wouldn’t they? It was (is) awesome and There’s literally nothing out there today that’s great imo (at least nothing considered mainstream). Kids today (mine included) aren’t into bands, albums etc like we were a few decades ago. Yeah they have their Spotify, their playlists and whatnot but music, bands or whatever don’t necessarily define them like it did when I was a teenager. I think that ended in the early to mid 2000s. YouTubers, memes etc. are this generations celebrities
  14. Another cloudless bluebird 70 degree day. What a stretch we've been having. I haven't seen a cloud in the sky in over a week
  15. You gotta hit those labor day sales. I'm ready too tbh. Usually hits around this time of year.
  16. Snagged a pair. Seem like a good blue mountain ski. I also had a credit at the local ski shop for selling old skis at consignment. Snagged a pair of marker griffons with that to go with the Rossis. LFG
  17. The Labor Day dealios are on. Anyone have experience with the Rossi sender 94? I’m not big on taking a risk on a ski that I’ve never been on but it seems like something I’d like according to reviews (all mountain, daily driver, fairly stable at speeds yet light, easier to maneuver etc.) good deals out there on the enforcers too (which I demo’d in Arizona and liked). I have it narrowed down to these two. I’m pretty sure I’m done with line for the time being.
  18. RidgeRacer

    Sale rumors...

    Let’s all chip in and buy it.
  19. Haha. Yeah I said to myself that I would hold off a bit…then ran out and got boots next day. Now I’m looking at skis. I think I need to hide the credit card.
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