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Can Whiplash Show Up 36 Hours Later?


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Alright, so since yesterday morning, I have had a killer stiff neck, I thought I just slept on it wrong, but usually when that happens it goes away quickly. The only thing I can think of that could have happened is on friday I landed badly from a jump (landed going backwards) and fell onto my back and snapped my head back pretty good... I felt fine friday night and saturday, but starting sunday morning it was killer, I kept a heating pad on most of the day yesterday, and it was just as bad when I woke up this morning... any ideas?


On a related note... What is a good helmet to buy? I'm in the market.

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Heating pad? Hmmmm.....doctors decided quite a while ago that heating pads and hot tubs were the worst thing for actual muscle damage and injuries. It's okay for mild soreness and stiffness, but heat increases blood flow into the damages tissue and increases swelling. Put a hot towel on a bad bruise and just watch the pretty colors.


"Ice, ice, baby." Was that Vanilla Ice?



So if you have a stiffy, wrap something warm on it. If you have a pull or tear, stick it in something cold, off and on for the first 48-72 hours, and don't look up any skirts for a while.

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ski, isnt whiplash your friend?  auto accidents, etc.... :lol:  :huh:

I don't currently practice law. Seven years of family court in a depressed urban situation was more than I wanted to deal with. One of my goals is to never stand before another judge in my life. People who think doctors have a God complex should spend time in the Mercer County, NJ, halls of female justice.

The best advise an adult can give a child is to get a good education in order to find the best way to screw around for the remaining 50 or so years of their lives.


I'm currently self-employed and spend two hours skiing or surfing for every hour I work. Two of my ex-wives find that horrible. F them, I say. I've skied with both of their current husbands and they both fall down a lot.

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you say 2 of ur ex wives, how many in total do you have?

Just two, so far. My current wife skis and is an awesome bodyboarder, so she'll be allowed to remain for a while.

Ohh Ski how did we go for so long with out your comments on the old message board :huh:

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