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I Don't Believe It!


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You want to go skiing, head down south. Both snowshoe and a place in North Carolina are making snow. The place in NC is thinking about opening tomorrow. See the links below.






Well as it turns out, it doesn't look like the one in NC is opening tomorrow. When I went to get the link the conditions report said they will not open tomorrow. I didn't check Snowshoe, maybe they will open soon, but probably not tomorrow .

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I know I'm waiting to fire up my guns at home, but its not cold enough. I live in Orefield outside of Allentown so its always a few degrees cooler. I hope it doesn't get cold until atleast next Wednsday because I'm going to Chicago tomorrow and I will be ticked if it gets cold enough.

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Nah, I don't have a ramp or kicker but before my sister went to college she had some rails and built some jumps. I just like to sled down it, lol. Nothing like having the only snow in the neighborhood and having all the little kids envy you.

It's has to be below freezing where you are right now. Get those guns going and take some pics.

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I wonder if Mount Mitchell is ski-able.

I was up to the to of Mitchell over the summer, when it was 95+ here, when we got there it was 57 deg and that was mid August. Talking to some of the rangers, people do ski up in the winter and ski it.


There are 41 mountains in the east that are over 6000 feet. 40 of them are down in that area. Mt. Washington in #17 on the list. There are some big beautiful mountains down in Nort Carolina and West Virginia.

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